Rather be the hunter than the prey
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Will you hold the line?
When every one of them has given up and given in, tell me
In this house of mine
Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost, tell me
Will the stars align?
Will heaven step in will it save us from our sin, will it?
'Cause this house of mine stands strong
That's the price you pay
Leave behind your heart and cast away
Just another product of today
Rather be the hunter than the prey
And you're standing on the edge face up
'Cause you're a natural
A beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold
To make it in this world
Yeah, you're a natural
Living your life cutthroat
You gotta be so cold
Yeah, you're a natural
Will somebody
Let me see the light within the dark trees shadowing
What's happening?
Looking through the glass find the wrong within the past knowing
Oh, we are the youth
Cut until it bleeds inside a world without the peace, face it
A bit of the truth, the truth
That's the price you pay
Leave behind your heart and cast away
Just another product of today
Rather be the hunter than the prey
And you're standing on the edge face up
'Cause you're a natural
A beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold
To make it in this world
Yeah, you're a natural
Living your life cutthroat
You gotta be so cold
Yeah, you're a natural
Deep inside me
I'm fading to black I'm fading
Took an oath by the blood on my hand won't break it
I can taste it the end is upon us I swear
Gonna make it
I'm gonna make it
A beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold
To make it in this world
Yeah, you're a natural
Living your life cutthroat
You gotta be so cold
Yeah, you're a natural
Yeah, you're a natural
Nikolai had invited everyone over for a drink. After their near death experience from the freezing cold and the shock of seeing a real life demon come out of the Ravkan king, Anika was thrilled to be drowning down in brandy.
Sturmhond's face was gone now and Nikolai sat there with his crew, drinking. Anika had never seen Nikolai's real face in person and she thought, what a loss it was for him to be disguised as Sturmhond. Nikolai was a very handsome young lad, he should totally wear his features more often.
"What was that thing?" Someone asked Nikolai.
"Another weapon in our arsenal," Nikolai simply responded.
"Looked like a gargoyle." Anika mentioned. Recalling the dark monster that came out of the alluring king in front of her.
Nikolai refilled his glass. "Hush now. It'll hear you."
Anika gulped. "I didn't mean nothing by it."
But Nikolai only laughed and the others followed suit, nervous but obliging.
Kaz sat a good distance from them observing as he drank his drink alone. Nikolai had kept this secret of his from the others and he could've kept it. But if he hadn't brought the demon to life, to detach the cable, the Kerch would have guessed that Ravka was involved and might have realised that the titanium was missing. They might have taken action to exact revenge. None good. But Nikolai's secret would still have been his. Does Aeolian know about this? Kaz suspected she does.
Tolya Yul-Bataar wanted to join Nikolai and Zoya but he knew his place was on the airship, but he had watched the whole procession keenly from above. He knew what Nikolai was and so did Zoya, but the others were taken aback after the demon came to life. Except for Kaz Brekker who had the same unhinged expression on his face. Ever since Tolya laid his eyes on the thief: the Shu man could tell Brekker wasn't a people person. In fact, he gave him all the wrong impressions.
When Nikolai had informed Tolya about this absurd plan to steal the titanium from the Kerch with the help of a thief named Kaz Brekker, Tolya was instantly transformed he had heard Brekker's name a thief, a liar, utterly without a conscious. Criminal prodigy, ruthless, amoral. Bastard of the barrel. They call him Dirtyhands because there's no sin he would not commit for the right price.
Nikolai had explained that only Brekker could steal the titanium right under the nose of the Kerch military because he was that good and he'd only agree if the price was right. So Aeolian's life had to be on the line. Tolya thought that the King was endangering the life of the Shu princess by putting his faith on a lowly barrel thug but Tolya was a soldier and so he had to obey.
The Shu man knew the affections of the Shu princess towards Brekker, he had witness it from his own eyes. "If I die, tell him I loved him." She'd told Tolya back then, when her grandmother tried to assassinate her.
But by the grace of the Divine and the saints she lived. Tolya still had the envelope she gave him that very night, he put a hand on his chest pocket where the envelope was well secured. He examined the thief again: he just couldn't understand what the heavenly girl had seen in Brekker, he had this terrible darkness that no light could penetrate through. The Shu princess could be with anyone but for some unexplainable reason she choose him. Maybe, she'd change her mind. She's only a teenager. And Tolya prayed, she'd change her mind.
But for now, he had to do the right thing. Hand over the envelope to Kaz Brekker not because he wanted to but because he had to. It was his duty and he might never cross paths with Brekker again, and he prays this is the last. One encounter was enough to make him realise, Brekker was not his cup of tea.
The Shu giant rose up and walked towards Kaz Brekker, who was adjusting his tie. At least, the thief knows how to dress and put himself together.
"What business?" Kaz asked in the Kerch way of greeting. But his voice sounded so unwelcoming.
Tolya thought of Aeolian, the way she used those words and now he knew why. Ketterdam had sticked to her, not in a good way though. He pulled out the sealed envelope from his pocket and handed it to Kaz. "I don't know if you deserve her but for some reasons, she thinks you do."
He didn't miss the change in Kaz's heartbeat as he took the envelope and slide it inside his coat pocket.
Jesper and Wylan were waiting at the cliffs for the airship. Nikolai, Tolya and Zoya joined Kaz and Anika at the wind-buffeted bay doors as they were preparing to descend to the cliffs.
Nikolai handed Kaz the metal box. "For her."
Kaz took it, tucking it under one arm. "An infernal gadget to contend with your other infernal gadgets."
"I have a gift for order and a taste for chaos." Nikolai crossed his arms.
Kaz raised a brow. "The man with the monster inside."
"I see the wheels turning in your head, Mister Brekker, wondering what you might do with this information. I would ask, one lair to another, that you and your crew keep it to yourself." Nikolai looked at Kaz and Anika.
"I find secrets are the most reliable stocks. The longer they're kept, the more their value rises." Kaz said easily.
"We could shove him out of the airship now," suggested Zoya.
That would be a sight Tolya wouldn't want to miss.
"Trust me, I've thought about it." Nikolai smiled as if he was really considering shoving the thief out, "but we're not going to."
"Why is that?" Kaz asked amusingly.
"Because Mister Brekker has the best insurance of all. He's proven himself useful." Nikolai said.
"Speaking of secrets," said Kaz, taking hold of the cable. "Now I know why the wedding has been postponed."
"What?" Nikolai said, snapping out of his cool demeanour.
"Tesoro isn't a fan of gargoyles." Kaz almost smiled.
'Tesoro' means treasure in Kerch and they'll knew exactly who Kaz was talking about. Zoya's brows shot up, Anika contained her laughter, Nikolai looked irritated. At least, Dirtyhands has a sense of humour Tolya thought.
Kaz settled his cane more firmly in his grip and nodded to the cable operator, ready to descend. "A word of advice from one bastard to another: sometimes what you're looking for is right besides you." He told Nikolai.
The cable dropped and Kaz Brekker was gone.
Anika soon followed and as the two figures faded. The Shu giant saw realisation struck Nikolai's features Zoya had been there right besides him all these time, he didn't have to look further.
Somehow Tolya understood, why the Shu princess was fond of Brekker; he notices every single detail. And maybe, he noticed something in her that the others couldn't. Because some connections couldn't be understood, just felt.
July. 02. 2022
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