Chapter 10- Things Get Gay x2
Finnegan turned to Draco. "Truth or dare, Malfoy?"
Truth is probably the best option. Lord knows the dares Gryffindors could come up with.
"Out of everyone in this room, who would you shag?"
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Astoria leaned back, looking sure he would pick her.
Draco tried to open his mouth to say "Blaise", because even though he didn't like him, he was gay and Blaise was hot and the most obvious choice. However, his mouth wouldn't open. Confused, Draco's eyes swept over the circle once, twice, before landing on Harry.
And the truth spell forced it out.
Oh hell. Of course it's just out of the room though, Potter isn't bad looking and I don't have many choices-
Finnegan choked on his Firewhiskey shot, Astoria screeched "HOW COULD YOU!?", Thomas laughed, Hermione glared (but no one saw), The Weasel shouted " I always knew you were gay!", the Weaselette chanted "OTP! OTP! OTP!", Pansy and Blaise raised their eyebrows, and Longbottom spit out his drink.
Potter just stared at a now very embarrassed Draco.
Astoria stormed across the circle to face Draco. "You aren't even gay!" she shrieked.
Forgot she didn't know. I should probably tell the rest of the Slytherins before she does.
Draco raised a calm eyebrow, although he was laughing on the inside at Astoria's face.
In less than a second, it happened. If he had blinked, he would have missed it.
As Astoria's hand flew to his face, Potter's hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed her wrist.
Everyone in the room stared at him in shock. Finnegan choked on his drink again.
"I think you should leave," Harry growled low. His eyes were flashing, and he looked dead serious.
And dead sexy.
She shrieked even louder. "You can't tell me what to do Potter! I will do whatever I-"
"Petrificus Totalus."
At Potter's softly growled hex, Astoria's hands snapped to her sides, she went rigid, and fell forward.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" Thomas cried. He floated Astoria to a closet and shut the door.
The Weasel broke the following silence. "Am I the only one here that's not gay?!"
They all laughed, except Draco, who sat in stunned silence.
The Gryffindors had stood up for him.
Granger stood up quickly. "I'm going to bed."
As she left, the laughter died down and they started to play again.
"Truth or dare, Ron?" No use ruining a new relationship with the Gryffindors by calling them by their last names.
Draco smirked evilly. "Kiss Pansy."
He turned pink, but tilted his head toward Pansy and gently kissed her.
When he pulled away, they were both pink.
Ron spoke up. "Truth or dare Harry?"
"Kiss Malfoy."
His eyes widened, as did Draco's.
He turned to face Draco. Draco stared back at him.
Wow, up close you can really see how green his eyes are...
Harry closed his eyes and pressed his lips to Draco's.
When did he become Harry?
Draco kissed back, because Harry was a good kisser, but stayed tentative in case Harry pulled away.
Instead, Harry ran his tongue over his lips.
Draco ran his fingers through his hair and kissed him harder.
Oh fuck yes.
Someone cleared their throat.
Draco and Harry pulled apart, breathless. Harry's face turned red, and Draco's turned a light pink.
Say something!
"Wow, Potter, you really enjoyed that, didn't you?" Draco laughed.
Harry snorted and shrugged. "You're not a bad kisser, Malfoy. If it hadn't been you I was kissing, I might have enjoyed it."
Ron shouted "Oh shit, burn!" as Draco glared at Harry. He thinks I'm a good kisser?
Harry said something to Neville, but Draco had zoned out.
He kissed me.
Harry Potter kissed me.
I do not have a crush on Potter! I don't!
He heard his name. His head snapped up. Everyone was looking at him. Who's turn was it? Longbottoms?
"Dare," he said as calmly as possible.
Longbottom stood up, grabbing Blaise's hand to pull him up too. Where are they going? "I, um, dare you to, um-"
"Have Potter talk you into an orgasm!" Blaise exclaimed. Longbottom nodded, and they rushed out of the room.
The room stared at the door in shock. Then, slowly, their shocked eyes turned to Draco and Harry.
Draco shook his head vigorously. "Hell no!"
Harry squeaked. "I don't think so!"
"Then you can do the forfeit!" Ginny suggested.
Draco and Harry nodded desperately.
Ginny's grin turned sinister. "Have sex with each other."
Every jaw in the room dropped. Dean shouted "Not in here!", Seamus shouted " That's so hot!", Ron shouted "Ginny!" like he couldn't believe his sister could conceive of such thoughts, Pansy smirked with Ginny, Draco made undignified small strangled noises, and Harry put his head in his hands and whispered something that sounded a lot like "why God?"
I will not have sex with Potter!
"Fine!" Draco shouted. "I'll do the dare! Fuck!"
Harry did not lift his head.
Draco rolled his eyes. Can we please get this over with? "Any day now, Potter!"
"Why me?"
"Because you two are enemies and that makes it five times hotter than just regular friends," Ginny replied.
Harry lifted his head and groaned again. "Fiiiine!"
The room went silent.
Harry looked awkwardly at Draco.
Draco looked everywhere else.
Harry looked very confused.
After a moment, Draco looked over. What is he waiting for?
He looked at Draco again.
And hissed.
What the hell?
Harry hissed something longer.
Draco gasped, and jerked slightly. His dick perked to life.
The rest of the circle stared at Harry.
"Hssssaasss aaaaasssssssssaa."
Ginny's breaths were getting a bit short now. She hadn't told anyone Parseltongue was her kink.
Neither had Draco, though.
Harry started hissing for a very long time, and it was sexy as hell. Draco squirmed. Don't touch yourself!
He hissed again.
Oh fuck it. Draco palmed his cock through his jeans.
Harry continued hissing, and it sounded needier than before. Sexier.
So close.
Harry said something that sounded very close to "Hiss hiss Malfoy." Draco didn't know what to make of that.
And them Harry said something else and Draco exploded.
The world went white for a minute, and then came back into focus. Draco cleaned himself with a memorized cleaning charm.
Fucking fuck.
I like Potter.
I like Harry.
Pansy broke the silence. "That was fucking hot."
Everyone nodded. Harry blushed.
Draco blinked. Say something. "Truth or dare, Weaslette?"
"All right. Make out with Pansy for five minutes."
Ginny and Pansy sputtered. Ron glared at Draco.
Ginny sighed, and grabbed Pansy by the front of her shirt for a kiss.
Pansy wrapped her arms around her neck, and it got heated. They appeared to be fighting for control.
"Time's up!" Dean called. Both girls instantly broke away and cast cleaning charms on their mouths.
"Truth or dare, big brother?" Ginny asked.
"Dare, I suppose."
"Go through the same torture I did. Make out with Parkinson for five minutes."
Pansy's mouth dropped open, but Ron simply grabbed her by her waist, set her on his lap, and proceeded to snog her.
"Time's up!" Draco shouted, disgusted. Ron and Pansy did not seem to hear him.
"Oi!" Harry shouted. They broke up sheepishly.
"I think I'm done," Draco said, standing up. Harry nodded, and stood as well.
The Gryffindors went up to their room, and Draco and Pansy went to the dungeons.
"Well that was an... interesting experience," Pansy said.
"Weasley? Really?"
She blushed. They reached the split in the staircase that went to the boys and girls dorms.
"Night Pans."
"Night Drake."
Goodnight Harry.
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