When you try to mitigate Mario but end up helping Luigi
After the near blackout rage you your brother and friend had watching the eliminations of your girls and the subsequent calming slaps from Desti during the squid games (A/N: Sponsored By Playstation) you were getting a few things for Meggy Desti and Melony for their study group.
You enter the castle as Mario was in his own way trying to help. As you entered the room you watched in horror as the three girls binged 60 cases worth of 24 packs of Monster energy drinks. to your dismay you watched them focusing like nobody's business but you knew the crash was gonna be monumental and quickly grabbed Luigi to talk to him.
"Whats up?" he asked as you led him to the study group. he looked pale at the sight.
"What do you want me to do?" he asked in slight exasperation as this wasn't his normal way of doing things.
"Just roll with any plan Mario has involving taking their place. ill try to help where i can." you say rubbing the now quaking plumbers back.
"Just do your meditation to relieve stress." you offer him to which he does and gets extremely close to ascending to the astral plane impressing you.
"Hey Luigi if you can hear me, you're very close to accessing a psychic ability of astral projection. I can't wait to see what you're going to have as powers." You say and Luigi nods.
You decide to get some rest since you're probably gonna need it. and the next morning you are proven right and at least cover up the girls in blankets and head to the exam like Mario planned, dressed as Desti.
"This is going to be a long day." you mutter to yourself looking over at the test before Luigi starts ascending to higher plane of existence. you join them on the astral plane and talk to the girls who complete the tests in your bodies. and once everything was said and done you all had to wait for the results in the mail.
You headed home and Tari rushed up to hug and kiss you. "How was your adventure today?" she asked looking at you.
"Tame in comparison... though i wouldn't want to try it again." you say smiling softly at her. She looked confused but decided not to push it as she cuddled into you.
"I'm just glad you're ok." she said as you stroked her slowly elongating hair.
"Hey Tari? did you want to see a hair stylist? your hair seems to be getting longer." you say looking at it and you feel tari freeze in shock.
"My hair hasn't grown in the year you've been here... or before that." she says making you look a bit horrified at first before calming down a bit.
"probably a side effect of being with a being of a different universe." you say rubbing small circles in her back calming her down and you feel her nod.
"Yeah, that's probably it, but i will visit one only if i don't like how it looks." she said sounding interested in a new hair style. you chuckle and kiss her forehead.
"Of course." you say before your phones buzz in your pockets. you break the hug to check them and see that the girls passed their exams.
"Good for them. Now Melony can start to control her abilities. and Meggy and Desti can start their coaching job." Tari said as she looked a bit sad.
"Hey, are you feeling like you need to find your place in the world?" you ask and she nods looking like she was alone. you hug her and kiss the top of her head.
"We'll find you a place to be, together." you say gently swaying with her making her blush.
"Dance with me?" she asked. "to get it off my mind for now?" she finished looking up at you.
"I dont see why not." you say gently turning her around and began to slow dance with her around the room watching as not only her smile grew but a blush did too.
you chuckled softly and danced till you two decided to call it a night.
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