Waking up to rubber ducks
(Thank you SMG4 for giving me a way to work in some character development. But WHYYYYYYYYY!)
After a while you stirred and groaned as not only your head but your whole body ached. You also felt your bed under you instead of the floor.
'At least she calmed down enough to put me on a bed so I could not feel too stiff.' You thought you yourself as you slowly got out of bed. To which you heard movement from in the hallway and a giggle.
"Sounds like she's enjoying herself at least." You muttered as you slowly open the door to see a blue haired girl in a blue jay jacket with khakis and socks and sandals, which she pulled off... somehow. But what interested you was what made her giggle.
A yellow rubber duck. With headphones.
'When did I get one of those?' You wonder not noticing she saw you awake and curled up a bit.
"I'm sorry." She said softly avoiding eye contact.
"Don't apologize I'm alright. What about you? Are you ok?" You ask her seeing her tearing up.
She began to sob. "I failed my friends!" She said between sobs. You are a bit shocked at the outburst but decide to do the first thing that comes to mind. You hug her close.
"Hey if they really are your friends then they will forgive you no matter how bad you messed up." You said rubbing her back in small circles. She gripped onto you a little bit as her sobbing eased up a little.
"You really think so?" She asked wiping her eyes. You look into them and see a pool of purple innocence. You give your best reassuring smile.
"I know so. Now do you wanna talk about what happened or would you like to rest a bit before talking?" You asked wiping a tear she missed. She looked away embarrassed.
"You don't have to do that for me." She said in her reserved voice. "You don't even know me." She tried to argue.
"That may be true but I doubt you could survive out in the world one your own in your current state either. I'd rather take my chances and know that your safer just in case your friends show up." You say helping her to her feet.
She looks at the floor. "Thanks. OH! I never told you my name!" She says straightening up and a look of embarrassed horror on her face. "I'm Tari. I don't have a last name." She said rubbing the back of her neck.
"Nice to meet you Tari, names Y/N." You say holding a hand out to shake. She hesitantly took it and shook it you noticed her arm was a cybernetic prosthetic.
"Cool prosthetic, what happened to your arm? If I'm allowed to ask." You try and backpedal your thoughts you uttered aloud. She smiled a bit then immediately frowned.
"It helped me be a better gamer but I lost to someone who had better tech." She said dejectedly.
You looked perplexed but decided to try and cheer her up. "Well, you know your the only person I know probably in the world who has what you have, you wanna go play a few video games with someone way below your skill level?" You say offering to cheer her up. You do see her light up a little but falters before she answers.
"Not today, but I will have to take you up on that offer. It does sound like it would cheer me up." She said giving a smile that was daw inducing.
"That's o-" you began before being cut off by a growling stomach of Tari. She blushed beet red.
"Can I get you anything to eat?" You offer.
"Sure, just nothing corn related thanks." She said looking a little angry at the end of that. Which worried you.
'What the heck happened to her? And how would I get her back home?' You thought leading her down to your kitchen. You were brought out of your thoughts by Tari clearing her throat. You jumped a bit but turned to look at her.
"Um what did you have in mind to make?" She asked sounding like she had asked a few times already.
"How's about... Ramen?" You suggest to which her face lit up like a Christmas tree. You chuckle.
"Would you like to help?" You ask. To which she blurts yes just as you finish. She apologized to which you told her she was ok since you didn't expect such a overwhelmingly positive response to that idea. She told you it was her favorite food but many places where she had come from didn't make it like she liked and asked if she could help make it with you.
"Sure Tari." You say as you get out what you need to make it. Tari following and helping hold anything you couldn't carry.
A/N ok this chapter hit me a dead end until as of august 8th the newest episode of SMG4 came out and gave me a way to break the story wide open again. So if you don't know what that episode is please go watch it and you may understand more of what's going to be explained next chapter.
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