Chapter thirty three [END]
The battle they were going to fight today might be the hardest one yet. It's ironic that this is the battle that won't include bloodshed, violence, people giving their life for them but still it's the battle they are most scared of.
Jeongguk stares at his lover in awe. He looks nervous, he's biting his lips. He is scared of what will happen after today. Jeongguk isn't scared, he's nervous but he isn't afraid of anything because he knows one thing and it's the fact that no matter what happens today he will go wherever Taehyung goes.
So he takes Taehyung’s hands in his and intertwines them together, placing a kiss on his palm, with a comforting smile on his face. “You know I love you right?” Jeongguk says to him and Taehyung nods.
“Then why are you scared, sweetheart? there's nothing to be scared of when I am with you.” Jeongguk states and Taehyung moves closer to him in the carriage.
“They won't accept me. They would call you all types of names, no one would accept us. They already don't like me, they would not like the fact that you have taken such a bold step with me. I don't want your relationship with your parents to be ruined because of me.” Taehyung feels like he is the only one rationally thinking about this.
“Well it's not their decision at the end of the day it's mine and I choose you. So don't let this bother you, as I, am always with you.” Jeongguk reassured him, making Taehyung's nerves feel calmer now. He smiled at him as both of them shared a quick hug before the guard informed them they had reached the Elestial's Palace.
Taking a few deep breaths in,Jeongguk got out first and Taehyung followed behind him. They both stared at the high walls of the Palace, reaching the light blue sky. The royal guards were standing in the side with their heads bowed to their king who had come back after 4 days away from the kingdom. Jeongguk's advisor was the nearest to him at the entrance. He bowed to Jeongguk, stared at the other King, he was hesitant for a second, not sure how to welcome Taehyung.
Guest, he is a guest of the King as he came alongside him so the advisor immediately pulled himself together and bowed to the other King, ignoring the closeness between the two your highnesses.
“Welcome back to Elestial, your majesty. The Kingdom felt like it was withering away without your presence but I made sure to keep everything in line for you, hopefully I didn't disappoint.”
“Yeah I hope so too,choi. My guest must be tired,please prepare my room as he would rest a bit there.” Jeongguk says to the advisor.
“We can clean out one of our guest bedrooms-”
“I said my room didn't I? don't do something I didn't ask for.” Jeongguk says in a much stern voice and the tension around them thickens for a second. Taehyung even feels it.
“I apologize, your majesty. I will get it done right away.”
“Amazing, also let my parents know that I have arrived with a guest and I will be meeting them soon.” Jeongguk gave his one last command before he grabbed Taehyung's hands in his and dragged him out of there.
Everyone had a hint of what was going on. The glances full of love, the small touches that linger for far too long, the big grins and now the hand holding. As they roam around the palace, it gets obvious to every servant or a guard or even some official that there is more going on yet no one says a word.
They can't dare to, the last thing anyone in this castle would want is to get on the bad side of the King. He's not King of just Elestial but almost the entire nation. It would be a death wish to want to go against him.
Jeongguk and Taehyung spent some time in his room. Just relaxing and talking a bit, to calm their nerves. Taehyung stares at his engagement ring and feels his heart beat go faster. This is reality and it's too awfully nice. He is scared to lose it. He puts his head on Jeongguk's shoulder and sighs. He wants to cherish this, them, as long as he can.
“Your majesty, they are ready to meet you.” One of the guards says to them and Jeongguk nods.
Getting up from the sofa, They both head out of the room together. Heading towards the living space in the Palace. That's where they all gathered in. Jeongguk gathers his thoughts together and stands in front of the door as the guards alert the old king and Queen of their son's presence. The door opens and Jeongguk grabs Taehyung's hands and walks in with him.
Bowing down to his parents as Taehyung does the same. The couple are already confused as to why is Taehyung here? they exchange confused looks and let it go for now. They haven't noticed the hands together yet. The other couple sits down on the sofa right in front of them.
“Mother, father, How are you both? has everything been well while i was absent?” Jeongguk asks them and His father answers him.
“Everything has been well, my son. You have been managing things well though I wanna ask what brought you two together here?” His father asks him straightforwardly.
“I apologize for not introducing him well. This is Kim Taehyung as you both already know. He was the Prince of Arothia but now he is the King of Then as we are all familiar. He is my guest and I brought him here.” Jeongguk states, he doesn't want to sugar-coat everything. The good, the bad and the ugly everything will be out today.
“It's nice to meet you both in a less formal setting.” Taehyung says to them
“Honey, we know that. We are just wondering for what purpose he is here? we didn't know you both were acquainted like this, that you both are friends.” His mother says with an unreadable expression.
“That's because we are not.” Jeongguk says and Taehyung feels his heart stop.
“We are lovers. He is my fiancé. I proposed to him about two days ago. That's why he is here.” Jeongguk finally says the word. It feels so….free to say it out loud. He can feel a heavy burden off his chest. Everything's out.
The parents are both silent for a moment. Trying to process what their son is saying. Jeongguk mothers just look down, not sure what to say as she is conflicted. His father's expressions on the other hand gradually start getting angrier.
“This is not something to joke about, Jeon Jeongguk!” His father raises his voice, getting up from his seat.
“I am not joking, I would never joke about something like this.” Jeongguk gets up too and Taehyung follows him. He grabs Taehyung's wrist and puts his hand up to show them the ring on his finger. “I have made it official.”
Their eyes go to the diamond ring and it feels like their eyeballs are going to pop out. His mother is speechless while his father is having a difficult time wrapping his head around the concept of his son wanting to marry a man, not just any ordinary man but The King of Xethen.
“Jeongguk,have you lost your mind? Did some witch cast a spell on you? A man, you want to get married to a man???”
“Yes, I do. Why is that such a hard thing to get? I love him, I have never felt love this intensely, I have fought so many people, I have waited so long just for him. My love for him is the strongest emotion of mine. That emotion is strong enough to fight against you, against the entire world if they are against me.” Jeongguk says to him, squeezing Taehyung's hands.
“You are delusional!!! marrying a man, the King of Xethens, who has killed many of ours. This is unacceptable and I would not let it happen under my watch. You cannot marry him, Jeongguk. You are the King, you need to think with your fucking head and not your heart. I would have not said anything if it was a woman, even if she was a commoner but you are just ahead of us all, aren't you?” His father sarcastically chuckles. His father is pounding from this news.
“Why does it matter if Taehyung is a man? What would have a woman done that could have made her a better partner for me? I love him and no one else, so no one could have done it.”
“A woman could have provided an heir. Someone to carry our bloodline, you want to wipe us of history by marrying him???”
“The bloodline wouldn't end with me even If that happens. You are forgetting you have another son. It still doesn't matter, if you want an heir we can always adopt one.” Jeongguk suggests the solution and his father feels his ear ring.
“Adoption?? you want to take an orphan child off the streets to raise as your own? Just what have you done to my son??” The man starts walking towards Taehyung but Jeongguk comes in between them.
“I respect you, I have always honored you so don't make me forget that. You are my father. I don't want to fight against you but if he is hurt in any shape or form, then I hope you know my actions wouldn't be to your liking.”
“He is threatening his own father because of you, this is your trick isn't it? to have him against me and break up our kingdom. It's all his tricks, just like before, he killed his own father and now he wants you to kill me too.” Jeongguk's father says and he hears his mother gasp.
Taehyung could feel himself twitching. “That's the most absurd thing I have ever heard. I did what I did because my father was an abusive asshole. He would have killed me if I didn't kill him. I have no tricks up my sleeve, I am here because I love your son, I want to get married to him but without your blessing I won't want him to do that. He idolizes you, your majesty. You are everything to him and I know he wouldn't want to take this step without your acceptance so that's why we are here. I wouldn't get anything out of breaking up Elestial. With or without Elestial, I am a powerful ruler on my own.” Taehyung answers confidently. He is more confident before because he knows Jeongguk is committed to him.
“You can never have my approval. I can't allow it, Jeongguk. You can sleep with whoever you want but I can't let you marry a man. It goes against our beliefs and it doesn't favor the welfare of the kingdom. It is disgusting to me.”
“Mother, do you share the same thoughts?”
“Honey, I-....I'm sorry I can't agree with this union. It's unnatural and unheard of. Even if we let you do it, the people would not agree, Jeongguk-ah.” His mother says so and Jeongguk feels a bit sad.
He expected his father to not react well. The anger, throwing a tantrum he expected from him but he didn't expect this from his own mother. She has always been the one who has sympathy for everyone. She loves him more than the moon so now she is backing away when he needs her the most, it hurts him.
“Alright. I am sorry to disappoint you both. I didn't have plans to fall for him, it just happened. I won't apologize for loving him as nothing has ever felt this right. I am hurt, I thought you both would understand me. I have never asked for anything, I have always done my best and now even as a king, in this position I don't need anyone's permission but I'm still here standing asking for your guys approval. It's upsetting that you didn't even try to understand.” Jeongguk says to them, his voice breaking in the middle. Taehyung rubs his back, feeling tears come in his eyes too.
“Honey, you have to understand this is all new to us and the end is not good. You both wouldn't feel happy, you need a woman-”
“Please stop, I have heard enough. I would marry him, you both can't stop me. I didn't want It to be this way but you left me no choice. Once I get married, I will announce it to the people too and encourage them to pass the law so many like me can do the same. I won't let you both stop thousands of people's happiness and especially mine. I would encourage you both to think about it more. I love him and we can make it work. I'll leave now.” Jeongguk says fast and turns away, walking out of the room.
Standing back in the room, they both don't say anything to each other. It's silent for a few minutes. Taehyung wants to speak but he isn't sure what to say. What are the right words in this situation? it went horribly and he expected it to but hearing those words still hurt. He can't even imagine how solemn Jeongguk must be.
He has been awfully quiet and Taehyung is worried now. He sees Jeongguk sit down on the bed and then he looks up at his lover. there are tears in his eyes. “Baby…are you okay?” Taehyung asks, quickly sitting next to him.
“I-....I knew it wouldn't go like I want it to but I didn't expect it to hurt this much. They are my entire world, I have always been proud of being their son so n-now it feels like my life is falling apart just because they said n-no.” Jeongguk stutters a bit, trying to hold in his tears. but it's so hard.
“I know, I can't even imagine how worse you are feeling right now. You are strong, Jeongguk you took it amazingly back there. You stood on your point and didn't hesitate. That's why I love you, you are fighting for us. They are old and they have never seen people like us so it's hard for them to understand. Give them time, they will come around, baby.” Taehyung says to him, Putting his hands around Jeongguk's waist and pulling him closer.
Jeongguk burst out crying, the tears kept flowing out of his beautiful doe eyes. He grabs his nape and pulls him into a hug. Jeongguk's face is buried into Taehyung's chest. He sobs and sobs. Taehyung doesn't stop him. Let it out, he thinks. He won't stop him from feeling. Comforting him is his job here so he will do that. Rubbing his back while kissing his head. He tells him to take deep breaths and calm down.
Jeongguk has never cried this much, especially in front of everybody. He was so confident this morning but now he realizes that was just a wall he made to face the inevitable. A wall to protect him from his parents' not so kind words. He isn't scared but he is upset, sadness is flowing through his veins, he doesn't get it.
“Why is it so bad? the idea of us? Two men together shouldn't be such a sin. We love each other just as much as any other couple so why is our love invalid but there isn't?? I don't want to live in a world like this.” Jeongguk says to his fiancé, wiping his tears.
“Don't say that.”
“No, I meant it like I want to do something about it. I am the ruler of Elestial, Taehyung. I'm the youngest King elestial ever had yet I'm the one who has won the most battles, have brought more victories than any other King. I have been different from all the others from the day I was born. I want my people to remember me for doing something with impact. I want to pass a law that let people like us love openly and get married to whoever they want.” Jeongguk proposes the idea and his eyes shine brighter than ever.
“I love the idea but I don't think the board will agree, there are many officials who are against us. They would never agree for this law to be made.”
“I would make it happen. Trust me, I will give it my all. I told you I would fight everyone for us and now I think it's time.” Jeongguk smiles, kissing Taehyung on the forehead.
“Hmm I know and I would fight alongside you.”
“I know. Let's go, we have meetings to attend.”
Just like that, Jeongguk did as he said. He fought against everyone to have his one law being passed. The court officials, the higher ups, no one liked the idea. Everyone hated it actually, it was ‘unfamiliar’, ‘unnatural’ and down right ‘wrong’. They said words that hurt Jeongguk but he didn't let that stop him. Since he was the King, he couldn't be dismissed so that was a disadvantage everyone had.
Jeongguk felt like a lawyer, presenting his points, making everyone in the room understand how important this is and not just some weird fetishes they all think it seems to be. He had to visit the court every single day for months, many days he came back home disappointed, annoyed and just upset with how no one seemed to listen to him. Taehyung was there, he held him, he appreciated his efforts and made him feel loved.
It didn't last long as Taehyung had to go back to his own kingdom halfway through. He wanted to be there for him in this journey but he had his own kingdom affairs he had to attend so he had to leave. Taehyung was distraught but Jeongguk told him that it was okay. He would manage.
And he did, he managed quite well. After months and months of just fighting against the court. They finally agreed to the law. They would legalize marriage between the same sex. It was all because Jeongguk was persistent. Jeongguk never gave up because Taehyung didn't give up on him. On nights when everything felt like it was falling, Taehyung believed in him and now today he is standing here in front of the court, with a law that allows their love to be out and cherished.
When Taehyung got the news, he was over the moon. He couldn't believe it. He had to immediately go back to Elestial and just hug his fiancé. They did it, they finally made it possible what was impossible. It was groundbreaking news for them and the entire nation when it got out. There were some people who were outraged while others couldn't be happier. You start somewhere and this is theirs.
Jeongguk had the majority of the public support, there were many who were filled with hate for this law but Jeongguk paid them no attention. You can't have everyone on your side so he will let them grow into a better person before they come to his side. He was happy and he already got the letter of how Taehyung would be arriving soon. They should start preparing for the royal wedding.
Before all that, he needs to talk with his parents. While his father has been ignoring him all this time, his mother finally decided to talk to him, she asked for him to meet her. Jeongguk once again felt like he was back in the room with them like he was months ago, nervousness was flowing through his body again.
“Mother, you called for me?” Jeongguk says he sits on the sofa in her room. She nods and sits next to him.
“Yes,I…I heard about the law being passed and I wanted to congratulate you. It's a big achievement on your part.” She says to him, giving him the smile that he missed seeing.
“Thank you, mother. I did give it my all and I'm happy it's being paid off.”
“I'm proud of you and I….ha I didn't know it would be this hard. I am sorry, Jeongguk. I am so sorry for how me and your father reacted to the news of you and your fiancé.” She is apologizing. Jeongguk was shocked for a second.
“It's alright, i-”
“-it is not alright, honey. We should have reacted better than how we did. We should have been more accepting. I have felt immense pain ever since that day because I saw how your eyes dimmed, how your beautiful smile fell when we said what we did. I wish I could go back in time and hug you and tell you that it's alright.” His mom says as she gets a bit emotional.
“Me and your father are getting old and who knows death might catch up to us soon. So I don't want to spend the last few decades I have with you hating me or your father for the things we said. I have learnt a lot, I have seen you going to court everyday, fighting for your happiness and I have seen you come home to your lover. It made me understand your struggle, made me realize how the world will progress whether we like it or not and the only thing that should matter at the end of the day is your happiness, honey. There's nothing else I wish for you.” His mother says to him, caressing her son's cheeks.
“You have no idea how much these words mean to me, thank you for saying this.” Jeongguk says to her, he feels more alive than ever.
“I know and it shouldn't have taken me this long to say these to you. We don't need a blood heir, you do what you want, your happiness is all that matters. Live however you want okay?” His mother tells him before she engulfs him into a hug.
Jeongguk immediately hugs her back. Melting into her arms, he feels at peace for the first time. He couldn't be more thankful how this situation has turned around for him.
“Are you really happy with me?”
“My happiness relies on your happiness. if you're happy then I'm happy, Guk-ah. I see he gave you a ring too, can I see?” she asks, pulling away from the hug. Jeongguk nods and puts his hand in her palm.
She stares at it in awe. It's such a pretty ring, it has a diamond on top and a simple gold band with some intrications on it. Her thumb feels the ring under her fingertips. she doesn't even have to say anything, Jeongguk knows she's genuinely happy for him.
“You know, I have seen your interactions with Taehyung and I realized what a big mistake I was making. You both are so young and in love. All this time I was looking for your bride, I didn't realize you had already found him. You seem happy and I am not going to ruin that for you. Your father….he is a hard one to crack. Give him time, he will come around too.” Jeongguk's mother tells him. Jeongguk just nods, grabbing her hands and squeezing it.
“I will wait. I am glad you came to realize I am not rebelling against you guys but just fighting for the one I love. Does that mean I have your blessings to marry him?”
“This means we have a royal wedding to plan.”
Saying ‘I do's’ while staring into eachothers eyes was a dream that he thought would never be fulfilled. Jeongguk had never dreamt of a wedding where he would be so in love with the person that even if the entire world decides Taehyung is the Villain, he would still be with his lover. The angelic face that makes men and women both swoon over him. The wind blowing back his hair as a wide smile was plastered on his lips. Jeongguk could just not get enough.
The wedding was beautiful. It wasn't grand by any means but still the entire nation celebrated their love. Only loved ones and a few close relatives and some officials were invited to the wedding. There were many who declined because they didn't want to attend a wedding which doesn't have a bride. They paid no mind to them. They can't change people's beliefs overnight and honestly after so long they finally have people around them who accept them and love them and most of all they have each other which means more than anything.
So no, they don't need some king from Northside to validate their marriage. They are enough for each other.
Jeongguk's mother bawled out of happiness because she never has seen her son this happy and in love. Made her realize how wrong and so off she was when she was trying to find him a wife. She did think he was too close to the Arothian Prince when he was staying here with his sister but the idea didn't cross her mind. Now that she looks at it, it was so obvious. She turns to her side to see her husband who attended the wedding but was still quiet about the whole situation.
“You can't keep going like this.” She says to her husband who looks at her and then looks away in a hurry.
“I have the right to be upset. I can't believe you are fine with this. He cannot continue our bloodline. How are you fine with that!?” He exclaims, raising his voice a bit and catching the attention of some guests around them.
“Don't cause a scene here. I would not let you ruin such a happy day for our son. It's his wedding, if you are going to be like this then leave. I won't sacrifice my son’s happiness for an heir that doesn't even exist. You can see the pain in his eyes and look away but I can't. Look at him, have you ever seen him be this much joy?” She points at her son who is laughing with Taehyung and Jimin about something.
They see how Taehyung and Jeongguk are attached to the hip. With their hands intertwined as they greet all the guests, talk with them and win over their hearts. They also see the discreet glances the couple shares. The soft words when no one is around them and little touches here and there. Her heart feels warm when she looks at them.
She might not be able to convince her husband to change his mind but she knows one thing for sure. This is it. This is Jeongguk's person. Everyone has one person who is the one they will do anything for, who they love unconditionally and will never stop loving them. She has her husband and now Jeongguk has his own too. Oh,young love.
“They remind me of us when we were young. So unfamiliar with everything yet still having trust in each other. Love pouring out because there was too much inside. There were times where I felt anxious when I wasn't with you and they are the same. How can I not approve? for once instead of being opposed to it at least try to look at it from his perspective.” She kisses her husband's forehead and gets up to walk towards the couple, leaving the King alone with his thoughts.
It would take time before he even considers it but he will come around. She knows he will.
“I am so tired.” Taehyung says, falling down on the bed, wearing all the fancy clothes still. He sees Jeongguk who is taking his multiple layers off. The robe, the shirt and the shit ton of jewelry,his head piece. It's not easy being a King marrying another King.
“You know stripping down before coming to our marital bed gives wrong ideas.” Taehyung says to him, which Jeongguk responded to with a chuckle.
“Maybe I want to give wrong ideas. It is our wedding night after all.” Jeongguk says to him, heading towards the bed and sitting down on it as close to Taehyung as possible.
“Oh wait, are we going to do it? I thought-”
“Hey, relax I'm kidding. We don't have to do anything unless you want to. I would never say no to that.” Jeongguk winked at him and He just pushed him,smiling a bit too much. “come on take off your clothes”
“i thought you said-”
“get comfortable, my love. I can see you're exhausted from today, husband-nim.” Jeongguk speaks in such a soft spoken way that it melts Taehyung.
“You are giving me all sorts of signals okay, besides you look so sexy right now you can't blame me.” Taehyung got up, taking off his layers too, feeling less heavy as the layers dropped.
Unlike Jeongguk, who stopped at his trousers Taehyung didn't, he took off everything leaving him in his undershorts and a shirt. His long legs were now giving Jeongguk all sorts of signals. Taehyung got into the bed next to him and under the covers with the man.
“I was so happy today you have no idea. Did you see people cheer for us? I never…I never thought I would see this day honestly. We are really doing and you.” Taehyung smiles to himself.
Thinking about the day that had. After the wedding reception, it is a tradition that the royal couple go outside near the front gates to greet the public and show them their new King and Queen who got married. In this case it was King and King. When you are already so controversial you don't expect the public to be nice to you.
Taehyung was ready to take cover when he heard the shouts and the screams, only to realize it was cheers for him. Instead of insults it was supportive words. General public loved the idea of them. It felt like he was in his own perfect world. The reality did come to him when a few of those people were calling him names but how could he focus on them when there were thousands who were cheering him on.
Jeongguk by his side was just as surprised as he was. The couple didn't expect this kind of support but they couldn't be more thankful. It was a reward for all their struggle and hard work.
“It was my promise to you, to protect you, to love you and keep you happy. If it meant making the impossible possible then so be it. I did it all for you.” Jeongguk pecked Taehyung's lips. Taehyung cuddled closer to him, Burying his face into his chest. To feel him close, feel the warmth.
“I probably saved the world from a giant meteor in my previous life that God rewarded me with you in this one. To this day I can't believe you fell in love with me. You are so perfect and I am…me.” Taehyung says and Jeongguk comforts him.
“Sweetheart. We are married, It's time you start accepting that good things will happen to you. I would always love you, there's no doubt in that. Your imperfections are precious to me, that makes you who you are. I am not perfect either but I try. I hope you know now that we are married. I am never leaving you alone. Even when you have to go back to Xethen. I will follow you everywhere.” Jeongguk jokes around with him, making Taehyung laugh.
“husband. You are my husband. That feels so good to say, husband. I love you, husband. Follow me to the end of the world….husband.” Taehyung makes a joke back, repeating it again and again.
“I love hearing you call me that. To an eternity with you, my love. Even in another life, I would pray that God would lead me to you.” Jeongguk stated, making Taehyung blush.
“This is why I fell in love with you. Many left me, many didn't accept me. Yet you came back to me again and again. Never judged me for a second. I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. Come here.” Jeongguk grabbed his chin and pressed their lips together into a passionate kiss.
The kiss was softer than their other kisses yet it felt more sensual than any kiss they shared. Their lips pressed together and moved in harmony. It sure was a beautiful feeling. The pillowy lips wrapped around him as they moved in sync. His hands grabbed Taehyung's ass and gave it a squeeze before going down to his thigh and pulling it over his own leg.
Their bodies pressed against each other as the kisses turned into a full make out session. Jeongguk inserts his tongue inside his mouth and lets them battle with each other. Hanging around and sucking on his tongue softly to make him moan. Oh, his deep voice could make a man reach his climax. Moving his hips to get friction down to his obvious tent. Taehyung gives in and doesn't stop. He lets Jeongguk grind next to him, he lets him devour his mouth because this is the closest to heaven he has gotten.
Things get intense when Jeongguk gets on top of Taehyung. His hands on the waist and he doesn't let their lips apart. He kisses him like the world will end tomorrow. It's so addicting, he can't get enough of his luscious lips. He starts to unbutton his shirt only to realize Taehyung is….unresponsive. He pulls away with a hint of worry. Before he could even panic, he heard soft snores coming from his husband's mouth.
A chuckle escapes his own lips. He is now here with a hard on and Taehyung is…asleep. He sits on top of him for a second, laughing to himself before getting off. He gets rid of his problem by taking a cold bath and walks back into his marital bed. He takes off the chains Taehyung is wearing and pulls his shirt back down that rid up during their session.
Putting the comforter back on him as he gets inside too. Grabbing Taehyung and pulling him closer to him and blowing out the candle so he can cuddle him to sleep. This is all he has ever wanted and he doesn't mind if this is the rest of his life. It's the best life he could ask for.
Taehyung has been his lover, his enemy, his friend and now his husband. Their journey has been rocky but now he can't wait to see it finally smooth sailing. As long as he is alive, no one can hurt him, he will make sure the world flips around before that can happen. Many highs and Many lows will come but as long as Taehyung is with him, he can go through them all. With a promise whispered on the breeze, hearts intertwined and souls united, they embarked on the greatest adventure of all—forever.
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