Bad Dreams and Missing Memories
(SO, I am going to maybe do a bit of something out of order if you want to ask the characters of Fr/n or Y/n anything go ahead in the comments and ask away and try to keep it pg-13 and below.)
You tossed and turned late at night in the troughs of a bad dream.
You were surrounded by fire and corrupted code. You tried to move only to come across a mesh of a body and the feeling of pain as your body lost some of its form. You witness a door opening to see a group of beings then suddenly, you attack. Trying to gain a body to feel whole again. You see yourself holding one up in the air after dropping a finished body to the ground. before you could do anything your attention is drawn away by another being holding a flash drive, calling you zero and stabbing you in the gut.
You wake up in a cold sweat holding your gut. Seeing as nothing was wrong you laid back and tried to catch your breath when Tari burst into the room holding a duck to protect herself. when she saw that everything seemed alright she approached you.
"Did you have a bad dream?" she asked sitting on the bed beside you in her pajamas.
"I don't know it it was a dream or someone's memories. It felt so real. Maybe its best if I just try to go back to sleep-" you began before Tari interrupts you.
"I should sleep with you!" she blurted and you froze and blushed to which she did as well when she heard herself.
"No no not like that I meant to comfort you to make it easier on you. So this doesn't happen again tonight." she says explaining herself steam pouring out of her ears in embarrassment.
You chuckle a little but smile at your flustered girlfirend. "I'd be ok with you comforting me Tari." you said pulling open the covers and motioning her to join you. She gulps but joins you, and the rest of the night was spent in peace.
The next day Bob and the guys called you down to the Hotel to go over some materials they found.
Once you got there you found them laughing at a picture of a sad toddler Meggy.
"Oi! whats so funny?" You ask sitting in the circle snatching out the photo from Mario's hand and freeze seeing flashes of memories rush by in your eyes. when the memories end you blink a few times and shake your head as you notice the circle is now staring at you.
"Sorry, I uh, don't know what happened there." You try to brush it off but this gives Bowser the idea to tell other stories of the gangs childhood.
"Oh no." You mutter gravely having figured out you could envision the memories of others by either touching an old photo or being told the story verbally having tested it out with Tari earlier that morning.
Shroomy seconded the motion and soon Mario and Bowser remembered their childhood.
You spaced out into seeing a childcare center where mario was drinking glue until he found something with more taste, and Bowser found love at an early age. You also saw how the rivalry was born.
Next up was Luigi who tried and let you rest but was pressured into telling his most memorable moment from his youth.
You spaced out again into a Best Buy and see a lost little Luigi finding his way into the adult entertainment section. (EN: because of course that's how that would jump-start those thoughts.) However, when he emerged from that section, he came out with a vacuum of all things. And began to pilfer the entirety of the store and then harassing a few of the patrons. one of which was the son of King Boo.
When you came too you looked at Luigi. "Ok that makes sense why you and King Boo don't get along." you say the the green clad plumber.
"Yeah, it does doesn't it?" He asked in response before noting king boo with the vacuum and an AK pointing at him.
Next up was Melony?
You see a fairly human like upbringing of a watermelon with a few odd career choices of war vet, vice president, astronaut, and Videogame designer, before she joined the Anti-Cast and turned into her human form.
"Holy crap." You said looking at the melon girl with wide eyes. "Axol has no idea what hes dealing with."
Next up was Bob.
You watch as a Swordless Bob gets taunted and bullied by a young Wario and Waluigi in the school and on the playground. Before meeting small smoke and getting himself some sweet katana blades that a merc with a mouth would find impressive. To then torment the Wah brothers around the school with his sharp blades.
"Well then. I wasn't expecting much but that was unexpected." you muttered.
Next was Shroomy.
"This should be interesting." You utter having heard the stories of Shroomy's darker demon hunter days with doom guy.
You're whisked back in time to a Chunk-Eh-Cheeze knockoff called Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria in 1987 where it was Shroomys birthday! He was there with Uncle Doomguy. (EN: UNCLE?!) When his uncle decided to treat his Nephew things took a downward spiral REAL quick. Shroomys bloodthirsty side was practically chomped out to leave behind the mild mannered boy scout that sits before you today.
'I don't know whether to feel sorry or glad that he's the way he is now.' you thing with abject horror on your face and gently rubbing your head.
thankfully there was a bit of a break in the Memory sharing to catch your breath, until you heard SMG4 say something that Shook the present company up a bit.
"I don't remeber."
When pressed about his past he said he only remembered showing up at princess peaches castle. This memory was brief but made you feel uneasy. Somebody or rather, something didn't want the guy to remember what happened to him. And you had an idea as to who but not as to why. But in that moment Mario made a dumb adoption joke that broke your train of though.
"GODDAMMIT MARIO!" You yelled at the fat plumber.
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