Chapter 6 : Target Locked
Ever have those times when you just get too hooked on something that you completely forget the time? Like your favourite TV series perhaps? Or reading the next chapter in a Harry Potter book? Little to no surprise that one and a half episodes of Doctor Who later, Tina was still curled up on the sofa, oblivious of the time. Her mouth hanging slightly agape, her eyes were transfixed on the screen watching the 10th Doctor, her favourite Doctor, in her favourite episode, The Girl in the Fireplace. She didn't know what made it her favourite, from the sassiness of some of the lines to the richness of the story and costumes, she just wished that she could be Reinette in that moment. The Doctor had just saved her, and now they were having a 'moment'.
{Reinette Poisson: A door, once opened, may be stepped through in either direction. Oh, Doctor, my lonely Doctor... dance with me.
The Doctor: I can't.
Reinette Poisson: Dance with me.
The Doctor: This is the night you dance with the king.
Reinette Poisson: Then first I shall make him jealous.
The Doctor: I can't.
Reinette Poisson: Doctor. Doctor who? It's more than just a secret, isn't it.
The Doctor: What did you see?
Reinette Poisson: That there comes a time, Timelord, when every lonely little boy must learn how to dance!}
Ding dong
"No! Not now! It's getting to the good part!", Tina moaned in annoyance as she gasped at the time. Again the doorbell sounded, along with a heavy pounding at the door. Growling in frustration, she snapped off the TV, tossing the remote onto the table before storming to the front door. "What?!", she snapped to a startled driver, dressed in a suit who'd been taken by surprise at the door suddenly opening. "Erm, car for you Miss Highlands", he said wearily, indicating to the car behind him, parked outside the house. "Oh. Yeah, sorry. I'm ready", she muttered embarrassed as she felt her cheeks burning. "It's okay miss. Follow me", he said sincerely as Tina shut the door behind her, letting the man escort her to the car, opening the back door for her to jump in. She eased herself down into the seat before the driver closed the door. Tina just had chance to quickly check her reflection in the mirror before the driver got in and started the engine.
After several minutes of driving with no talking at all, Tina had come to the conclusion that he'd been ordered not to talk to her. She saw him occasionally glancing in the mirror at her as she sat there, aimlessly staring out of the blacked out window. She could see him gripping the wheel tighter, occasionally clenching his jaw in frustration as he drove along. She thought he looked a bit cute, with ruffled blonde hair, but he was in his mid 30s, so there was no way she could be attracted to him, well, maybe a bit. "You know you can talk to me", Tina giggled after the awkward silence became too much to bear as she watched him biting his lip, as if wanting to say something. He was a bit startled by her sudden outburst, but had a little laugh himself. "It's alright miss. I have been told not to, so I would like to keep it like that, no offence", he charmed, glancing back at her in the mirror. "Well, I think it's an offence and I order you talk to me. You work for my dad, therefore you work for me, right?", she commented, adjusting her skirt as she turned to face him, leaning forward in her seat. "Fair enough. You have a point. Order overruled then", he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he flashed her another grin in the mirror. "So, what's your name? All the usual questions, etc. Plus, any juicy gossip?", she asked, curious to learn more about her driver. By now they'd reached the centre of London so the traffic was basically crawling along, but Tina didn't care if she was going to be late, this was much more entertaining. "Name is Charlie miss. Been working for your father about 3 months now, and gossip? Mmm", Charlie trailed off in thought as his eyes followed a man walking briskly through the crowd, looking over his shoulder, both their eyes connecting is a stare before he disappeared around a corner. "Gossip as in celebrities?", he asked as he turned around to look at Tina, who nodded enthusiastically. "You watch Sherlock?". "Religiously, yes!", Tina squealed, practically nearly leaping off her seat, eager to hear more. "Well, you know that guy, Cumber-something...". "Cumberbatch!", She corrected him, making him chuckle. "Yeah, that guy. Well, word on the vine is that he ain't single no more ...", Charlie whispered to her, giving her a wink. "What!? You mean he's seeing someone!?", Tina screamed. "Ouch! Yes. Some director apparently, but you didn't hear that from me, so shhhh", he chuckled, rubbing at his ear, before focusing his attention back to the road. Tina fell back in her seat, both happy and excited at the prospect of being told such fantastic news. She was happy for him; it must be hard to be a famous actor and to try and have a normal life without getting all the media attention. Tina let her mind wander to her little fandom dreams as they continued to trundle along on the way to the restaurant.
Meanwhile, further behind in the traffic queue ...
"Come on, move!", Luke practically shouted at the stopped traffic in front of him. Why is it that whenever you are trying to get somewhere in a hurry, traffic always gets in the way to slow you down, and make you late. "You know, shouting at it isn't going to make them move any faster", Tom sighed from the passenger seat, his head against the headrest, his eyes closed. He had been trying to have a bit of a sleep as he felt exhausted after a long, stressful day of interviews, but of course Luke's road rage was going to get in the way of that. If Tom had had his way, he'd have been the one driving, which probably wouldn't have helped, so in this instance, he was glad to have drawn the short straw. "We're gonna be so late", Luke muttered, glancing at his watch, before looking back up, his eyes watching someone shifty looking up ahead glance around at them, before disappearing around the corner. "It'll be fine. They won't mind", Tom muttered, rubbing at his eyes as he admitted defeat at not being able to get anymore sleep. "Yeah, I guess. Still think we should have gotten the tube", Luke sighed, slouching back behind the steering wheel, crossing his arms as the traffic remained at a standstill.
"No. That would have been a bad move. You remember what happened last time I got the tube, right? Not a good idea", Tom snapped, pushing himself back in his seat to try and hide himself from the young group of giggling girls walking past, hoping not to be seen. "Oh yeah, I remember. You nearly got swamped by them. Haha, I still can't believe one of them managed to get a picture of you. Why on earth were you sat on such a small seat?", Luke chuckled to his friend, watching him humorously. "I didn't plan on it! And those seats aren't small, I'm just a bit taller than normal", Tom retorted back, his eyes as wide as a rabbit in headlights as one of the girls in the group looked directly at him, and let out a shriek. "Oh god", he muttered as he gave her a smile and waved as she recognised him, screaming his name and doing the usual 'fangirl' arm flapping and shaking. By now the rest of the group had noticed him too, and started shrieking his name, madly grabbing their phones and snapping pictures. As if predicting his mind, the traffic started moving again, and Luke was quick to put his foot down, leaving the fangirls far behind. Giving a sigh of relief, Tom collapsed back in his seat, resting his hand against his head. "Thanks. I don't think I could have managed with all of them". Luke couldn't help but give a little chuckle, glancing over the top of his glasses at him. "Well, that'll be all over the internet around about .... Now", he joked. His chuckling soon stopped when he received the familiar glare off Tom, and promptly shut up. "Just drive. The sooner this day is over, the better", he sighed, before resting his head back against the headrest, staring aimlessly out of the window. "Yes Sir", Luke muttered as he focused back on the road, following the one way route towards the restaurant.
[3rd person POV]
I always get suspicious when I see people I know. Seeing an old colleague in such close proximity to where I'm suppose to be working is never a good sign. Even though they were driving, I have a deep gut feeling I will be seeing them again shortly. It's not long before I am sat on the wall opposite the said address. As usually, the streets are busy with people and tourists, some on their way home, others on the way to the theatre or some other event. The traffic is moving a lot slower than usual which I take as a good think. It probably means whoever I am suppose to meet is late. I keep my hands buried deep in my pockets as I watch people passing by, judging their characters. One hand gently holds my phone, the other tightly rests against my gun. Not that I would dare use it in a street like this, too many witnesses. I watch the cars pulling up outside the modern restaurant with fascination. The doormen open the doors for the waiting guests and they go inside, dressed in their finery and suits. Too stinking rich for their own good.
"Excuse me". I almost pull out my gun as the owner of the little voice tugs at my coat jacket, startling me. A little ginger haired girl, who looked no older than 10, was stood in front of me, looking a little lost and confused. "A man told me to give you this", she said shakily, holding up a little envelope in her nervous hand. I look down at the small child, perplexed, whilst I hear the ravings of a scared mother in the distance, screaming her child's name. There is only one type of sicko who'd use an innocent child to deliver a message, and yes, he certainly is now the devil. I wearily take it from her hand, before nodding to her, and she promptly runs off, straight back to her mothers arms.
Without even glancing at the initials scrawled on the seal, I rip it open, and tip out the contents into my hand. A key falls out with a tag, with a message written on it, in the familiar red scrawl.
I hear room 66 has a view to die for.
From the Devil.
"Of course it bloody would", I mutter, already starting to feel worked up. First this guy finds out who I am, hires me to do his dirty work, then starts talking in riddles. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought this arrogant man sees himself as some high class villain. Like the Riddler, or Moriarty or whatever ones there are. Fact is, real life is no fairy tale. I burnt those books long ago. And I take great pleasure in burning people like that, literally.
I look at the building directly behind me and see it's a hotel, not a big fancy one, more like a travelodge or some run down B&B. I already know what he wants me to do, without it having to be spelt out. I walk up to the hotel lobby, and pulling up my hood, walk straight in. Luckily there is no one at the reception desk, so I head straight for the stairwell. Making it up to the sixth floor, I work my way along the empty corridor before stopping outside the room. 66. I take the key and insert it into the lock, my other hand tightly gripping my gun at my side. The lock clicks open effortlessly, and I let the door swing open. My eyes quickly dart around the room, checking all vantage points, but the coast is clear. No one is home.
That's when my eyes fall onto two items. A envelope stuck on the window, facing out, and a large briefcase on the bed. I step into the room, and lock the door behind me. The thin layer of dust along the bathroom surface in the small room off to the side gives me all the information I need. The room hasn't been used for a while, which means providing I'm careful, I shouldn't leave too much of my DNA lying around for the police to track. I walk over to the bed and run my hands along the side of the long, black metal briefcase. My hand finds the catches, and I open it up, a grin growing on my face. "Of course", I chuckle, as I pull out the metal contraption, my body feeling complete as I automatically begin assembling it. Stock, sights, magazine, all customised to my requirements for my task. Once I have assembled it, I place the bluetooth earpiece also inside the box into my ear, which automatically starts ringing.
"I thought you might like to be reunited with this old friend. Same one from the task that earned you your fame"
I have to admire his style, it is the exact one I used on that said mission. The JNG-90, the perfect sniper I have ever owned. I was a little disheartened when I had to leave it behind as part of my contract, but having it back in my arms now, I feel complete again.
"Now, time for you to do your job. You only need one shot, right? Because that's all I'm going to give you. Look in the envelope. Have fun"
And with a crackle the phone line went dead. Well, he is certainly trying to live up to the expectation, I think as I adjust the silencer barrel on the end of the gun. Can't have it making too much noise, despite the noise of the traffic outside doing most of that work for me. I pull out the magazine from the gun and my heart sinks a little, if I had a heart. Only one bullet. Great. That means I can't afford to miss.
As I make my way over to the window to take a look out at my vantage point, I can't help but let out a little whistle. He was right, it was a killer view. The distant lights of parliament could be seen teetering over the top of the buildings, but that wasn't the thing that got me going. From here, I could see everywhere in the restaurant, from the foyer through to the dining room and the little stage area, even into the kitchens. Designers ain't half stupid, I chuckle, as I open the window up and set up my mini tripod to rest my sniper on. The whole side of the restaurant was glass, but with a high hedge and fence on the outside so people walking by couldn't see, but from up here, it was perfect.
Now time to set my sights on my target. I reach for the envelope stuck to the window and open it carefully, not wanting to rip whatever was inside. I pull out a postcard sized photo. At last, the face of my target. I chuckle looking at it, as I watch a car pull up right outside of the restaurant. My target steps out of it, taking a quick glance around before being ushered inside in a hurry. But not fast enough. Now I have their image locked in. They won't be leaving that place alive. I take one more look at the picture before taking my lighter out of my pocket, and burning it. The last part of it to burn to a crisp, the words written in blood on the bottom.
Your Target - T.W.H
[ A/N : uh oh. You mean ... No! No! No! ;) I'm not saying anything more. You will have to continue reading to see what happens.
But massive thanks to all of you reading this, and yes I mean YOU reading this right now! Thank you! Thank you for all of your fantastic comments, and for getting it to over 3k!
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Love you all xxx
(even if you might not all love me for being evil) ]
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