The Night of the living tile creatures (conclusion)
"You're right it's not your issue." You said looking at the others having gone to help the untextured capture the rest of the gang.
"It's mine." You finish slamming her again and running into the cornfield. "This is a bad idea..." you mutter before running into a clearing with an entrance to a bunker and soon was run into by wimpu.
"Quickly into the bunker! It's the only way to save everyone!" He said trembling but determined. You nod and get him inside and as you started to close the door you see her emerge with her friends.
Once you barricaded the entrance and rushed down into the lab you see your friends in a cage. "You're all ok! Relatively speaking." You say rushing up to it. You see a form scramble over the others to get to the bars.
"Y/n! You're ok! I thought you were gonna be hurt for sure!" Taris voice said from the form.
"I'm fine, you're clone however is way more forward than I'm comfortable with." You say reaching through and touching her cheek.
"I I can't feel that..." she said scared and depressed. "I can't feel you." She says about to cry when you feel yourself jerked away roughly from the cage and thrown into the wall.
"Looks like you got through." You groaned out.
"Like that was gonna stop me." She said walking towards you.
"I'VE DONE IT!" You hear cried out before seeing the clone collapse at your feet.
"Too close for comfort there doc!" You yell as you relax a bit feeling no broken bones, this time.
"I'm going to be so sore." You mutter as Tari, now retextured rushes up to you to help you off the floor.
"Are you ok?" She asked so worried tears brimming her eyes.
"I'm ok, I'm just gonna be sore tomorrow with some bruising..." you say before Tari puts a finger to your lips and sits you on the table.
"I should thank you. For helping to save us." She said putting her fingers together.
"You don't have t-mmmmph!" You began before being cut off by a kiss from her. You could tell it was her first but your brain was processing so much it didn't stick right away.
"Thank you" she whispered before helping you back to the car and laying you in the backseat strapping you in and she and Belle were in the front.
Belle was apologizing to Tari about how she had been acting during the party. To which Tari patted her shoulder.
"I don't exactly blame you." She said. "I'm just glad that this is over and we can head home." To which Belle smiled.
"Me too. Although your boyfriend is right, you're clone was more forward than most men would be comfortable with." She said with a shiver
"Yeah even Saiko isn't that bad nowadays when she first appeared may have been different." Tari replied.
Belle nodded but Tari thought to herself that if it weren't for her self conscious nature could she really be like her clone?
Tari was filling with self doubt.
(Hey sorry for splitting this chapter in two but I wasn't happy with how it ended and just wanted to make it better. Now for why I am skipping specific episodes is because I'd burn myself out writing every single episode into this. So expect summaries and or post adventure chats. Till next chapter)
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