Chapter 2 : A swift departure
Have you ever had those sleeps when you wake up, but still feel like your fast asleep, even though you only closed your eyes a second ago? That's what Tina was trying to work out. One second she'd been talking to Gareth in the evening, the next she was lying in her bed, the afternoon sun streaming in through her open curtains. "He drugged me?", she asked herself, confused. Well, I guess it wasn't surprising, considering the events of the evening. She hadn't even bothered to check what pills he had given her, she just assumed it was painkillers, but obviously not. Still clothed, he'd tucked her up in bed, left her with some food and water, he'd even put her phone on charge. Tina knew the bedroom door would be locked, so didn't even bother to get up to try it.
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
Tina sat up in bed, looking straight at the door. "He will knock four times", she said in a husky, croaked voice, just loud enough for the addressee to hear from the other side of the door. A little chuckle from the other side confirmed her suspicions as to whom it was. "Permission to enter the armoury?". Tina grinned before replying. "Granted". The gentle jangling of keys soon followed as the door was unlocked, and a half sleepy/ half fearful Gareth popped their head around the door. "Peace offering?", he asked, holding up a steaming cup of coffee as he opened the door wider, stepping into the room. "I guess so. What other choice do I have?", she groaned cockily, swinging her legs off the bed. Gareth chuckled as he gave her the drink, plonking himself down on the bed beside her, as she greedily gulped it down.
"So, how bad was it? I'm guessing he's been back already", Tina asked after she'd finished her drink, not wanting to sit in the awkward silence any longer. "Yep, pretty bad. I swear I'm still deaf in one ear. I'm surprised it didn't wake you up?", he replied, rubbing his ear in a dog-like fashion which made Tina chuckle. "You drugged me, remember?", she scoffed, practically shoving the empty cup into his chest as she got up, stretching herself as she tottered over to her wardrobe to inspect her appearance in the mirror. "Yes, well, I think you needed it. After what happened, of course", Gareth said, trying to sympathise with her. He did feel sorry for her, as even she looked at little surprised at the small plaster just above her lip as she looked at her reflection. "He's a monster", she whispered as she slowly peeled back the plaster, revealing the small, but clean, cut which reached into her upper lip, her finger lingering on it. She couldn't believe that her father, her own father, would lash out at her like that. "Aren't there rules against that kind of thing? Children's rights or something?", she asked, turning back around to face Gareth as he'd gotten up, heading for the door. "Yeah there are, but your father has enough court cases on his hands to deal with. I'm sure he doesn't need you dragging him there too". "What?", Tina said, shocked at hearing this.
Her father was in court? He wasn't a lawyer, or a judge, and as far as she was aware, he hadn't been involved in any incidents, so why on earth was he there. "Damn it. Done it again", Gareth muttered in realisation at the sudden surprise on Tina's face. "I shouldn't have said that. Forget it. Forget I said anything", he tried to plead but Tina knew something was going on, something serious, and was determined to get to the bottom of it. "What's going on Gareth? First the move to America, then the blackmailing, now court?! What is my dad doing? What is happening!", she demanded advancing towards him as he quickly shuffled out of the room, seeking refuge in the kitchen. "No! I can't Tina. I really can't this time, I'm sorry", he said as he grabbed his keys off the work top, and turned around to find his exit blocked by Tina, looking like she meant war. "I am not a child anymore Gareth! Stop treating me like one! I demand to know what business my dad has gotten involved with, now!", she practically screamed at him, making him flinch. He'd seen this burning anger in her once before, but that's when he'd accidentally broken her laptop; this was different, and either way, he was screwed. "Look, Tina-", he began calmly, before she screamed at him again, rendering him silent. They stood there, shoulders heaving up and down, growing in rage and frustration at this standoff.
In the end, it was Gareth who broke his gaze, turning away, giving a sigh of defeat. "Tina. I'm trying to do my job. Your father is trying to do his. What he is involved with, I am trying to keep you out of. It's not safe for you to go nosing. I have let you know so much, I'm afraid I can't say anymore". His tone was harsh and cold, which hurt him to say to her, but it was the only way to get through to Tina. He couldn't tell her. He'd taken a vow not too, and didn't want to tie his noose just yet. "What are you saying?", she asked, her voice shaking. Gareth shook his head, and in defeat held up his hands. "I can't do this any more Tina. I quit", he announced, not even wanting to make eye contact with her.
They both stood there in silence, unsure what to do, or who should break the silence first in the confusion. Shaking his head, Gareth took a final look at Tina, trying to hide the pain before speaking. "There is food in the fridge to last you the remainder of your stay before you have to leave. All the doors are locked, as usual. The house is being monitored at all times by the security outside. They will deal with the postal deliveries now. All you have to do is not kill yourself. Which I doubt you'd be able to achieve", he said quickly in a monotone voice whilst his hands fiddled with his keys, pulling off the keys to the house, tossing them onto the worktop. All through this Tina's eyes had grown in alarm and realisation at what he was saying; he was actually being serious, he was leaving. "Gareth, no. Please, no. Don't do this", she tried to plead to him but he just blanked her as he gently pushed her aside, making his way to the door. "It is for your own good Tina. I'm your bodyguard, it's my job to protect you. But sometimes I think you forget what I've had to give up to keep you safe. Heck, look at what your father has done too! Do you not get it? Can you not see that he is trying to keep you safe?". Now he stood in the open doorway to the rest of the world, his voice cold and harsh as he practically spelt it out for her to get it. Tina was just stood there, shaking her head, not wanting to hear or believe what she was seeing. "Miss Highlands, it has been a pleasure serving you, but now I take my leave of you. Goodbye", Gareth said calmly, fighting the urge of sadness and regret that wanted to bubble out. Tina just stood there, silent and shocked, biting her quivering lip as her bodyguard too one last sorry look at her, before shutting the door.
Tina feel as if she'd been shot : she was still struggling with the sudden shock of it all. Gareth couldn't leave her, he couldn't. He'd looked after her for so long, he couldn't just walk away and not care, could he? Just to confirm it for herself, she opened the front door and looked left and right down the street, but he was no where to be seen. The only remote thing that caught her attention was the transit van parked several feet away, the occupant glancing up from their paper they were reading at her, giving her a little smile. Eyes brimming with tears, she ran back inside the house, slamming the front door shut in a fit of frustration. How could she have done that? Why didn't she just stop herself, then none of this would have happened! Tina wanted to scream her frustration at the world, but at the end of it, she was the only one to blame. If she hadn't been so nosey, and just kept out of this, then she wouldn't have lost both her father and best friend in the space of 24 hours. Breaking down into tears, she sank to the floor where she stood in the middle of the hallway, curling up, just wishing she could turn back time
[A/N : I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update. Life can be a pain.
Poor Tina, first her dad, now her best friend too. Can life get any worse for her?
But where is the man of the hour? The one you are all waiting to meet?
Do not fret dear. He is coming ;)
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