the boneyard was the place to be for keggers. sure, they were normally during the summer, but there was always one during the school year every once in a while. hazel had never attended a kegger before and she was excited to finally experience something new. she knew her mom would go ballistic if she knew her daughter was attending a party of any sorts, so she had to make sure she stayed out of pictures and didn't drunkenly call her or something ridiculously stupid.
"are you excited?" jj asked the blonde girl as they headed in the direction of the boneyard after picking everyone up. she was quite nervous to be in the car with all of them because she wasn't sure if john b had told them that she kissed him. she also would've felt awful of jj knew because he seemed to take a liking to the girl.
"yeah," hazel nodded, smiling at the blond boy. "can someone take my phone so i don't accidentally call my mom or something?" she chuckled. "the last thing i need is to get caught going to a underaged drinking party. my mom would have my head."
"does she really think you're some innocent sixteen year old?" kie questioned. "i mean, every sixteen year old has a drink now and then. well, everyone except pope."
"hey," pope tried to defend himself, "there's nothing wrong with not wanting to drink or get high all the damn time."
"i know." kie held her hand up in surrender and it made hazel laugh as she glanced over her shoulder at the two. she was sat in the passenger seat next to john b who was currently driving to their destination. it wasn't too far from john b's house and when they arrived they climbed out, making their way down to the boneyard.
"if you don't want to drink you don't have to." john b assured the girl as they walked side by side. kie and jj were already running ahead to get to the keg for a drink while pope tagged along just so he could most likely leave the two of them alone.
"oh, i want to drink." hazel smiled, looking up at the boy. he wasn't much taller than her, but she still had to look up at him the slightet bit. "what about you? are you going to drink?"
"of course." john b nodded. "maybe just one or two, but i'll have some."
the girl nodded in return as they reached the line for the keg. they climbed on and it didn't take long for them to get drinks. they found their group of friends sitting around an unlit fire and they made their way over to them, chiming in on whatever they were talking about.
when it got darker out they decided to light the fire. it was quite large and there were tons of people around it, but everyone stayed in their own little group, not worrying about what anyone else was talking about. it was nice and peaceful, and hazel liked it that way.
after an hour or so hazel finished her second beer and rose from her seat. "i'm going to get another drink." she smiled at the group. "does anyone want a refill?"
"i do." kie nodded at the girl and handed her cup out to her.
"i'll go with you." pope rose from the log he sat on and took kie's drink before walking towards the keg with the blonde haired girl. "so," he began as they waited in line. "john b told me about the other night." he sounded like he wasn't sure if he should bring it up and it made hazel frown as she looked down at her empty cup.
"yeah," hazel pursed her lips. "i was wondering if he had told you guys."
"he only told me." pope clarified. "he wasn't sure of jj would take it and kie tells the boy everything, so he didn't say anything to her either."
"oh." hazel nodded, confirming that she heard him loud and clear. "what exactly did he say?"
"that you randomly kissed him." pope shrugged his shoulders. "i get that millie is obsessed with him and all, but if you're not one hundred percent for jb, then please don't play with his feelings. he's a good guy and doesn't deserve that."
"play with his feelings?" hazel furrowed her eyebrows. "what feelings?"
pope's eyes widened and he forced a smile. "forget i said anything."
"john b likes me?" she asked and there was hope laced in her voice. she could tell that pope could tell and he nodded at the girl.
"i mean, yeah. what's not to like?" pope shrugged his shoulders again. "you're a cool girl, hazel. i can see why john b and jj like you." he pursed his lips. "i just know that whoever you choose is going to love you more than you'll ever know."
"i feel awful for saying this, but i don't feel anything except a friendship towards jj." she frowned, looking back at the boy where he sat on a log. he was laughing and smiling at something kie said and it made the girl frown deeper. "i wouldn't want to hurt him if i actually ended up liking john b and jj found out."
"jj will understand." pope assured. "he's a really understanding person."
"i know." the girl sighed as they reached the front of the line. they got their refills and headed back towards the group. "thank you, pope."
"you're welcome." he said before walking over to kie. he handed the girl her drink before sitting back down on the other side of jj. hazel returned to her seat next to john b and sipped her drink.
"everything okay?" john b asked the girl quietly as the group continued to talk.
hazel nodded, "yeah, of course." she sent the boy a smile.
"good." he smiled back. "you and pope seemed like you were in an intense conversation."
"yeah," hazel confirmed. "but everything's good."
"cool." he said and turned back to listen to what the group was saying.
the night went on, hazel drinking beer after beer until she didn't think she could handle anymore. she was beyond drunk and knew she wouldn't be able to walk straight. when they decided to leave jj was in the same condition, so john b wrapped an arm around hazel's body and helped walk her to the van while pope did the same with jj and kie supervised the four. sure, john b and kie had had a bunch to drink, but they weren't nearly as drunk as hazel and jj were. plus, jj was high as a kite and that was never a good thing. mixing alcohol and drugs was a big no no.
they made it to the van and john b sat in the back with hazel so she could rest her head on his shoulder and pope drove them back to the chateau. when they arrived (which felt like a year later) john b helped hazel get into the house. he brought her to his room and laid the girl on the bed.
"john?" she hiccuped. she was barely able to keep her eyes opened.
"yes, hazel?" he questioned, sitting on the bed next to where she laid.
"pope said you like me." she slurred. "is that true?"
john b cursed under his breath at the fact that one of his best friends had revealed a secret of his without his permission. "yeah," he decided to answer, wanting to be truthful. "i guess i do."
"good." hazel smiled, placing her hand on top of john b's. "i like you too."
"you're not just saying that because you're drunk, are you?" he chuckled and the girl quickly shook her head, regretting it soon after because said head was starting to hurt. "cool." he smiled. "you should get some rest."
"will you stay with me?" she asked and the boy nodded.
"of course." he took off his shirt and crawled into the bed next to her, laying on his side so he was facing the girl. "get some sleep, hazel grace."
"how do you know my middle name?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows--which john b found quite adorable.
"i asked millie." he grinned and the girl giggled as she moved closer to him and buried her face into the crook of his neck.
"goodnight, johnny boy."
john b chuckled. "goodnight, hazel."
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