Chapter 10 : There's no place like home
The journey back was silent. Neither one of them spoke, mostly due to the shock of what had happened finally settling in. Tom was oblivious to noise of the police sirens as they drove ahead of them, escorting them through the traffic quickly. Luke didn't say a word, but worriedly kept glancing over to Tom as they drove, his eyes as wide as those of a rabbit caught in headlights. The Jaguar sped along with the police through the streets of London, some passing pedestrians looking on unaware of the drama that had happened several streets away. Dripping wet and shaking slightly, Tom sat completely still, frozen in shock, staring straight ahead, his heart still pounding in his chest, unable to completely process all that had just happened. Someone had just tried to kill him, but why?
In a similar mindset travelling in the other direction, Tina sat trembling in the back of the car as it sped back home, Gareth's arms wrapped around her. Her hair clung to the side of her face, covered in water and sweat, mixed with her tears that had failed to stop since getting into the safety of the car. She had nearly been killed, but why? Why would someone do that? Her blue dress clung to her shaking thin frame, dripping water onto the seats and down Gareth's white shirt. He didn't seem to mind, or let on that he did anyway as he just sat there, holding her as she cried. Of course he was massive concerned for Tina's safety, but now he had more reason to worry. The gunman had been killed, a clean head shot. But who had shot him, as he didn't and the police weren't there? Only time would tell, and perhaps give him the answers that he had a horrible feeling about.
When the car pulled up outside the house, Tina didn't even notice as she was still too busy crying her eyes out in shock. The driver came around and opened the back door, and Gareth scooped her up into his arms, lifting her up out of the car. Even though he had done this many times before through the years, he admitted he wasn't as strong as he used to be, and was certain his back would hate him in the morning. The cold night air was unnaturally quiet as Gareth walked with the police towards the house. Tina's father was already waiting for them as he'd set off first, holding out the door for them as they entered. It was then that Gareth managed to catch a look at Tina. Scared, soaking wet, and shaking like a leaf, he'd never seen her looking so pale and terrified as now. He just hoped that the police would have answers as they went inside.
On the other side of London ...
The car screeched to a halt outside the house, and Luke immediately jumped out, rushing around the the other side of the car. Even when Luke opened the passenger door, Tom still sat there, staring straight ahead, not moving. "Tom mate, come on", Luke urged him, putting a hand on his shoulder, giving him a gentle shake. Luke was incredibly worried; he'd never seen Tom like this before and it scared him. "Tom", Luke said gently, squeezing his arm. Something must have clicked, as Tom quickly shook his head, bringing himself back to his senses. His skin was awfully pale with a hint of green growing on his hollowed cheeks, and his once sparkling blue eyes were darting around everywhere, terrified. "Come on. Let's get you inside", Luke said, taking his friends arm, helping him up out of the car, which was easier said than done. Tom's tall frame lent down heavily on Luke's shoulders as they staggered inside the house.
Tom collapsed down onto the sofa as soon as they got inside, Luke's strength failing to help hold him up any longer. His breath came in large gulps, his hanging low looking at the ground as his shoulder shook. "Tom, you're freezing", Luke suddenly realized, seeing the water dripping off his suit as his white shirt clung to his chest. Luke rushed through to the bedroom and quickly grabbed a towel and blanket as Tom tried to catch his breath and steady himself. He was still trying to process what had happened, the memory of seeing those people getting killed before his very eyes bringing a heavy sickly feeling to his stomach. He couldn't stop his body from shaking, both in shock and fear, but now from coldness as his teeth started the chatter. Thankfully Luke threw the things at him as he continued on his path through to the kitchen area, putting on the kettle. Thank god he had someone like Luke; he would never know what to do without his good friend.
After struggling to undo his tie and shirt buttons with his numb fingers, Tom managed to peel his shirt and jacket off, letting them drop to the floor. Even that small task seemed to drain him of any energy he had, slumping back down onto the sofa, still half dressed in his wet trousers. Tom didn't think he could risk standing up, for fear he'd soon end up collapsing flat on his face in exhaustion. After quickly ruffling the towel through his wet hair to try and dry it, his trousers and shoes soon joined the pile of clothes on the floor as he tightly wrapped the towel around him, drawing the blanket up over his shoulders to try and bring some warmth back into his chilled bones.
"Here. Get this down you", Luke said gently, coming back from the kitchen shoving a steaming hot cup of tea into his hands. Within seconds Tom was gulping down the hot tea, gasping slightly as it burnt his tongue. Finally, it began to warm him up, and he let out a sigh of relief. He really needed that, and it was the best cup of tea he'd ever had. "Thanks", Tom muttered weakly to Luke, drinking his tea again as he let himself calm down. "It's alright. You needed it", Luke chuckled, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder as he sat down on the leather sofa beside him, giving him a cheerful smile. "I think I'll need something a bit stronger to sleep tonight though, as much as your teas are irresistible", Tom replied, draining the rest of the tea in one gulp, before setting the cup down on the table. "Noted", Luke chimed, making an imaginary 'tick' in the air, making Tom smile.
Neither of them said anything after that for a while, but just sat there, silently in thought, all of tonight's events flying through their minds, with all sorts of questions following in their wake. "The police are still waiting outside you know. They wanted to speak with you, about tonight, but I told them to wait until ... well, until you are ready. I expect they will have a lot of questions", Luke said quietly, looking back towards the door. "Yeah, a lot of questions", Tom groaned bleakly, rubbing at his eyes. Press interviews and media frenzy and chaotic fans he could deal with, but this was something much more serious than any of that. As much as he wanted the world to swallow him up on the spot right now, there was no getting away from the weight of it. He'd have to talk to them some time, so better late than never. "Alright. Let them come in, but just let me get changed first".
The other side of London ...
Tina sat completely still, wrapped up in the blanket Gareth had brought through to her off her parents bed. She loved the feel of this blanket, as it always made her think of her mother, the softness of the material, the faint smell of her perfume still within its fibers. Tina just wished that it was her mothers embrace that she was in now, and not the tickled pink blanket instead.
Tina had never felt so cold and alone as what she did now. He father was stood wearily, leaning up against the fireplace which now contained a roaring fire, filling the room with warmth, but not her heart. It still felt cold to the core, and it wasn't off the water that still dripped slightly off her damp hair. As soon as they'd got back to the house, Tina was quickly taken to her room where she tired to readjust herself, taking off her ripped, soaked dress, throwing on the warmest pj's she could find and her fluffy slippers. Even after she'd walked like a ghost into the lounge, she still felt the cold shivers running up her spine as her mind replayed the events of what had happened tonight.
"Tina, I'm Detective Salt. I'm going to have to ask you some questions about tonight. I understand that it will be difficult but it's vital that you tell us everything that happened", the detective said, addressing her as he stepped forward from where he'd been stood in the doorway. Detective Salt was a tall, bald, overweight man with a grey handlebar mustache, his hand buried deep in the pockets of his uniform. He seemed about as cheerful as a melted snowman, and his voice was about as dry and dreary as a phone book. This was really going to drag, despite the fact that it was already nearly midnight and Tina felt exhausted.
"Tell me in your own words exactly all that happened tonight at the restaurant", the detective said sternly, making Tina pull the blanket around her a little bit closer. Closing her eyes briefly, she let her fears clear and pushed all her questions aside for now. She would probably get a chance to ask them later, but right now she prepared herself to recount the horrible events of the night. Tina took a deep breath, and looked the detective square in the eyes before she began. "The evening was going fine. We were just about to order food when I got up to go to the toilet. I'd had some wine and it had made me a bit funny, so I wanted to try and clear my head". Tina saw the detective raise and eyebrow at her father, probably because of her underage drinking, but she was 18 next month so it didn't matter that much, did it?
"Well, I got up and I walked through the restaurant towards the back, to where the toilets are, when the lights went out. That's when some shouting came from the kitchens before a man was thrown through them and attacked by another man". "What men? Who were they?", the detective interrupted, raising a hand. "The man that got thrown was a waiter, as he had a uniform on. The other man, I don't know who he was but he looked like he didn't work there, but he was the gunman who t-". She cut herself off before she finished the sentence, not wanting to say the rest of it, fearing she'd break down crying again. "Well, you were saying. This gunman attacked the waiter, and then what?", the detective asked after Tina refused to continue talking, knowing that she wanted to press on with the rest of the story.
"Yes, then there was an explosion. I don't know where it came from exactly but I got blown backwards. I think I hit my head or something, but then there was smoke and fire everywhere and people screaming and running", Tina rambled quickly, her fingers shifting in her lap as she tried to calm herself. She could hear those terrified screams of the other diners right now, inside her head, remembering the heat of the blast hitting her clean off her feet, the smell of smoke catching in her throat. "Then the man, the gunman, hit the waiter, and then he pulled out his gun and started shooting people. I hid behind a table and". "You mean you didn't run?", the detective asked suspiciously. She saw her dads eyes grow wider and look directly at her at the very suggestion of it.
"How could I run?! He was shooting everyone! I thought I was going to die", Tina cried at him, tears welling in her eyes as her mind replayed the moment she saw the young couple being shot dead. "Okay, Tina, just calm down. Calm down, it's okay. It's alright", Gareth reassured her, coming over to sit next to her from where he'd been lingering in the doorway as her breathing became more erratic. "Just tell them what else happened, okay" Gareth said gently, squeezing her hand. She didn't question why her bodyguard was giving her more care and attention than her father; perhaps he was more cold and heartless than Tina thought? "Well a man ended up hiding with me behind the table, and that's when the gunman said "Found you", and started shooting at us. And-". Tears rolled down Tina's cheek as she struggled for words to finish.
"And that is when myself and Luke, another man who is responsible for the safety of the young man who was sheltering Tina, managed to get close enough to open fire. Whilst myself and this Luke distracted the gunman, the young man and Tina managed to get closer to safety, until the ceiling came down, blocking us off from them". Gareth's cold, hard voice cut though the air like a knife as he recounted the information to the detective. "Who was this other man, who was looking after Tina?". It took everyone by surprise to hear her father speak up for once since this whole interrogation began, but it was his eyes that caught Tina's attention. The once cold grey eyes held what looked like tears in them, and a slight warmth of compassion.
"Some celebrity who'd also been dining at the restaurant at the time of the attack. My co-worker is questioning him as we speak to hear his side of the events to see if we can find out anything about the other gunman". Tina felt Gareth tense slightly beside her. "What other gunman?", he asked the detective. "The one who shot the man who tried to kill Tina and this celebrity. We believe that they might have been working together". Gareth nodded his head, before falling silent in thought, thinking. "But please, Miss Tina, if you could continue with what happened. Once the ceiling came down, what happened next?", Detective Salt asked after a pause, turning back to look at her. By now Tina's tears had ceased a little, so clearing her throat she resumed.
"We hid, behind the fish tank after the roof came down. We didn't know where he'd gone or if he'd made a run for it, so the man, whatever his name was, took a look. But the gunman was on the other side of the tank and saw where we were hiding. I think he was about to shoot us, but something was wrong with his gun. The front of it was forward, like it was empty. Then there was this light, a red laser light that flickered off the glass in front of us. Then the tank broke and all the water and glass came down on us, pushing us both down to the floor. That's when Gareth and the other guy managed to break through the barrier and then we ran. I-I don't know what happened to the other man".
All of them stayed silent after Tina had finished, all three men lost in deep thought. "Thank you, Tina, for telling me what happened. I'm sure you are still in shock over it all so I won't trouble you with any more questions", Detective Salt said gently, giving her a little smile of reassurance. Tina didn't need anybody to tell her that she could go; the tension in the air was enough to tell her that there was some unfinished business to attend to that didn't involve her. Standing up and pulling the blanket tighter around her, she left the front room and made her way down the hallway, making sure her footsteps were heavy, before loudly opening and closing her bedroom door whilst she stayed in the dark hallway. No way was she going to bed without hearing what else had to be said. She'd nearly died tonight, so whatever was going on, she wanted to know about.
"You know the gunman was M-". "Mad Max, ex-Russian conman and gangster. Yes I know who he was". The harshness of Gareth's voice as he snapped at the detective made Tina's heart leap in her chest. From where she remained, rooted on the spot in the hallway, she could hear every word they were saying. "Why didn't you kill him? I pay you to protect my daughter!", her father growled angrily, practically spitting out his words in rage. "I did try to kill him! In case you didn't notice he was trying to kill me too. If you hadn't off pissed Damien off, none of thi-".
The sound of smashing glass abruptly stopped Gareth from completing his sentence. An unnatural silence filled the house, with just the distant crackle of the fire roaring away giving any indication that time hadn't stopped. Tina crept back along the hallway, keeping close to the wall, like she had done countless times in the past towards the front room, so she could peep around the corner to see what was happening. The detective was bending down to pick something up off the floor, whilst Gareth was at the window, his gun in his hands, looking out. It was then Tina noticed the broken glass on the floor, and the cold night air beginning to blow in through the broken window pane.
"Read it", the shaky voice of her father said from where he remained planted beside the fire, his eyes fearfully looking at what was in the detectives hands. He removed the note from the rock that had been thrown through the window, and with trembling hands, obeyed her fathers instructions.
What's the one thing, no matter how fast or far you run, that will always catch you in the end?
Her father was as white as a ghost once the detective had finished reading the note. "Position your men around this house immediately", Gareth ordered to the detective, who just nodded and began radioing for backup. "What sort of a sick trick is this?", Tina managed to catch Gareth whispering to her father as the detective continued to talk urgently to the voice on the other end of his radio. Tina knew that if she hung around any longer, she would probably get into a lot of trouble. Creeping back silently to her room, she just managed to get into her bedroom and close her door softly behind her before heavy footsteps went past.
There were so many unanswered questions that she had going through her head, making the room spin. Why had a Russian conman tried to kill her? Why or how did Gareth know this man? Who wanted her dead? What had her father done to annoying this man so much that he would do something like this? And what was with the riddle? Who was it from? How did they know where they lived? Who was that celebrity that had helped save her? What was going on? Curling up on her bed, her mind whirling, she slumped into an exhausted sleep.
Many miles away ...
After changing into some tracksuit bottoms and a baggy t shirt, Tom sat back down in front of the detective in the front room. It was nearly midnight by now, and all Tom wanted to do was just collapse, feeling so exhausted and drained by all that had gone on, but he knew that he needed to do this. He just hoped that the media wouldn't hear about his involvement in it. Brushing a hand nervously through his damp, messy hair, he smiled weakly at the man now stood in front of him, just wanting to get it all over and done with.
"Mr Hiddleston, I apologize about this but I'm afraid it's procedure. I'll just ask a couple of questions and hear your side of the events, just so we can start to piece together the evidence. I'm Detective Pepper, by the way". Even though he looked like he was in his early fifties with his bald head and grey handlebar mustache, his voice shook a little, as if he was nervous. Surely this wasn't his first time, he thought? "My colleague is currently interviewing the young girl who you were with in case she saw anything which might help us". "How is she? Is she safe?", Tom asked without even thinking. He remember her, how terrified she'd been, clinging onto him as he'd tried to get both of them to safety. He'd been worrying about her since they'd split outside the restaurant, both being ushered in different directions. "Yes, she's fine. Safe at home now. A little traumatized and shaken up I'd imagine but nothing a bit of TV won't fix. Young kids these days", the detective chuckled nervously.
Despite the shaky start, Detective Pepper soon calmed down, and so did Tom after having several more cups of tea, courtesy of Luke. He could have sworn he'd slipped something in one of them that had a bitter kick to it, but not that Tom was complaining. He was in serious need of a stiff drink now, preferably one that would knock him out so he could forget about all of this. Tom told the detective everything he could remember about the attack and the gunman, recounting everything as well as he could. At one point he had to stop, as he voice betrayed how upset he was as he had to recall how many people he witnessed being killed. All those people, gone. Quickly wiping a tear from his eye, he resumed where he left off, just wanting to get it all done.
"... and as I popped up to see if the coast was clear, that's when the gunman raised his gun on the other side of the tank, pointed it at me, and pulled the trigger". The detective and Luke were both stood there, open mouthed as Tom recalled what he believed were his final moments, the detective, frantically scribbling down every piece of information onto his notepad. "But the gun was empty. He'd used all his rounds. By the time he noticed, this red laser light came across the tank and fell on him, before it exploded. After myself and the young girl had been knocked back by the water, Luke and another gentleman had managed to break their way through the fallen barrier. We than ran to safety. I risked a glance back to check if we were safe, and ...".
Tom bit his lip, his stomach churning a little in disgust as he remembered in vivid detail the gruesome sight that met his eyes. "... and we were. He was dead. Head shot. After that we ran out of the building before then getting in the car and arriving back here. That's all that happened detective. I'm sorry that I can't say any more to aid your investigation". Tom finished, finally collapsing back in the sofa, letting out a sigh of relief and exhaustion. He smiled weakly at Luke, who seemed to be just a teary eyed as he was, if not more so. Just hearing about all that Tom had gone through this evening was heartbreaking. "Well, you're safe now. And in need of a drink", Luke piped up, trying to lighten the mood, bringing over a bottle of whiskey and some glasses.
Without hesitating, Tom poured himself a full glass and necked it all in several gulps, wiping his lips when he'd emptied his glass, before filling himself up another. "My apologize. Would you care for a glass? I have rum or some mild scotch if you'd prefer", he offered to the detective hastily, suddenly realizing he was still there, watching him wide eyed. "No, it's fine. I'm not one for the stuff", Detective Pepper reassured him, before scanning back over his notes. "Well, that seems to be everything answered. Obviously you didn't kill the man, otherwise we would have a lot of trouble on our hands", he said humorously, trying to make a joke, only Tom didn't smile; his eyes were cold.
"I would never kill a man in cold blood. I'm not that type of person", Tom replied bitterly, downing the glass of scotch before pouring himself another. "Of course. No, I would never say you would. I-I was just... erm.... it-t was j-just an expression", the detective stammered alarmed, nervously twitching his hands uncomfortably. "Is that all? No more questions? Are we done?", Tom asked perhaps a bit too harshly, making Luke raise an eyebrow, and carefully walk over, taking the now empty bottle out of Tom's hand. "Y-yes we are. T-thank you f-for your t-time", Detective Pepper stammered, nodding, quickly closing his notebook as he began to make his way to the door.
"Wait. One last question. Who was that girl? Tina ... something. The one who I saved?". Tom's eyes met with the detective's as he asked the question, catching him as he stood in the doorway to the house, half in, half out. "Someone with very powerful parents who you do not want to be associated with", the detective whispered, his head shaking slightly as a warning for him to not press the matter. Tom smirked, happy that his question had been somewhat answered, despite all the other questions he had spiraling around in his head.
"Well, at least your marksmen have good aim. Thank them for shooting that man before he killed me. I am forever indebted to them", Tom said finally, raising his glass to him. The colour seemed to drain from the detectives face at those words, as he scratched the back of his neck. "That wasn't one of ours who killed him. O-Or the police ...". A cold shiver ran down Tom's spine. "What do you mean?", he asked quietly, placing his now empty glass down, standing up to face him. "It wasn't a police marksman who killed him. Or security or anyone like that, Mr Hiddleston. I-I'm afraid I can't say anymore more", the detective began to say but Tom was already walking towards him, his eyes growing wild. "Then who killed him if it wasn't one of yours?".
At this moment the detective slammed the door behind him shut, glaring at Tom. "Mr Hiddleston. You are intoxicated and under a lot of stress and pressure from today. Some of the information I have already passed onto you should not have left my lips so consider this conversation terminated. You are alive, and that is all that matters at this current stage. I have given you too much information and now I fear that I will be destroying my career as well as yours". Tom gulped and took a step back, realizing his mistake. "I'm sorry. You're right, and I'm sorry. I-I just wanted to know", Tom replied solemnly, holding up his hands defensively. He really did mean it.
"Tom, I think you should sit down", Luke said quietly from beside him, placing a gentle, but firm hand down on his shoulder. Tom looked at Luke, a little puzzled to his request, but Luke's grave eyes gave the game away. There was more to be said, and by the looks of it, it wasn't going to be good news. "Mr Hiddleston, can you recall of any incident or reason, as to why someone would hold a grudge against you?", the detective asked him after he'd sat back down. Luke had too sat down beside him, which made Tom even more worried. "No, never. I would never do anything to anger or annoy anyone", Tom replied uncertainly, glancing between the two of them. "Why?".
"There were many people at that restaurant tonight. Some important, some not so. You happened to get caught up in it, as well as a few other people, who unfortunately, lost their lives. We are thankful that you still have yours", Detective Pepper went on to explain, his voice serious. "The reason I have asked is because we believe you might have been targeted, Mr Hiddleston, by an assassin. Not one ... but two of them". Toms blood ran stone cold, his body becoming rigid. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. This couldn't be real. "The man who tried to kill you inside the restaurant tonight is an ex-Russian mafia member, who specialized in assassinations of big targets. Of all the high profiled people who were there tonight, you came in the top three. The young girl you were with and her father, who was also there, are the other two. We know this man sometimes worked alone, but he used to have a partner, but he disappeared off the map. We believe he had his sights on you tonight, but couldn't miss up an opportunity to beat his old friend".
All these words just seemed to pass by in slow motion as Tom heard them, but no matter how many times he tried to tell himself this couldn't be happening, his brain would remind him otherwise. Someone had tried to kill him. Someone wanted to kill him. They wanted him dead? The detective looked gravely at Tom as the cold sweat continued to pour down his face, his bottom lip quivering in fear. "Mr Hiddleston, the person who saved you, is the man who is going to kill you"
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
Tom sat frozen in shock as his phone continued to buzz as notification after notification seemed to randomly start coming through, vibrating in his pocket. Luke who had remained still and silent during all of the talking now suddenly seemed to come to life, pulling his own phone out of his pocket as the alerts now coming through seemed to increase rapidly. It had been a blessing when Luke had installed all of Tom's apps onto his phone, as it meant Tom could have some peace for a bit, knowing Luke was busy dealing with all the millions of notifications he got off Twitter and Facebook daily, at all hours of the day.
"Tom", Luke said weakly, looking down at his phone completely terrified. The vibrations of Tom's own phone in his pocket was now just a continuous, never ending buzz. This couldn't be good. Wearily, Tom eased the phone out of his pocket and unlocked it, the notifications filling his whole screen. A new photo of him had been uploaded onto the internet anonymously, and everyone was going wild. Knowing there was no turning back now, Tom clicked on the link.
I've got my eye on you
That was the quote that accompanied the picture on the page. It gave no indication as to who took the picture or any clues as to their identity but what made it more disturbing, was that the picture wasn't an old one from a photo shoot or a movie still. It was taken today, at the restaurant. There were people running, people screaming, flashing blue lights everywhere, and a building up in flames. The pictures focus had been pulled in, so the rest of the image was blurred so it made you look closer at the picture's target. Him. Tom was looking at a picture of himself, running from the burning building, a red circle drawn around him, picking him out from the crowd. In the chaos of the picture, he had been picked out, singled out for all to see. He had been targeted. He was the target. Their target. I've got my eye on you
The phone slipped through his fingers as he fell back into the sofa, his chest becoming suddenly very heavy as he struggled to breathe. This couldn't be happening. This just could not be happening. Detective Pepper was immediately on the phone, reporting all that had just happened to his colleagues as Luke pulled Tom up from the sofa, carrying his through to his bedroom. His world was spinning, his heart was racing, his mind was pounding. Everything was moving to quickly, to fast for him to even comprehend. He was being hunted.
"Tom! Tom! Look at me, okay. Everything is going to be fine", Luke tried desperately to assure him as he plonked him down on the bed, roughly grabbing his head, turning him to look him directly in the eyes. Luke only got like this when he was serious, and this was beyond serious. This was real. "The police will look after you. I will look after you. Nothing is going to happen, understand? They aren't going to get you, trust me". Luke tried to keep his voice calm and keep Tom's focus on him, which was becoming increasingly more and more difficult as the alcohol began to win over. Tom was struggling to stay awake, his eyes growing heavier, as exhaustion began to set in. He knew Luke would look after him, and he knew the police would do everything in their power to catch whoever this man was, but right now, there was nothing he could do. After giving a weak reassuring smile to Luke, Tom let himself fall backward onto the bed, his eyes closing as he sighed himself into a deep, heavy sleep, with the soundtrack of his constantly vibrating phone to keep him company.
[ A / N : Agh! Agh! Agh! So not only is Tina being hunted, but Tom too?! And not by the same guy?! What?! ((I know right, talk about mysterious)). And looks like Tina's father and Gareth are in hot water, not to mention poor Luke. Bless them. I hope nothing bad happens ...
Thank you Thank you Thank you! All of you ! To my fantastic followers (all 990 of you!) and to all of you, my wonderful readers who have managed to get this book over 5600 reads!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH !! Much love xxx
Also, Age of Ultron comes out so soon! And I cannot wait to watch it, for MARVELous reasons.
Remember to vote / comment / share as I love reading them and love talking to you all. Peace out ! xxx ]
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