Reader x Tari (Role Swap AU)
It's had been a long day of working at Visonware Games which had less costumers since a rival company had come to town Sat Corp. A girl with blue hair and a matching blue jay jacket named Tari was walking home after trying to get other jobs at other game companies but always was turned away because she lacked the requirements they looked for new hires and/or were being bought out by Sat Corp anyways. She knew that she was slated to be fired from her current job soon but wanted to get as much as she could out of the job before they let her go. So there she sat in her room after a shorter shift than yesterday since her hours had been getting cut, listening to her favorite shows soundtrack and watching videos online when she spotted something she hadn't clicked on in a while.
She felt bad for the game service since she never really had bothered to play with its content much since she tried to get another job once times got rough. She decided to try and find something to play to try and cheer her up. She had been sitting for a few hours at her laptop looking over her game collection on steam and couldn't think of a particular game to play and after watching a binge of her favorite gaming Youtubers, like the abandoned channel of BellePheonixGaming and her friend MeggySplatzAll, after a few videos she saw an old favorite game of hers she hadn't played in a while, GMod. She hovered over the icon of the sandbox game mulling over whether or not to boot the game up. When the sense to just blow crap up began to make its way to the forefront of her thought process.
"Huh, it has been a while since I've created senseless violence for no reason. Why not?" She said booting up the game for the memes. Smiling to herself as she began to think of the ways to cause mass destruction to whatever she felt like.
As the program booted up her smile slowly faded off her face. she had a bad feeling that this time it was gonna crash after being inactive for so long. To which she was right and groaned in annoyance when the pop up window appeared in front of her forcing her to close the program.
"I hate it when I'm right." She muttered to herself as she went through the process of making sure that whatever caused the crash didn't happen again but found that nothing she had downloaded had triggered the crash. Which confused her to no end as she double and triple checked everything. But her initial findings about her data were found to be correct.
"Odd, well at least I can try starting it back up again." She say having more confidence in the program not crashing this time. She double clicked the game icon again and crossed her fingers.
Unlike all the other times that you booted it up, this time there was a strange symbol that popped up instead of the usual G logo. Which left her perplexed.
"The heck is that thing? Looks like a tree of some sort." She say as the screen freezes on her, again. Then a code like text began running and flashing across the screen like an old movie she had watched before. "Oh now what?" She said looking down at her keys for half a second before the keys reflected a bright light. She quickly glanced up at the screen again and almost regretted it having to squint her eyes at the near blinding light.
"Oh this cannot end well." She mutter in a slightly defeated tone half expecting to get sucked into her computer and had braced for that.
However that's not what occurred. Instead she felt a weight slam into her at the speed of a semi truck flying down the highway and knocked her and her chair onto the floor. As she hit her head a bit hard on the floor she passed out due to the stopping force. but before heading into the world of black she heard a frantic voice of a person panicking. She groaned as the last thing she saw was a blur of a favorite color before everything fades to black.
Hey all Time here, welcome to a project that i have told many people i'd do and have been putting off for a while now.
Well here's the first of may one off chapter bites. (Unless requested for more parts)
Hope you enjoyed the request that was given to me by Zeroprime000.
Till next
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