Hold the last burning ember
She strolled into the sitting room as the room filled up with the exquisite scent of pure ylang-ylang. Heading straight towards the bar, it was as it she'd never been hurt, never been helpless. She'd bathed, dressed in fresh silks, her raven black hair let loose as she wore a headpiece made out of moonstones. The girl seemed gleam up with confidence and beauty.
"You shouldn't drink wine," said Tolya, "the draught isn't out of your system yet."
She wrinkled her nose adorably. "Then I suppose I'll drink tea like an old woman. Zumu, never had a sip of tea in her life no wonder she don't think or act like one." Zumu means grandmother in Shu.
"There's nothing wrong with tea, your majesty." Objected Tolya. "The Empress drinks wine like water, no wonder her mind is so fermented."
Aeolian gracefully sat down on the sofa and helped herself to the dried fruits displayed on the bowl. "This had been the Empress plan all along. If she'd killed me, she would have had cause for war."
"And I thought the Darkling was the evil one," Tolya muttered. "Are you positive she's your grandmother and not his?"
"Very funny. They both can rot for all I care." She tossed her glorious black mane behind.
Tolya eyes caught the lock of hair that she'd cut off, that very night. He had sealed the lock of hair in an envelope.
"If I die tell him, I loved him." The words still ringing in Tolya's ears.
The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true. You have to know where you want to go before you get there. Aeolian thought as she picked up another piece of dried raisin.
Back than at Ketterdam she was angry with Kaz after he'd told her that she could be replaced and she'd thought—just this minute, she'll settle for an apology. And she won't board the boat without one. Even if Kaz Brekker isn't sorry, he can pretend. He at least owes her his best imitation of a human being.
After she'd been stabbed Kaz had come for her, he'd stopped her from taking her own life and he'd bundled her into his arms, running across the harbour in the crossfire without his cane.
"You came back for me." She'd told him.
"I would," he panted. "I always would..."
She remembered. He owed her an apology. "Say you're sorry."
But she didn't hear his reply. She'd lost consciousness. Did Kaz Brekker ever apologised? But that didn't matter, he had come for her.
"I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together—knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting."
Kaz had told her back in Black Veil, and she knew that he'd come for her and he'd fight for her no matter what the consequence. Because that's who they are, they're the ones who never stop fighting. And now it's her time to fight.
Aeolian finally rose up. "I need to see Nik."
"Your fiancé you mean," a light smirk passed Tolya's face.
"You're as insufferable as him," she squinted. "You should be together instead."
Nikolai was in his chambers at the Grand Palace, the hallway was heavily protected by both Grisha and palace guards.
The Ravkan king lay in his king size bed. Wearing his night gown, his skin was pink. His head was wrapped in soft white linen. He had no eyebrows and lashes. Genya had explained it'll take several days to bring his flesh and hair back to full health, but they had reversed worst of the damage.
It was a miracle that he was still alive, and Aeolian was grateful to the Divine who answered her prayers. She'd prayed for him, for his life, for his recovery.
She sat down besides him. He was as pink like a baby, in a deep sleep. It was for the best, she thought. He'd saved her life and she didn't know how to thank him or even apologise for the tragedy that happened two nights ago, she had no part in the foul play they all knew that but she felt responsible in a way—she should've never trusted her grandmother. Leyti was like the Darkling, charming yet deceitful.
Aeolian looked out of the window, the Ravkan palace was nothing compared to the grandeur of Ahmrat Jen. Ravka has never been able to match Shu Han on monuments or scenery. A famous Shu architect took one look at the Grand Palace of Ravka and declared it an affront to the eyes of god.
The Shu we're proud people but they love her and the Empress knew that well because not only was Aeolian the granddaughter of the Empress but she was born out of love, Sakura and General Xiao had love between them and everyone knew that. They named Aeolian, the most precious jewel of the desert. So the Empress was counting on their love for her. If she'd perished with that Tavgharad, the Ravkan's would have no way to prove they died by their own hands or that Aeolian had been their victim. The Shu people would have risen up and the Empress would have what she wants; war.
The Empress gets what she wants, Aeolian had always known and time and again the Empress had failed in keeping her words and broken her trust. Aeolian was a spy, she wouldn't weep but the Empress had seen the least of what she could do and if she really wants to take that road, Aeolian would take her.
She pulled out the sealed envelope from her pocket and placed it on the nightstand, leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, "you enormously stubborn pain in the ass. Don't you dare die on me Nik. Don't you dare."
Nikolai had told her back then, 'anything worth doing starts as a bad idea.' And she had a bad idea.
Your human mind may wander, but your Falcon eye remains keen.
Aeolian peered out of the window of the airship. She couldn't see much in the dark. Their airship had left Ravka two and half days after the incident, she was sure by now the Empress would be waiting eagerly for the news of Aeolian's demise and to plot her next move. If only her grandmother knew, Aeolian wasn't easy to kill, hundreds had tried but failed miserably and her grandmother had tried killing her more than once. She shouldn't have repeated the same mistake again, because Aeolian's patience with that old lady was at an end.
Tolya along with ten soldiers from the first army travelled with her. She'd left her Shu guards in Ravka because she didn't know the extent of their loyalties, and she had no time to find out.
The healers and Genya Safin had done a good job in healing her with her scars. She'd always been tailored ever since she was a child and that's why her skin was always flawless, despite taking in so much injuries. She ran her fingers, through her long dark hair; she trims her hair once a year, so that it doesn't outgrow a certain length, it has always been the same length as long as she could remember but now there was a strand of her hair, shorter than the others. She'd cut it off nights before—to give it to him. So that even if they never get to see each other again, he'd have something valuable of her's as the Shu's consider it sacred.
Aeolian thought about Matthias Benedik Helvar, the only person apart from her that was religious among their crew. Still now none of them knew who shot him? They had so many enemies but she knew in her heart that he'd received nirvana. Nina had buried him in the Ice, he's with Djel now. Nirvana means, a state of perfect peace.
Her mind took her back to the isenulf, the white wolves bred to go into battle with the drüskelle. They were bigger than ordinary wolves, and though they were trained to obey their masters, they never lost the wild, indomitable streak that separated them from their distant domesticated cousins.
"The same family has been breeding the isenulf for generations. Each drüskelle chooses a pup. From then on, you are each other's responsibility. You fight beside each other, sleep on the same furs, your rations are your wolf's rations. He is not your pet. He is a warrior like you, a brother." Matthias said.
"What if something happens to the wolf?" Aeolian asked.
"A drüskelle can train a new wolf, but it is a terrible loss." Matthias replied.
"What happens to the wolf if his drüskelle is killed?" Aeolian looked at him. "You've a wolf named Trassel right?"
Matthias was silent for a time. "They are returned to the wild, but they will never be accepted by any pack. And what is a wolf without a pack? The isenulf are not meant to live alone."
When had the other drüskelle decided Matthias was dead? Aeolian knew that—the idea of his wolf left alone, howling for Matthias to come and take him home, carved a hollow ache in his chest.
Aeolian had sensed his sorrow, so she asked quietly. "How did you find the little troublemaker?"
Trassel in Fjerdan meant troublemaker.
"No one else wanted him, because he was getting too old and aggressive after being abused by a kid when he was a pup." Matthias explained. "But I saw something in him that the others couldn't, he attacked me when I opened his cage—his teeth sank deep into my forearm but I did not struggle, I did not cry, I did not drop his gaze. Then slowly he released a huff of breath and let go of me, I fainted shortly after that."
Aeolian reached for Matthias' hand and squeezed it gently, "after all this is over, we can bring him home Matthias."
"You mean to Ketterdam?" His brows shot up.
"With our coffers full, I'm positive we can make some arrangements. Whether it be Fjerda, Kerch or Ravka." She smiled.
Matthias smiled back, "he'd like you."
She smirked, "of course he would."
Now she looked into the mirror as her hair was done in ladder braids, she pinned the ends securely as Tolya appeared before her. "Your majesty, we're almost there."
She turned around and faced him, there was something about the Shu giant that makes her think about Matthias at times. "Let's go." She said.
(The temple)
They were outside Neyar. One of the Six Soldiers, the sacred protectors of Shu Han. The one her late father served, the believes Aeolian grew up with. They entered the temple, where she'd taken her oath and this is where she would break it.
Tolya expression was stone-like but Aeolian could sense that he felt uneasy, anything could go wrong any moment and they were alone. They couldn't bring the guards here as this place was sacred and only for Shu's and Shu's alone.
They approached through the eastern entry. The ministers were waiting with guards in tow.
"You vowed to come alone," said Aeolian.
They all bowed their heads respectfully as they saw her.
"Your majesty," minister Nagh said. "You've brought Ravka's trained attack dog beneath the roof of one of our temples."
"Tolya Kir-Bataar may have worked for the Ravkan's but he's Shu by birth and he has the right to be here, his father had served the Shu army for decades." Aeolian said.
"We don't understand, your majesty," minister Zihun said. "Aren't you supposed to be wedded off to the Ravkan king?"
"I thought so myself," Aeolian sighed as she gazed down at her giant emerald engagement ring. "But it had been all a trap. A trap made by the celestial Empress of Shu Han herself."
The temple went silently still and Aeolian could sense their shock and disbelief.
She walked a few steps up so that, she'd be able to face everyone clearly. She knew they couldn't deny her, but they needed to be won over.
"As a Taban princess, daughter of heaven. I ask you all to hear me out." The princess began, using the formal address. "My story is a sad one, but I hope you will hear me."
Aeolian didn't speak like a politician. She told her tale on the cadence of the great poets. It was like listening to someone play music, as if she had her hands on the khatuur and was plucking out a melancholy song, each verse. Revealing a new tragedy: the assassination of a great General, the exile of a Taban princess by her own mother, failed assassinations by a Taban grandmother against her very own granddaughter. The betrayal of a Taban Empress not only to her family but to the crown and what the Six Soldiers had stood for.
Aeolian didn't show the fire in her like Leyti Kir-Taban did but instead she'd showed her sweetness, her softness. Tolya couldn't help but think of the legendary generals who feigned a weakened flank to lure their enemy closer. He watched as the ministers' expressions shifted from rigid suspicion to stunned disbelief to outage and turn to fear. Because if what Aeolian said was true, they had no choice but to challenge the Empress.
Tolya had admired the courage and ingenuity of the princess ever since their first meeting, the reason why he'd decided to follow her. It had been a huge sacrifice for him to be apart from his twin sister Tamar, but he had not regretted this decision of his. Shu Han was in dire need of a ruler that would bring a change to the Kingdom and he knew in his bones that Aeolian was the one, but the Shu princess wasn't ready to take that responsibility yet, he could understand she was just a teenager and she wanted to do so much in life before the responsibilities of the crown falls on her.
Her mother Sakura Kir-Taban is still well and very much alive, she's one of the most gentle souls of the Taban line so far. And she'd be a better Empress than her mother Leyti Kir-Taban. And as long as Sakura is there, the responsibility of the crown will be on her and not Aeolian's unless, her mother decides to give up the crown to her daughter. Tolya knew that, it won't be happening anytime soon. But the only person who can challenge the Empress was her granddaughter Aeolian because she had the spine of titanium and a roar like thunder.
After she was done the ministers bowed their heads and knelt before the princess. "We have failed you your majesty. We should have protected you from your grandmother's deceptions."
"I have put you at risk by sharing this information," Aeolian said. "Now we're all in danger."
"You can set this right," Tolya said. "The Empress has no idea that the princess is alive, she's waiting for the news of her demise so under the protection of the ministers, the princess can go to the palace and challenge the Empress herself."
"We will," they rose. "Of course we will. We only get that you will show us mercy when you wear the crown."
"I do not want the crown," said Aeolian. "It's my mother's. I only want justice and peace."
Tolya thought Sakura as a useless woman who could barely fight, who liked sipping tea and play her songs and who dreamed of an ordinary life. Because after everything her evil mother had put her and her daughter through, Sakura had the heart to forgive her and even persuaded Aeolian to. She wasn't meant to be an Empress at all but maybe, for once in the history of Shu Han. They needed someone like Sakura, to let the Kingdom heal.
The next step was going to be a havoc as the palace would be surrounded by guards and spies. But it was where they had to make their stand. They couldn't simply meet with ministers. There had to be a public reckoning and the princess as well as Sakura would only be safe when everyone knows Aeolian is on Shu soil and the Empress couldn't pursue action against her in secret.
The next morning.
As the crowds surrounded the morning market. Aeolian changed into fresh silks, and tied her hair up in a crown braid. She wore all her accessories and put on her Grisha claws as well, she'd dabbed herself in ylang-ylang and drank a strong cup of dark coffee, reminiscing about the barrel days.
Aeolian's life in the barrel was hopping from the Slat to the Crow Club and shadowing Kaz to and fro, whenever she's not working for Councilman Hoede. She sat by the window sill of the attic and sharpened her knives, Kaz was busy with the papers as usual. Every now and then he'd run his gloved fingers through his dark hair, Kaz never admitted it but Aeolian knew that he had a thing for his hair and he always wanted it to be perfect. They were very much alike in that department.
Anika knocked twice and entered the room. Her eyes darted towards Aeolian, Aeolian always had this gut feeling that the Kerch girl disliked her for some reasons but Aeolian really didn't care. She wasn't with the Dregs to let people like her.
"With Big Bolliger being gone, we're going to be short-staffed boss." Anika had said.
"That reminds me, let Rojakke go." Kaz said without lifting his head up from the papers.
"Why? There's no one like him at the tables." Anika looked at Kaz.
"Rojakke is a little too quick. He's skimming." Kaz muttered.
"He has a family to provide for. You could give him a warning, take a finger." Aeolian had suggested.
When a dealer was caught skimming money from a gambling hall, the floor boss would cut off one of his pinkie fingers. It threw off the skimmer's balance, forced him to relearn his shuffle, and showed any future employer that he had to be watched.
"Then he wouldn't be a good dealer any more, would he?" Kaz slowly turned towards Aeolian. "Why don't you ladies take a little field trip to the Crow Club, instead of telling me what to do."
Aeolian didn't respond instead she slipped out of the window as she always does, she waited for Anika outside the Crow Club. However annoying Dirtyhands maybe, at the end of the day he was a barrel boss. Not that she cared about his status but she knew she couldn't hurt his pride.
Rojakke had been at the tables dealing. Anika had suggested they speak in one of the private gaming parlours to spare him the embarrassment of being fired, but Rojakke wasn't having it.
"It's not fair," he'd bellowed when Anika had told him Kaz's orders. "I ain't no cheat!"
"Take it up with Kaz," Aeolian had replied quietly.
"Where's Brekker?" Rojakke looked at her.
"I don't know." Aeolian lied.
"You always know everything about everyone," Rojakke sneered. "And you both can't seem to be apart."
Because we work together, Aeolian thought annoyingly but she didn't say it out loud. Instead she told him. "You won't want to be here when Kaz does."
"Give me my cheque. I'm owed for my last shift." He muttered.
"Brekker doesn't owe you anything." Anika said.
"He can't even face me? Instead he sends his little girls to give me the boot?" He spat.
Before Rojakke could make his move Anika slipped her fingers into the brass knuckles and gave him a swift crack across the left cheek.
Rojakke touched his fingers to the ugly bruise forming on his cheek, looking surprised and a bit betrayed. "I thought we was friendly," he protested.
The sad part was that they were. Aeolian liked Rojakke and so did Anika. But this is how the barrel works.
"Big man," Aeolian said. "Go home and be grateful Kaz doesn't take what you owe him out of your hide."
As Aeolian and Anika made their way back to the Slat, Kaz appeared. "Rojakke?" he asked.
Aeolian had that distant feeling that Kaz was prying on her but she didn't mention. And she didn't want to especially, when they had company.
"Gone," Anika responded.
"He put up much of a fight?" He questioned.
"Nothing we couldn't handle." Anika mentioned.
"Not what I asked." Kaz muttered.
"He was angry. He may come back around looking for trouble." Aeolian crossed her arms.
"Never a shortage of that to hand out," Kaz said. Then he turned to Anika, "keep an eye on Rojakke."
Anika nodded as she slipped the brass knuckles back into her pocket. In the barrel, we have to fend for ourselves, so Anika struck first before Rojakke could.
Even though she and Anika weren't friends, they were both trying to survive the barrel—they were in the same gang and they looked out for each other despite their differences. And even though they may never see eye to eye, Aeolian knew that when things go south—the Kerch girl would be there for her.
"Come on," Kaz called as he walked past Aeolian.
"Where?" She asked, falling behind him.
"The Lid." He replied.
"I've to be at Hoede's in an hour," Aeolian let out a breath.
"The old man can wait, I need my spider." He said.
"Your spider is counting the days, when she'll finally be able to leave the life of the barrel and sail off to the true sea." She said.
Kaz look was sour when he said. "Let's go."
She had a feeling that she'd upset him but she couldn't tell because Kaz always seemed agitated in a way or the other. She just followed him in silence as they made their way to the Lid.
Aeolian missed the Dregs, she missed being a part of the barrel gang. And even though she'd never taken the crow-and-cup tattoo of the gang. Looking back now she could see that, she'd been a part of them long before she'd even realised she was.
Now Tolya walked in and handed her a eighteen string khatuur. The khatuur is a stringed musical instrument from Shu Han. It has a softly curved neck and can have either twelve or eighteen strings. The ability to play an eighteen-stringed khatuur is valued more highly than the twelve-stringed version.
"A khatuur?" Aeolian raised her perfect brows. "I was hoping for a weapon."
"It's a weapon," said Toyla. "Beauty of all kinds is a weapon."
"Hmmm," she murmured. "Will you die if I wink at you?"
"I just might." He almost smiled. "Are you ready? Once we begin, there will be no turning back."
Aeolian said nothing, she tested her fingers on the strings of the instrument guiding the notes to arrange themselves in the air and then letting them fade.
Tolya wanted to scream. They were going to walk to the palace out in the open. How could he let the princess do something so foolish? They were not going to make it up to the palace. The Empress would simply send the Tavgharad to pick them before they ever set foot in the city road. But Tolya was a soldier, and a soldier had to follow.
"I've never wanted to be a hero in any story," Aeolian said. "Because a hero would think about the lives that hung in the balance, the women who burned at a callous Queen's order...I'm more of a villain."
"That means you're a survivor, and there's nothing to be ashamed of." Tolya opened the door for her. "And every story needs its hero. It's Villain and it's monster, and sometimes they can all be one person."
Aeolian descended the steps into the morning market as graceful as ever, her silks dancing with the breeze, the scent of ylang-ylang in the air drowning the scent of fruits and flowers in the market place. Her skin as flawless as ever, her emerald eyes like gems. Instantly the shoppers left off their haggling to marvel at the sight of Aeolian Kir-Taban, daughter of heaven, Jade of wind, the most precious jewel of the people, returned to them. In a very long time the princess had not played for her people, but today she will and as she played the music, they followed, pulling their children along with them, clapping and dancing.
The song she chose to play was no coincidence. The flower maiden. She is the sun, and spring time has returned. As they entered the city, people emerged from their homes with bells and drums in hand to play along. They cast flowers into her paths.
Tolya knew that the princess could sing if she wanted to but she didn't, he knew the reason why. He was there, when she'd fooled them all as a spy named Min and took the siren's heart. After that night, she could sing beautifully like the sea creature but it came with a price, and in a time like this, when their lives were in danger she couldn't be distracting herself with songs. And since it was not natural for humans to take magical objects for themselves, she'd be haunted by the voice of the siren. But Aeolian never spoke about it.
Siren or not, Tolya could see that her people do love her truly. In the history of the Taban bloodline, she's the first, that the people adored to the core. Who won't adore her, he thought. She was every inch a queen and more.
They could see the Empress waiting for them on the wide palace balcony that overlooked the river.
"Sunnu!" Her voice was almost theatrical as she headed towards them, arms wide open. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your fiancé? Sakura left this morning for the wedding."
Aeolian had hugged her grandmother, and Tolya was taken aback by the gesture. The Shu princess was a natural born actress.
He could see that the Empress wanted to be loved. Just like her granddaughter is loved by her people and even in this lifetime or the next, she'll never be able to unravel this mystery. Because for someone to be loved like Aeolian is loved, they needed to have the quality that she has, that doesn't come with titles or money, it comes from within, something that couldn't be bought or taken.
Tolya had the urge to strike the Empress where she stood. She'd tried to murdered Aeolian, not once but twice, for her own benefits and maybe the Empress saw that Aeolian could become the greatest Empress that ever lived and she didn't want her granddaughter to over shadow her name. It disgusted him to the core because Aeolian was a child, and her grandmother should've been proud of her instead of been envious. Leyti was the human version of the Darkling.
"Let this be a day of feasts and celebration!" The Empress clapped her hands and the square was flooded with royal servants hanging out cakes and little bags of golden coins as people cheered and rejoiced. "Aeolian Kir-Taban, the most precious jewel of the desert."
The Empress made her way in but Aeolian stood there for a while, gazing at her people. The people who adores her deeply, by doing whatever she intended to do next, she's not only saving herself and her mother but the kingdom of Shu Han from the evil eye of her grandmother.
As soon as they entered the palace, they were surrounded by guards. Hu, the personal assistant of the Empress came to greet them.
"Princess, are you well?" He asked. "The wedding is right at the door."
"I am," she responded. "And I would like to have a word with the Empress. Now."
"Very well then," Hu bowed deeply. There was nothing more to say.
They were at the Court of the Feathered Bower, it was all soft white and gold, like the flow of clouds in the hour before dusk. Aeolian liked it here, more than the audience chamber that the Empress preferred.
"You dare summon me like some kind of serving girl?" The Empress strode in, flanked by the palace guards. The Tavgharad.
Aeolian rose and bowed. "I wanted to talk to you in private, Zumu."
"The time of that had passed," she snapped. "You should've come to me with your concerns. Instead you conspired with the Ravkan's. You went to my ministers with absurd tales of assassinations and poetry and secret laboratories. We will meet in the council chamber and you will recant your testimony and throw yourself on my mercy."
"How many times had I lied for you Zumu, and how many times had I forgiven you for your treacheries but enough is enough." Aeolian said.
"What do you want?" The Empress asked chin lifted.
"Sign the treaty with Ravka, grant them monies from our treasury. Give up your dreams of war." Aeolian looked at her grandmother.
"You!" She pointed an accusing finger at Aeolian, but she didn't have another word to say so she turned on her heels and departed.
The Shu people love Aeolian and the ministers believes in her, her mother Sakura is in Ravka under their protection. And only a Taban can face a Taban. Aeolian is a Taban so she can challenge her grandmother, Sakura is also a Taban so she can challenge her mother. If both of them come together and along with them the people of Shu Han and the ministers, Leyti would've no where to turn to.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Hear my plea to the fallen
Leave me to be with the broken
One last time before I go
Hold the last burning ember
Let us never surrender
May we rise unto the call
For the glory and the fall
For the beat and the broken
For the lost and forsaken
Let us never surrender
May we rise unto the call
For the beat and the broken
For the lost and forsaken
Let us never surrender
For the glory and the fall
For the beat and the broken
For the lost and forsaken
Let us never surrender
Now we rise unto the call
Chains that we are breaking
Fate that we are awaiting
We will rise unto the call
(Rise unto the call)
For the glory and the fall
April 01. 2022
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