You were sitting in the shade giving out sunscreen to everyone since a few of the group wanted to be there early to set up the return of Meggy. They all lined up except Bob.
"because obviously." the cloaked figure gestured to himself. You shrug as he did have a point. After the line of friends died down you had started to put your sunscreen on before Tari came up to you and was blushing.
"Hey, can you um... get my neck for me?" she asked removing her hoodie as she turned around and put her hair into a quick ponytail.
you nodded dumbly before uttering "O-of course." you said rubbing it in and feeling her physically relax at your touch.
'Dontmakeitweirddontmakeitweirddontmakeitweird.' you thought to yourself as a blush ran over your face. She looked at you with an equal blush.
"I think i'm good now." she whispered making you stop 'But remind me to ask you for a massage later.' she thought knowing full well you'd hear her making you flush hard.
the others looked confused at you two but decided to not question it for now. as the day went on and the arrival was announced Tari got more and more excited as the announcement of the ship had been called. You began to get nervous until you hear newer thoughts.
'I cant wait to see all my friends again. Hopefully not too much happened when I was gone.' you heard from a familiar friend and you alerted Tari.
"Shes here!" she practically squealed as the boat came closer to the dock. And off stepped not just one old friend but two.
Fr/N was nervous and shaking slightly looking at all the people gathered before them. Meggy gently grabbed his hand making him look at the redhead.
"It's gonna be ok, i promise." she whispered to him, gently squeezing his hand. he blushed slightly but nodded as Tari and the gang rushed them and started barraging her with questions making Fr/N feel left out until he felt a cold hand touch his shoulder and turned to see you standing there.
"How you doing bud?" you asked with a warm smile.
"Plane crash, woke up to spuds, met a girl, stolen luggage, cat thief, hypnotist robot boy band, crazy egg person, almost died, saved the day, and got a girlfriend. All in all, I'm ok just tired." he says with a sigh then noticed your arm.
"The hell happened to you man?" he asked perplexed. "Last time i saw you you had a flesh arm not an, admittedly cool, cyber arm." you chuckle at that and sigh.
"Longer story that i really can't sum up that easily. but i think i can try." You say before trying with some backtracking to tell your friend what the heck happened from when you first got to the kingdom to now.
"Your brothers alive, you both have girlfriends, a deity watermelon cut your arm off mid rap battle, do i have the gist of the story?" he asked seeming to understand some of what you told him.
"Trust me, that's not even the weirdest thing that's happened in this universe since I've been here." you mutter to him. his eyes go wide at the implications of further weirdness.
"Don't worry i think you're gonna be with Meggy catching up so some things will get to be explained, hopefully." you say looking at bob and Mario when Meggy mentions going to her place and try to hold in a laugh to which your friend looks at you funny but you motion to wait and see.
After the long and crazy day that was meeting up with Tari in Spanish Class, Shroomy and his Tall Aunt who divorced his uncle(A/N ouch... doom guy deserved that one), SMG4 explaining whats happened since she was gone, Axol and Melony buying another bed at Ikea, Saiko and her apartment with the secret room before Boopkins showed up, and explaining to Mario what her plans were for the future for her job. You had invited Fr/N and meggy out for a double date to which they blushed hard, but accepted.
As you enjoyed your meals together you felt a presence trying to probe your mind. after multiple attempts to just brush it off you mentally grabbed it and pulled on it knocking Fr/N into his food just as Tari asked how far in the relationship they were, so you didn't think anything of what happend.
Well looks like we could have a new psychic? or is this just you know who trying to find a host? anyways dont forget to drop an idea for TxR what if...?
till next
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