Chapter 7 : Double Trouble
"We're here", the driver announced, as the car swung into the road of the restaurant. At first Tina couldn't see anything apart from the tall hedges behind a high fence, but the car soon pulled up in front of the restaurant, and she gasped. This had to be the poshest restaurant Tina had ever been too, and even though she hadn't been back since her mother died, the building exterior still looked exactly the same, and sent a shiver down her spine. Opening the door for her, Charlie, her driver, took Tina's hand and escorted her inside, as she continued to look around awestruck, feeling as if she'd gone back in time. The old chandeliers hung down from the dark wooden ceilings with the old red draped curtains swagged over the doorways. Everything was just how Tina remembered it.
"Just go straight in", Luke said to Tom as they finally pulled up outside the restaurant, parking alongside another car which had also just pulled up, their occupant being escorted inside. "Aren't you coming?", Tom asked a bit hesitantly as he took off his seatbelt, casting a puzzled look at his friend. "I need to, erm, p-park the car", Luke rambled quickly, averting his gaze. Tom sighed, before resting his hand on his friends shoulder. Even Luke didn't want to go in. That made two of them. "Look, the sooner this meeting is done, the sooner we can just both go home. Besides, one more meeting won't kill us", Tom chuckled. Luke just rolled his eyes and sighed in defeat. "Fine, but you're buying me a drink", Luke concluded as he got out of the car, coming around to open Tom's door as he stepped out. "Okay, fine. Wait that's two drinks I owe you now. Aren't you driving?", Tom realised as he walked with Luke into the restaurant, watching his car keys being passed onto one of the doormen. "Wait here please", a waiter said to them as they entered into the restaurant lobby. "Nice place", Tom noted quietly as he too couldn't help but look up at the chandeliers along with a few of the other guests who were also waiting inside.
"This way please", a gentleman with swept back brown hair said a little loudly, bringing Tom's attention back down to earth as he turned around to look. Just as Tom was about to follow the man, Luke gently put his hand on his shoulder and stopped him. "Not you Tom", he chuckled, as Tom looked at him confused. He looked back towards the man, who Tom now saw was escorting a young lady in a blue dress through to her table, who looked like she'd just come out of a daze too. "Mr Hiddleston", a waiter announced, making Tom grimace as he felt all eyes swoop onto him as another waiter came over. All he could do was nod and follow the waiter as he tried to avoid the gaze of the other customers who'd started whispering. Well, there goes my cover, he thought as he followed on with Luke in tow. If only he could avoid the public eye, just for once, then he could have some peace.
[3rd Person POV]
I watch my target as they are escorted inside the building of the restaurant. By now I've already set up my sniper to get the best coverage of all the windows, but even so, right now I have the perfect shot. I place my eye on the sight and line up the cross hairs onto their head with my finger gently resting on the trigger. I could take this shot, right now, whilst they are just standing there, waiting. I'm half inclined to. They would never know what hit them, as they'd be dead anyway.
I see their attention is now taken away from them admiring the inside of the restaurant. Their waiter has arrive. I know I only have seconds left to take the shot. Despite the situation, I can barely feel my heart beating, not hear myself breathing. I'm unusually calm. But then most killers always are when they commit the crime. It's the time lapse of waiting for the next kill which sets them nervously on edge. My lip twitches into a familiar grin as I slowly increase the pressure of my finger on the trigger. I have my target within my sights as I track them as they begin to walk away. I can see them where ever they go inside there, so it's only a matter of time before I find the perfect moment. I let my trigger finger ease a little. I have to remind myself, I only have one bullet, so only one shot. I better make it count. I chuckle a bit to myself as I relax. I'll let them have their last meal first.
Back inside the restaurant ...
Tom's eyes scanned across the restaurant as he followed behind the waiter, with Luke following behind him. His eyes caught those of couples engaging in a romantic moment, hands entwined by candlelight, whilst other big business types laughed in conversation, eagerly pouring themselves more wine. As much as he knew other people were here and probably not giving him a second glance, he had the unnerving feeling that he was being watched. But he had little time to think of that as he continued to follow through to the far side of the restaurant, passing by the large fish tank in the middle of the space towards the booths. Already he could see a woman eagerly waving at him as he approached, so of course he turned on his smile and waved back, feeling his insides cringe. He rather wished he'd stayed in the car.
"Madame?", the waiter said a little impatiently as Tina snapped herself back to look at him. She had been letting him escort her to the table in the restaurant, but of course she had become distracted by the large fish tank. It was a beautiful thing, and the large tropical multicoloured fish that swam in it just made her even more distracted. "Sorry", she muttered as she watched a man walk past the fish tank, and she swore his deep blue eyes met here's in passing. "This way", the waiter huffed impatiently and set off walking again, and Tina reluctantly followed. Walking around the fish tank which was situated in the centre of the room, they made their way over to the booths on the far side. As they approached, Tina could see the messed up brown hair of one of the occupants standing with their back turned to her, and immediately knew who it was. "Miss Highlands", the waiter announced loudly to the occupants which immediately made her cheeks blush red in embarrassment. She hated being addressed so formally.
The suited man turned, and Tina already felt the awkwardness as he avoided her gaze. "N-nice to see you again Gareth", she muttered, looking up at him, giving a little smile, which he returned. She'd only ever seen Gareth looking this smart on a few occasions, but it still took her by surprise seeing his bulky frame inside a tiny suit. Although he'd tried his best to slick his brown hair back, some of it was already beginning to stick out at odd angles. "Always a pleasure to see you, Miss Highlands. Please take a seat", he said rather calmly, perhaps too calmly. She didn't like it when Gareth had to be professional like this; she wanted her funny bodyguard friend back. "Okay. You know you can call me by my name Gareth", Tina whispered to him as she sat down in one of the high backed chairs in the booth as Gareth stood beside her. "If it's all the same with you Miss, I would rather like to keep this entirely professional tonight, given the circumstances". He looked down at her sadly, shaking his head as his hand pushed his earpiece deeper into his ear. Tina sighed and crossed her arms, slouching back in the chair as she looked across at the empty seat opposite her, a jacket hung over the back of it. Obviously her father had decided to give her and Gareth some 'alone' time to try and talk after the events of this morning.
"Your father will be back shortly", Gareth said calmly, pouring Tina a glass of water, placing it down in front of her. "Gareth, I'm sorry. I was an idiot, okay. I-I didn't mean what I said", Tina spluttered out, unable to kept it back any longer. She felt terrible about what she didn't, and didn't want to have their friendship broken. "Tina, now is not a-". "No. I've started so I'll finish", Tina interrupted him, cutting off his sentence before he had chance to finish it. "I mean it Gareth. I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said and I'm sorry that I pushed you. I didn't realise how deep all this stuff was and how much you'd sacrificed already to keep me save and out of this. I didn't realise it would mean you risking your job, or our friendship. I'm sorry. And for the record, I can't look after myself without you. I'm just a mess". Tina bit her lip after she'd finished and looked up at Gareth who just stood there, stunned. "Apology accepted, but on one condition?", Gareth finally said after a while, smiling gently. "Anything?". Gareth scratched his chin playfully for a minute, before breaking out into a chuckle. "Don't put me in a situation like that again, okay. Deal?", he concluded, holding out his large hand. "Deal!", Tina said enthusiastically, promptly shaking his hand, grinning from ear to ear, happy to have her old friend back. "And by the way, you look beautiful", he whispered quietly, giving her a wink, making her blush as he left her to wait at the table for her father to return.
"I hope you don't mind me choosing this restaurant to meet. It's a personal favourite of mine", the young woman chuckled as she poured herself another glass of wine, whilst filling up another glass, passing it to Tom. "No, it's fine. It looks lovely here", Tom chuckled taking a sip of it, casting another look around the restaurant, as well as catching Luke's eye. He was stood not too far away watching, but even he pulled the familiar face of boredom, which make Tom chuckle. "Well I'm so glad you could meet me at such short notice. We are of course all thrilled at the office that you agreed to join the project", she rallied off, brushing her long blonde hair behind her, whilst pushing out her chest in a suggestive manner. Tom of course knew exactly what she was doing, but continued to just keep eye contact with her, and not let them stray. "Feel free to order something off the menu. It's on the house. The steak here is to die for", she pointed out, her red nails tapping the menu, sliding it across to him, her hand briefly brushing against his. "I'm sure it is", Tom said politely, pulling the menu towards him, and moving his hand further away. Why did women always do this to him? He wasn't even doing anything yet they would still throw themselves at him. He just didn't understand it: what made him so special and important? He was just an ordinary man who happened to be an actor. Nothing special.
"We of course understand that you must be incredibly busy with all of your film projects coming up, and we are all thrilled that we could get somebody as influential as you to come on board". Her sweet tone and suggestive movements were not helping to settle Tom's nerves. As much as he didn't want to offend the young lady, he just wasn't interesting in her. But then how can you bring down a balloon without popping it? "How about we order some food, then we can, erm, discuss schedules and stuff?", Tom suggested, shifting in his seat as her leg brushed up against his under the table. As much as he was trying to keep a calm, polite exterior, inside he was struggling to even form words. He didn't like it, and rather want to go, but of course when he glanced over at Luke to give him the 'get me out of here' look, he had his back to him. Typical.
"Tina", Gareth whispered, nudging her in her side. She had a little jump, scaring her out of daydream and nearly knocked over the glass in her hand. She didn't have time to compose herself before she looked up into the cold, emotionless eyes of her father. Immediately she broke her gaze and looked down into her lap, twisting her fingers uncomfortably as he took a seat opposite her. She remembered what had happened the last time she'd spoken out of terms with her father, and didn't want it to happen again. "Gareth, you may leave us", he said quietly as he poured himself a glass of wine, taking a rather big swig of it. Gareth calmly placed his hand onto her shoulder, giving her some reassurance, before he stepped outside of the booth to give them some privacy. "You look so much like your mother", her fathered whispered as he put his glass down and look at her. Tina immediately looked up at him, quite startled not by what he'd said, but how he'd said it. It was almost as if it sounded like he'd been crying. His eyes glowed warmly at her, and it almost made her heart break just looking at them. "I'm sorry about what I did. I should never have left you in the dark about my work and I should not have made such life changing decisions without asking you. And I am ashamed about hitting you. I should never have done that. I forgot that you are no longer a child, and I think it's time I treat you like the young woman you are, and not the child I am so used to seeing".
His words broke Tina's heart. She'd never expected her father to be like this, nor hear him talking like this. She had to bite her lip hard to stop herself just bursting into tears. "Dad, I-". "Please, let me finish", he said gently, his hand grasping hers across the table. Tina nodded her head and wiped the small tear away off her cheek. "I have not been a proper father. I have neglected you, and I fear that I will loose you. I don't want that to happen. You just remind me so much of Lily, and I still can't come to terms with her death. Every time I look at you I see her. I am just so glad that Gareth has looked after you. He is a far better father than I could ever hope to be". There was not a single dry eye around the table as both father and daughter wept, holding each other's hand tightly. There was nothing Tina could say; her father had said it all. "Come here", he whispered, brushing away his tears as he stood up. Immediately Tina jumped up from her seat and threw her arms around him, burying her head into his chest, bursting into tears. "Shhh. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry", he cried, stroking her head softly as she held onto him tightly. Both of them stood together, just crying and letting it pass, their bond repairing itself. "I think it's best if we forget what's happened, and start again. Don't you?", Jonathan whispered into her ear as he kissed her forehead. "Yeah", Tina muttered, brushing away her tears as she composed herself. "My lady", he said softly, holding out his hand, to which she put her small hand to. "You look beautiful tonight", he said, kissing her hand making her giggle. "Well I guess you have good tastes", she said blushing, gesturing to her dress. "Ha, oh no. I merely footed the bill", he chuckled, gesturing for her to sit, giving a wink. "Oh. But I though ...", Tina trailed off a little baffled, before she caught sight of Gareth looking, who just shrugged his shoulders, before giving her a cheeky wink. Her father smiled, his wrinkles showing his age as his grey hair caught in the candle light. "Well, seeing as you are a grown up", her father began as he poured a glass of wine. "I'm only seventeen", she whispered, correcting him. "Like I said, a grown up, I think it's time I started treating you like one. You are certainly not a child anymore", he laughed, passing the wine glass to her. "Now, let's order some food".
[3rd person POV]
You sometimes can tell what a person is like from a single look. The same can be said for job interviews. They can tell if you are the right person for the job within the first 10 seconds. I don't get that luxury. You either make it, or you don't live. Quite literally. Either you control the bullet, or you end up with it in your head. Simple.
About half an hour has passed and all I can tell you about my target is that they don't want to be there. Me neither. I'd get pretty sick being stuck in a place like that, being smothered in poshness. Not for me at all. I can see them casting glances around the place, feeling as if they don't belong there. All the whole my gun is trained straight at them. I can take my shot at any time, but I want it to be the perfect time. Not rushed. In just the right spot to make it look like an accident. And to hide my location from view.
I occasionally keep a ear out as I hear people passing in the corridor outside the hotel room. If only one of them were to open the door and look in. Imagine the shock on their face, but then the moment would only be for a second. A bullet in their head would make sure they don't remember my face, permanently.
It's at this point when I hear a police car passing outside that I let my eyes stray off my target into the street below. It's nighttime already, but the street is still busy with life. People passing by, oblivious to what's happening up above. Even if someone were to look up, they wouldn't make out much as I'm cautious enough to make sure only a small amount of my sniper barrel is sticking out of the open window; I don't make the rookie mistake. That's when someone catches my eye. They say the devil can take many forms, well if it takes the form of a co-worker who I'd presumed dead, then yes, I'm looking right at him. I see him walking like a god through pigeons, people instantly avoiding him just from his appearance alone. If only they knew him, then they'd run. Just to confirm my suspicions, I spot his recognisable tattoo behind his left ear as he glances across the road ... Straight at the restaurant. Lightning never strikes in the same place twice, so why would two assassins be in the same place at the same time, if not for one factor alone: the same target.
Several yards away, inside the restaurant ...
"All of this looks gibberish", Tina muttered, her eyes scanning the menu as she suppressed a burp. Even though she'd only had one glass of wine, she was pretty sure it had gone straight to her head, making everything seem just that bit weirder. "Not funny", she cursed as her father laughed, as she rubbed at her temples to try and focus. "Perhaps you should get some air or something", Jonathan suggested as he checked his phone, frowning slightly a it's contents. "Gareth", he said, catching his eye and ushering him over. The once amused smile that had been on Gareth's face soon got wiped off it when he read what was shown to him on the phone, his eyes growing concerned. "I think perhaps it's best if we leave", Tina was able to catch Gareth whispering to her father as his expression became more hollow. She did want to listen to what was going on, but the pounding in her head from the alcohol was becoming increasing louder, and she needed to get out. Getting up from her chair, Tina began to walk out of the booth, past the fish tank to the back of the restaurant to the toilets, next to the kitchen.
Tom was having the same thought cross his mind; just get up and leave. His gut feeling had been twisting and pulling and now it became unbearable. "So, Mr Hiddleston", the woman opposite him cooed, her foot resting against his under the table, slowly running up and down his ankle. For the whole time he'd been sat there talking to this woman, she had been working her way closer to him, batting her large eyelashes at him, biting her lip in a teasing manner. He was surprised she was taking so long to throw herself at him, as everyone seemed to want to do that. But of course he was being polite to stop her from doing it; he didn't want to be rude or offensive. "I think you are a very handsome man". Again she sipped her wine elegantly, as if she'd done it a million times already, her hand tapping on the table. Tom bit his lip unsure. Should he say something? "I know a lot of people who would kill to get this close to you...". Her hand rested on top of his. "... myself included". Then she lifted her leg and it touched his inner thigh. "I need to go the toilet", Tom quickly stammered, pulling his hand away and immediately standing up. "I'm sorry", he quickly said, running his hand nervously through his hair as he turned away and walked from the table towards the back of the restaurant.
[3rd Person POV]
I watch his movements cautiously, knowing full well what he is thinking. I can see his hand is deep within his pocket, on his gun no doubt. I can't jump to conclusions if his target is the same as mine, but I need to be sure. Dead men don't come back to kill nobody's. I hit call on my phone, already having his old number in it; let's hope he hasn't changed it. I see the puzzled look cross his face when he notices it's his phone ringing and not someone else's. Not even checking if the cost was clear, he answers it.
"You're suppose to be dead", I snarl as soon as he answers. I watch his frown deepen, before a grin emerges. "Well if it isn't the coward himself. I thought you would never come out of hiding", he chuckles, his eyes now looking around trying to spot me. I know he will spot me soon enough, but even then, he wouldn't shoot me. "Circumstances changed", I reply, watching as I see his hand fidgeting in his pocket. Clearly he's impatient. "Yeah, cos everyone can just leave the Russian mafia can't they? Like what you did. I'll tell them where you are", he snaps, eyes searching every window of the hotel I'm in. I don't have much time. "They'll find me soon enough". He laughs before finally his bloodshot eyes meet mine, as he stares at me from the street. "Just like Budapest all over again then huh? Why send one assassin when you can get two of them instead to fight it out". Scruffy jeans and a worn leather jacket, skinhead, badly broken nose and a fiery temper that could rival a toddlers. That was Max alright.
"Well you know what they say. Never send sheep to kill a wolf", he chuckled as we sized each other up. As much as he knew my tactics, I knew his. "First one to kill em wins", he sneered, showing off the tattoo behind his left ear for me to see. Lights out. His motto. "This is no game", I spit back at him, but he just looks up at me and smiles, before a bus passes and I loose sight of him. As soon as the bus clears, he's gone.
"Shit", I curse, looking up and down the street, but I can't see them anywhere. I'm running out of time. I look back through my sights of my sniper where I left it trained on my target as they sat in the restaurant, only my blood runs cold. They aren't there anymore. I curse aloud again and frantically look everywhere in the restaurant to try and spot them. I need to get them before Max does. Finally I see them walking through the restaurant to the toilets at the back. Gotcha! I line up my sights, take a deep breathe. I begin to squeeze the trigger, watching my target being completely oblivious. Three. Two. One. Then the lights snapped off inside the restaurant before I get chance to fire. I can't see my target, nor can I see the other assassin. Oh boy.
[ A / N : Oh boy. One awkward dinner joined by Two assassins!? Uh oh. This spells trouble, and make it double! Poor Tom!
Hope you all like it. Sorry it's taken me a while to write it. Always tricky trying to tell it from different sides.
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Xxx ]
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