casey placed her phone in her back pocket after hearing benjamin saying he was coming. she felt her hands getting clammy and her stomach rumbling with anticipation. never in her entire life had she felt so nervous to see a target employee, but he wasn't just a normal target employee. he was her benjamin who answered her most desired questions that struck her like lightening in the middle of the night.
she continued to look through the variety of target shirts but kept her eyes opened for boys with red shirts and khakis around her. the target was somewhat packed since it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon on a monday.
she suddenly saw a boy coming from around the corner closing in on her. he wore a red shirt paired with khakis with long blonde hair, could this be benjamin?
as he stood in front of her she got a better look at his name tag that read 'austin' and she jumped into his arms.
"austin!" she cooed.
"casey!" he hugged back. "wow, you really weren't kidding when you said you were a brown girl."
she laughed and pulled away from the embrace. "and you weren't kidding when you said you were a white boy." he smiled and pushed his hair behind his ears. "where's benjamin?"
he shrugged. "he should be coming soon. he was giving himself a pep talk before i came out here. i've known that kid since he was five and i've never seen him that nervous in my life. not even with his mom. you really take a toll on him."
casey felt a blush run to her cheeks. how could she possibly make ben feel that way simply by calling her local target helpline? it also made her feel more anxious. she hoped that she didn't stutter like she did when she was nervous.
"what do you mean with his mom?" casey asked curiously.
austin raises his eyebrows, indicating he said something he shouldn't have. "what?" he reached for the walkie talkie in his pocket and put the silent thing to his ear. "oh no, casey. they just called me to deliver a pregnancy in the u-um, makeup section, i have to go. nice seeing you, casey!" austin smiled and dashed off towards the front of the store.
casey sighed. "i told you he was very weird."
she turned around slowly to see a guy who was about six foot. he had glistening tan skin and a smile that could kill. the dimples in his cheeks made casey feel weak at her knees. he was actually attractive! all along, she thought he had been kidding about his appearance, but he was right all along. he was gorgeous.
"benjamin. it's nice to finally see you," casey smiles. "i heard it took you a while to come out here. were you maybe watching a shia labeouf video?" he looks puzzled for a second. "you can do it!"
he laughs and shakes his head. "no, no! nothing like that. did austin tell you that?" casey nods. "i wasn't trying to get myself to come out here, i was just, preparing."
she smiled at the way his eyes darted away from hers. he attempted to look everywhere except for at her, he wasn't joking when he said he was nervous. he was terrified.
"are you okay? you seem...afraid of me." casey took a step towards him, and she didn't miss the slight shade of red that fell upon his cheeks.
benjamin shook his head with his brown hair slowly falling into his eyes. "me? no. im cool, calm and collected."
she laughs. "then make eye contact with me." his eyes finally met hers and she's captivated. his eyes were stars that she'd never seen before, and she loved the view. "you know, maybe you had it wrong all along."
he looked confused. "had what wrong?"
"maybe i wasn't the one to fall in love," she explained. "maybe it was you to fall in love with me."
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