Holiday Shopping with some psycos
A/N: Christmas came early for y'all (or whichever December timeframe holiday you celebrate.) thank you to all my North and South American, European, Asian, and Australian readers it makes me smile knowing how many people are willing to read this. Also I am planning on doing other Glitch productions shows I would love some feed back on which series and character of the series should be next. Comment your suggestions
And now your regularly scheduled program with 99.9 percent of the characters belonging to
As we pan down to the snow covered lands of the mushroom kingdom to all the hullabaloo that comes with this time of year. After the craziness of cyberpunk and a lesson in Japanese. It was nice to enjoy the sense of wonder and whimsy. . . .
Oh who am I kidding you know who you wanna see with Saiko.
Tari was with her friend browsing the shops. To which Saiko on the one hand wanted to be anywhere else right now, but this was Taris first holiday in a relationship. And a part her hated that she loved watching Tari panic.
"What should I get him?" She muttered over and over scanning the shelves.
"Ever thought of yourself?" She said jokingly. And balked a bit when she saw a cold stare from Tari.
"I was only kidding Tari." She said hands up and backing slowly. 'And here I thought I was bad.' She thought to herself. Before spotting something unsettling and strange. A very familiar shaped manikin.
We cut over to Y/n and SMG4 shopping for Tari. Which wasn't as hard since it was rubber ducks, video games, and a picture frame for a photo of them smiling together. When you get a cold shudder wash over you.
"She's back." You mutter gravely. Then notice shroomy's shape shuffle back out of sight. And you swear you saw him holding a knife. 'I gotta be seeing things.' You think trying to focus on your present shopping. When you get a call from Saiko.
"What's up?" You answer after picking up.
"We might have a situation." She said.
"Funny I think we're about to have one too. First two guesses don't count." You deadpan giving SMG4 money and the gifts and the motion to hurry.
"Anti-Shroomy?" She asked.
"Seems like it. Either that or were about to have..." You started
"Revenge of the clones?" She finished.
"If by clones you mean at least three then yes. Keep them away from Tari. If it's someone we know deck 'em." You say coldly.
"Oh we're not in the store anymore we're heading back to the castle to try and write a list of what you like." She said triumphant.
"Oh well ok then me and SMG4 were just finishing up here." You say heading out of the store feeling like you dodged several bullets but chalked it up to Saiko being one of the three sane girls that can put a plan into action and you heading out earlier than these guys anticipated.
"So I may have said something that got me a cold stare from Tari..." she admitted.
"Saiko. You know we aren't that far into the relationship." You sighed.
"I meant it as a joke." She whined.
"Don't use that as a joke around her. She's uncomfortable about that aspect." You sigh.
"How do you know?" She asked
"Body language when I asked to move our relationship along." You respond.
"Makes sense. So see you at the castle?" She said.
"Yep and merry christmas" you say.
"Happy Christmas." She says back.
"Oh and anything she makes by hand is more than enough for me, it comes from the heart." You say to the tallest.
"You're such a sap, no wonder she loves you." She said hanging up.
You laugh but drive back to the castle.
Everything was great.
Until that nuke showed up out of nowhere.
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