"prom's right around the corner." sarah said, shoving popcorn in her mouth. "like, it's saturday. you need a date."
"i don't need a date." hazel rolled her eyes. "besides, there's no one i want to go with."
"you could ask john b." millie suggested and the girl shook her head at her little sister.
"that's completely out of the question."
"your sister's right." sarah said, mouth full of popcorn. "john b would be a good choice."
"do you know how much shit he would get if he actually showed up at prom?" hazel questioned, looking between the two girls. "he'd get bashed on so much and there's no way he'd want to go experience that."
"i'll make sure topper and his friends behave." sarah smiled and it made the girl roll her eyes.
"i'm not asking john b."
"asking john b what?" her mom asked, entering the room.
"to prom." millie smiled.
her mom gasped. "that's a brilliant idea!"
"mom," hazel groaned. "he probably won't go and he probably doesn't even have a tux."
"we'll buy him one." she smiled, encouraging the girl. "i'll take him myself." hazel whined a little and her mom grabbed her shoulders. "this is a great opportunity for you. you'll have the time of your life with a cute boy and it'll be so much fun!"
"it's gonna be awkward." hazel mumbled, picking at her nails.
"no, it won't be." sarah shook her head. "come on, i'll help you think of a promposal."
"no way." hazel shook her head. "if i'm asking him, i'm simply asking him face to face. i'm not doing some stupid promposal that'll most likely get me rejected." she paused, looking around at the three. "what makes you guys think he'd even say yes?"
"he'll do whatever i tell him to." millie crossed her arms over her chest. "he'll say yes."
hazel rolled her eyes and let a small laugh escape her lips. "you're psycho, millie."
"tell me about it." her mom mumbled causing hazel and sarah to laugh loudly and millie began to pout.
"can i go with you when you ask john b?" millie asked, hope in her voice.
"sure, millie." hazel nodded and her mom smirked.
"so that means you're actually asking him?"
hazel waved her off. "yeah, yeah, whatever."
sarah clapped with excitement and finished off her bag of popcorn before picking up her bag. "i'm gonna to talk to topper now while you prepare your speech. if you want me to go with you, just text me."
"i'll be fine." hazel smiled at the girl before waving goodbye. she watched her leave and turned to her mom. "are you sure about this?"
her mom smiled, "positive. go ask that boy to the prom!"
hazel made her way to her room and changed from her sweatpants and hoodie, throwing on a bathing suit (as always), a pair of shorts, and a cute crop top. she brushed through her barely wet hair since she had showered a few hours prior and did a little makeup before making her way to millie's room to see if the eight year old was ready.
"you look nice, hazel." her sister smiled before skipping out of the room. hazel followed behind and the two climbed into hazel's car. "so how are you going to ask him?"
"uh," she licked her dry lips. "i'm going to say 'hey, wanna go to prom with me on saturday?' it's really pretty simple."
"lame." millie scoffed. "i mean, i know he'll still say yes, but that's pretty lame. no one wants to be asked to prom that way."
"shut up, millie." hazel mumbled, driving passed the wreck where she noticed kiara heading inside, probably to work. she was hoping john b was home. it was almost five and sarah had said he wasn't working that day.
when they pulled up to the chateau his van was parked under a tree and she made her way up to his porch, millie running ahead. "hey, millie." she heard john b greet the little girl and she took a deep breath, running her fingers through her hair.
she reached the porch and opened the door, smiling at john b, jj, and pope as they all sat around. jj was smoking a joint while pope was on his phone and john b was hugging millie.
"hazel wanted to talk to you." the little blonde girl cheekily said and hazel shook her head at her as john b looked up at her from where he sat on the couch.
"what's up?" he asked and the girl bit the inside of her cheek.
"can we talk in private?" she asked and he nodded, taking millie off his lap.
"loser." millie scoffed as the two headed into the house. they entered john b's bedroom and the boy closed the door before turning to the girl.
"what's up?" he repeated and the girl nervously played with her fingers.
"i didn't want to do this, but millie demanded i did, so..." she trailed off, not knowing how to ask without sounding too "basic". "i know it's a long shot and you'll probably say no, but prom is on saturday and i was wondering if you'd want to be my date."
a small smile appeared on his face and he looked at the girl's nervous fingers. "listen," he began and hazel suddenly felt embarrassed because he was about to reject her. "i'd love to, but i can't afford a tux or a corsage or whatever the fuck they're called."
"my mom's got that all covered." she shrugged her shoulders. "she offered to take you shopping and pay for your tux and i'm sure she'll handle the corsage. she's very artsy; she likes to make her own."
"hazel, i can't let your mom pay for my tux."
"it's the least she can do since you returned my wallet without stealing any money from it." she joked and he smirked.
"i'm not a thief."
"well, you stole my heart!" millie shouted from the other side of the door and hazel rolled her eyes. of course, the twerp was listening.
john b laughed loudly before turning back to hazel. "then fine. sure, i'll be your date to prom." he smiled and the girl returned it, a sigh of relief escaping her lips.
"cool." she smiled. "i'll text you when my mom's available to to tux shopping."
"alright, sounds good." he smiled. "do you and millie want to stay and hang for a little while?"
"yes!" millie shouted from outside the door again.
"no," hazel shook her head. "we have to be home for dinner. i just figured it'd be better to ask you in person than over the phone." she chuckled and he nodded.
"it definitely was."
"cool." she smiled again. "i'll see you later." she opened the door and millie fell over causing the blonde to laugh. "you're pathetic." she grabbed millie's hand and brought her to her feet before she said her goodbyes to john b and the two headed out.
"so, he said yes." millie stated once they were pulling away from his house. "how do you feel?"
"pretty good, actually." hazel smiled, gripping the steering wheel. "thanks, mill."
millie smiled, crossing her arms happily over her chest. "anytime, sis."
hi guys i hope you're
enjoying this!! just wanted
to let you guys know i have
two jj books posted. ones a
boyxboy to try and support
the lgbt community bc we
need a little gay in the outer
banks. it's an alternate
universe and the other is
staring zendaya coleman as
sheriff peterkins daughter and
it's loosely based on the show!
hope you enjoy!
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