Chapter 16- We Put 14 Libido-Driven Teenagers In A Room Together
Draco and Harry reached the Gryffindors common room. Harry hesitated, and then whispered. "Slytherin can kiss my ass."
Draco's head whipped toward him to tell him off, but the portrait swung open.
His mouth fell open. Harry shrugged apologetically and slipped his hand into Draco's.
They walked into the Common Room together.
Shock met them. Then, Fred and George shouted "Way to go Harry!," Ginny called "About time!", Dean catcalled from Seamus' lap, Seamus started shouting " Taste the Rainbow" for some reason, Lavender and Parvati squealed, Ron shouted "OTP," Pansy and Blaise shouted inappropriate insinuations, Angelina and Padma wiggled in delight on the Weasley twins' laps, and Neville shouted "Congrats, mate!"
Harry laughed. "Thanks?" He sat down in the circle and grabbed Draco's hand, pulling him into his lap. Pansy whistled and Draco blushed as he felt Harry's arms around his waist.
Then he realized.
"Neville and Blaise!" he shouted, looking at Blaise happily sitting in Neville's lap. "And Pansy and Ron!?"
Pansy shrugged from her straddling position on Ron's lap. "What can I say? He's irresistible."
Ron turned red as Pansy kissed him.
"Hate to spoil the party, but where's the homophobic bitch who's ass I'm supposed to beat?" Draco asked.
"Get in line," Ginny said calmly. "She left."
Draco nodded.
Then Ginny got an evil smile on her face. "Let's play a game."
"What game?" Dean asked.
Ginny smirked. "It's called Libido."
"Oh hell no." Angelina shook her head.
"I agree," Parvati said. "Any game with that name has to be bad."
Ginny laughed. "Let me explain it first. You are set up with someone by the head of the game. Me. The head then casts a libido spell on everyone. You will attempt to fight the spell, which will be compelling you to practically shag your partner right then and there, and last one left standing wins a prize."
"What's the prize?" Padma asked.
Ginny thought about it. "You get to make three people each do a dare as awful as you want."
Everyone perked up.
"I'm in," Harry agreed. Draco nodded, and eventually everyone was playing.
"All right," Ginny said. "Harry and Draco, of course, Pansy and Ron, Angelina and George, Blaise and Neville, Padma and Fred, Seamus and Dean, and Parvati and Lavender."
Nobody argued.
"All right. Draco, Ron, Angelina, Neville, Padma, Dean, and Lavender. Stand against the wall. Harry, Pansy, George, Blaise, Fred, Seamus, Parvati, stand behind this line ten feet away."
Dean stared in horror. "You're making the dominant, more libido-driven ones go first! Do you have a death wish?"
Ginny winked.
"I am not libido driven!" Harry protested.
Dean stared at him. "There is no way you are a virgin, Harry Potter."
Harry looked down. "Actually...."
Several people gasped, including Draco. Ron sighed.
"Thank God, you didn't violate my sister."
Ginny smacked him.
"Seriously!?" Seamus said. "You're like, Hogwarts' most shaggable guy up there with me, Dean, and Draco!"
Draco smirked. Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
Ginny smiled, and waved her wand over the contestants.
Draco watched. Instantly, Seamus and Blaise tensed, trying to control themselves, but the others seemed much more in control.
Suddenly, Seamus ran forward and pounced onto Dean. Dean let out a muffled oof! of surprise, but didn't seems to mind when Seamus took to kissing him fiercely.
Ginny raised her wand to take the spell off of Seamus, but Dean shook his head. She shrugged, smiling.
Pansy tensed. He could see her straining not to jump Ron's bones, which surprised him, seeing how Pansy always had a lot of self-control.
Blaise was next. How he did it, Draco had no idea, but one second he was behind the line, the next he was on top of Neville, kissing him like his life depended on it. Ginny waved her wand, and the spell came off, but Blaise did not cease his actions.
George and Fred gave up at almost the exact same time, rushing forward to press Angelina and Padma against the wall to snog them, which the girls did not object to, despite that they were not dating.
Harry, Pansy, and Parvati were the only ones left. Parvati wasn't lesbian, everyone knew that, but she had absolutely no self control. So she also ran forward, and snogged the life out of Lavender.
Pansy and Harry. Now that he really looked at Harry, he saw how much the spell affected him. He was desperately trying not to cross the line, as was Pansy.
"You're going down, Potter," she hissed.
"Not a chance in he- oh, fuck it."
Harry darted forward and slammed Draco against the wall. He kissed him so hard, Draco thought his lips were going to bruise. And yet, it was the best kiss he'd ever had.
Tongues battling for dominance, Harry winning. Draco could feel Harry's hard-on digging into his thigh. Harry bit down softly on his lip and Draco whimpered.
Suddenly, Harry relaxed. He slowly pulled away from Draco. They looked at the others.
Blaise had not ceased in snogging Neville, not that the other boy seemed to mind. Ginny must have taken the spell off of Seamus, because him and Dean sat holding hands. George and Fred were whispering in Angelina and Padma's ears, making them blush. Parvati sat next to Lavender, both of them laughing. Pansy sat straddling Ron, kissing him fiercely.
Then she pulled away and smirked. "Another round?"
They agreed. This time Draco, Ron, Angelina, Neville, Padma, Dean, and Lavender went behind the line and Harry, Pansy, George, Blaise, Fred, Seamus, and Parvati stood again the wall.
Ginny waved her wand, and Draco tensed. Instantly, his mind was filled with images. Harry slamming him against a wall, desperately kissing him. Harry throwing his head back and moaning. Harry's hand under the covers moving suggestively as he smirked at Draco.
Padma pounced on Fred, knocking him to the floor. Angelina followed suit.
Draco desperately tried to ignore the increasingly sexual images of Harry and focuses on his competition.
Ron wouldn't last long, he was practically over the line already. Draco could beat him. Neville jumped forward and attached himself to Blaise's neck. Lavender had no self-control either, she could be beat. But Dean.
While Seamus was crazy about sex and everyone knew it, Dean was the more romantic one. There was no doubt there was sexual attraction too, but Dean would be harder to beat.
Draco was right about Ron and Lavender. They jumped forward at the same time and attacked Pansy and Parvati.
That left him and Dean.
Draco locked eyes with Harry. Fuck. The other boy already knew what Draco was going through. Harry smirked at him.
Harry with his mouth around Draco's cock, lightly tracing the tip with his tongue.
Draco threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. They snapped back open when he heard a soft moan.
Dean had his hands clenched at his sides, forcing his feet to stay where they were. He was leaning forward, and his eyes had glazed over. Draco suspected he looked similar.
Harry tracing a finger over Draco's hand.
Around, and around, and around....
Draco whimpered.
Around, and around....
Dean tensed.
Taking one of his fingers and sucking on it slowly.
Dean launched forward, and Draco shot after him a split second later, flying into Harry's lap and sucking on his throat. His lips came up and met Harry's over and over again. He couldn't seem to get enough.
Suddenly, a cooling sensation went over him. He broke away and saw everyone staring at him except Seamus and Dean, who hadn't broken apart.
"That was hot," Pansy said. Parvati and Padma agreed.
Draco turned to realized he was straddling Harry. Harry's face was flushed.
Ginny cleared her throat. "Pansy and Draco win!"
Draco and Pansy smirked. Everyone stared at them nervously.
Pansy spoke first. "Ron, Harry, and Blaise."
Harry groaned, and stood. Ron and Blaise followed suit.
"Ron, I dare you to stand on the Gryffindor table at breakfast tomorrow when everyone is in the Great Hall and shout your feelings toward me," she said, smirking. Ron groaned and sat down with his head in his hands.
"Harry, I dare you to have that little make out session again with Draco in a few minutes because that was fucking hot."
Harry blushed.
And Blaise, I dare you to.... Jump onto the Slytherin table at breakfast tomorrow, dump pumpkin juice on Astoria and Daphne's heads, and sit on Neville's lap for the rest of breakfast, all after Ron's little performance. "
Blaise grinned as Neville flushed. "With pleasure."
Draco stood. "Seamus, Pansy, Harry."
They each stood. Harry groaned again and said something like "...always me."
"Seamus, you have to go the entire day with that Libido spell on you, and still go to all your classes."
Seamus' head shot up in horror. "What?! Dean's in half my classes! I can't resist that!"
Draco smiled, as did Dean. "24 hours."
"Harry, I dare you to dress completely like a girl tomorrow, with Ginny's help."
Harry sighed. "Fuck you."
"Later love."
Harry choked, but Draco moved on.
"Pansy, anytime you see Granger tomorrow, shoot a different curse at her."
Pansy smiled. "With pleasure."
"Why do all the Slytherins get easy ones!?" Seamus complained.
Draco shrugged, and all the Slytherins said in unity, "Slytherin loyalty."
And Harry grabbed Draco's hand and completed his first dare.
*Pansy's POV*
Pansy smirked. Today was gonna be good.
She sat at the Slytherin table with Draco and Blaise.
Granger walked in the door. Pansy cast a wandless Itching Curse.
Granger scratched her arm and sat down. Then she scratched her neck. And her head.
The doors opened again. Seamus walked in, gritting his teeth, and sat on Dean's lap.
Pansy laughed inwardly.
The doors opened again, and a laughing Ron came in. After a second, Pansy saw why he was laughing.
Harry walked through the door.
He was wearing Ginny's robes and heels. Pansy could have sworn she saw a lace bra. A black lace choker was around his throat. His hair was charmed to be long and curly, and reached his shoulders. He had grey smoky eye shadow, foundation, lipstick, mascara and eyeliner.
And he looked fucking hot.
Draco choked on his coffee.
"I think I might be straight," he whispered, staring at Harry's arse. Pansy laughed.
As soon as Harry- Harriet? sat down, he whispered something to Ron, who tensed and put his head in his hands. The Gryffindors laughed.
Ron sighed, and climbed onto the table. Pansy held her breath.
Blaise, Draco and Pansy cracked up before he could say anything else.
The entire Great Hall stared at him. Snape appeared to be trying not to laugh.
Pansy gasped.
Ron stepped down off the table onto the bench. He charmed a bouquet of- you guessed it- pansies to float toward Pansy.
"Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
Pansy turned a dark shade of pink and nodded.
The Great Hall was dead silent.
And Harry cheered and started clapping. Neville followed, and Angelina and Fred and George and eventually the whole Great Hall was cheering for the new couple.
Except Hermione, but nobody noticed or cared.
Ron hopped down and walked over to Pansy's table, taking her hand and making her stand up. He gave her a beautiful kiss, smiled, and went back to his seat.
Pansy felt like she was in a fairytale.
That is, until Astoria hissed to Daphne, "Did Pansy just agree to be a blood traitor's girlfriend?"
Daphne wrinkled her nose. "Ew."
Pansy saw red. She was about to stand up, but she felt a cool hand against hers. She turned to see Draco shake his head slightly.
And Blaise, that beautiful, beautiful boy, stood on the table and poured the entire jug of pumpkin juice on Astoria and Daphne's heads.
As they shrieked and jumped up, Blaise jumped off the table, ran across the Great Hall, and sat in Neville's lap.
Pansy just smiled and smelled her flowers, ignoring Astoria's screams and Daphne's threats.
8:35 a.m
Hogwarts students poured out of the Great Hall. Pansy snuck out her wand and cast a Jelly-Legs Curse at Granger.
9:53 a.m
Granger stepped out of her Defense Against the Dark Arts class, only to be hit by a Bat-Bogey hex.
10:32 a.m
Stepping out of the Hospital Wing, Hermione Granger was hit by a whispered "Anteoculatia," a hex Pansy Parkinson only knew because it had also been used on her years prior.
11:52 a.m
Granger looked in both directions, then stepped out of the Hospital Ward, only to be hit by a Stinging Hex, cast by someone under a borrowed Invisibility Cloak.
11:53 a.m
An exhausted Hermione Granger slumped into her chair.
Harry snorted. Him, Ron and Neville were all sitting at the Slytherin table with Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.
"How many have you hit her with?"
"Eight. Itching Curse, Jelly-Legs Jinx, Bat-Bogey Hex, Anteoculatia, Stinging Hex, and Avifors."
Harry's eyes widened, and Draco fell off the table laughing. Blaise barely restrained himself.
Harry frowned when Draco came back up. "That's only seven."
Pansy lazily waved her wand in Hermione's direction. "Calvario."
A loud shriek made the whole Slytherin table crack up, including Harry and Ron.
Pansy smirked. "No, I'm pretty sure it was eight."
Granger rushed for the door the second lunch ended. Pansy shot after her, barely managing to grab Harry's Invisibility Cloak.
"Who is DOING this!"
"Not this one again!"
Pansy laughed wickedly. Draco had actually already done that on Granger years ago.
"How was your day?" Draco asked. Blaise looked up, also interested.
Pansy shrugged. "Uneventful."
A\N: I know its kind of hard to follow, so here's all of the jinxes and curses and what they do.
Itching Curse: Makes the target itch uncontrollably
Jelly-Legs Jinx: Makes the target's legs wobbly and unable to hold them up.
Bat-Bogey Hex: Causes the target's bogies to sprout wings, fly out of their nose, and attack them. A favorite of Ginny's.
Anteoculatia: turns the target's hair to antlers. Was used on Pansy at one point.
Stinging Hex: Causes a stinging pain in the targeted area, sometimes boils.
Avifors: turns the target to a bird
Calvario: causes victim's hair to fall out.
Colloshoo:Causes victim's shoes to stick to the floor.
Densaugo: used by Draco on Hermione years prior. Causes victim's teeth to grow at an alarming rate.
Levicorpus: causes the victim to dangle upside down from their ankles.
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