Oh so this is that series that SMG4 Hates that series...
You sighed and walked up to a new place in the Mushroom Kingdom called the PizzaPlex.
"This place is a lore..." you mutter as you look the place over.
"huh well this place is screaming something at me but i cant really discern what... maybe i should take a peak through the doors to check." you say walking up to the dark doors and look inside to see a very 80s themed Mall like structure inside with everything that a kid could want to experience inside the place.
"I wouldn't go in there if i were you..." you heard a familiar voice call from behind you. which made you spin around to see Br/N and Tari.
"We've looked up the stories surrounding this franchise, its not pretty." Tari says shuddering.
"didnt help that one lived with us for about a year or more." Said a passing SMG4. "Though it ran away once it met Tari, because she thought it was a duck."
"you sure it wasn't a duck? It was yellow with an orange beak." She tried to reason.
As they debated, again whether chicka was a duck or not Br/N filled you in on what it was supposed to be about.
"then again i bet the story's a bit muddled due to 4 and Mario." he said looking over the Aussie.
"Yeah, i bet its more of a Italian restaurant rather than straight pizza and Mario's only technically been in four this one included and SMG4 despises the series as a whole." yo respond.
"Understatement of the FUCKING Millennium." said Aussie cried out before getting smacked by Tari.
"language." she said instinctively then sighed as the teasing began, again.
"When was the last time this happened?" she sighed.
"at least a little over half a year ago." SMG4 said. they all began to laugh before they hear mario banging on the entrance door.
"HEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLP!" he cried before getting dragged back into the plex.
"Should we help him?" you ask before realizing what you said that to and held up a hand. "No, got it."
they nodded and invited you to come to a different pizza place not too far away. you accepted and soon were eating pizza and chatting when the pizzaplex burst into flames and a robotic bear landed not to far from you guys scaring the crap out of SMG4.
"Well that explains a few things. he hates jumpscares." you say watching the panic stricken SMG4 run away.
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