Part 98 - I fulfill my promises!
Alright, this time update is earlier due to my work. This chapter is little bit longer, I just lost myself in it 😂. Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
Mark apparently trust me with being Delirious, and with successfully accomplishing all three tasks, he is on my side. He doesn't want me dead, that's for sure. At least him.
I yawned, turning myself on the other side to find better position to fall asleep. I had been trying to sleep for hours, but my mind fought back as much as I tried to.
C'mon! C'mon! I want to sleep!
I knew that this was the last thing that would help. Shouting at your own brain, but I was desperate. I didn't really know what to expect from my future, not even if Delirious was telling the truth or not but it was nice to have some hopes for better days.
"This is fucking pointless," I whisper-growled to myself angrily.
"What is pointless?"
My heart stopped beating, while I quickly sat up looking around. I saw blurred silhouette in one corner.
Ok, am I crazy? Is here somebody? Or did I just heard absolutely massive nothing.
"Calm down," he commanded softly, and right at that moment I found out I was unintentionally holding my breath.
I turned the lights on. Blinking several times, I tried to calm myself down. But with him in the same room it was nearly impossible. Biggest problem was that I had no idea if he was real or I was dreaming like the last time.
"What are you... doing here?" I asked in whisper, gathering all my confidence.
I didn't want to look as some nervous man. He was used to some bad ass types, not to me. But it was hard. Around him I felt like a teenage girl.
"I promised you I would rescue you, remember?"
I'm sorry, you have to wait a little bit longer for the rescue, but I'm working on it.
"Do you have some plan to get me out of here?" I asked, smiling warmly.
Even if this was a dream, I felt safe around him. Even if he was truly lying to me, eyes to eyes, it still felt amazing.
"In one piece, yes."
"How can I help then?" I asked, getting out of the bed.
Right at that moment he fast walked towards me and pushed me back to the bad.
"You go back to sleep, you'll need some energy," he announced.
His hands were still at my shoulders, I felt some kind of fire on the places he was touching me. I felt whole my body getting hotter. I placed my hands on his.
"I-I have lot of energy for you," I whispered quickly, my heart wanted to jump out of my chest.
He was silently looking at me, his face was emotionless, but his eyes were betraying him. I spotted desire and lust. He quickly pulled away, like I found out something I shouldn't have.
"I have some job to do here, Evan. Go back to sleep," he said, turning himself to the door.
And just like many times before around him, an invisible string showed up, pulling me towards him. Before I realized what I was doing, I jumped out of the bad and grabbed his wrist. He stopped in his movement and turned his head curiously back to me.
"D-don't go," I whispered, nervousness completely consuming my body once again.
"What do you want me to do then?" He replied slowly.
"K-kiss me."
Please, don't be mad at me.
He took my hands into his, getting closer to me. I started instinctively backing up, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. My back hit the wall, my breath hitched, all I could do was stare at him. He caressed my cheek with a smile, which was so rare to see, but which made my heart go crazy.
"Breath, Evan," he whispered, this time his voice deeper, filled with needs and lust.
My body trembled under his closeness, his voice, his touch, wishing receive more then that.
"Do y-you think I-I'm nervous teenage girl?" I asked with stutters, even though I really tried to hold my voice steadily.
"What?" He chuckled, and I took a deep breath.
"You're on top of hitman ranking, y-you're idol of everyone, and then there's me," I said, reminding myself to breath.
"I wouldn't risk everything just to rescue some teenage girl, Evan."
Just kiss me already!
With his hidden abilities to read my mind, he leaned closer. Our lips brushed, silent moan escaped my mouth.
"I'm not doing anything yet," he whispered amused.
I couldn't stand it anymore. Wrapping my hands around his neck, I pulled him into the kiss. Right at that moment every hidden feeling towards this man took over my body, every doubts and fears vanished. It was like the first time when we kissed. Special in every way, indescribable moment.
He pressed his body closer to mine, pinning me to the wall, biting my lower lip. I moaned, which he used. Our tongues met, battling for domination, but after a few seconds I let him win. He pulled away, and I met his beautiful blue eyes.
"This was something worth waiting for," I whispered.
"Really? What about this?" He continue in low tone of voice, leaving kisses on my neck.
His hand found its way to my crouch, slowly palming me. That combination sent vibrations through my body, sweet sensations. I was getting harder and harder. After my third moan, he placed his hand on my mouth, looking into my eyes.
"As much as I would love to hear your moans, you have to be quiet, Evan," he said, giving me a quick peck on the lips, then returned back to sweet torture.
My whole body lost will to listening to any good reasons why was this a bad idea. My mind was pushed far away, my heart along with lust and desire took control. I had a feeling my legs were made out of jelly, I found support on his arms.
My next moans were muffled by his hand, and even though I really tried not to moan, it was impossible. This all was something new, I didn't knew what I expect. I loved it.
"You taste so good," he whisper - growled, my mind went blurry.
"Fuck! I'll return for you, I have to go now," he said quickly, stepping away from me.
He ran his fingers through his hair, then smiled at me. That smile was covered underneath the mask which he put on. I couldn't let that happen. I was so scared, like a baby, without him. He was my confidence, he was my steady point, my hope on better days. When he wasn't close to me, I felt so alone. I felt empty, and cold. He was like a life giving fire, and that was exactly what I needed. I wanted that fire, I wanted him.
"Don't go away," I started, feeling so embarrassed , but hopeless people do desperate things.
I forced my legs to move, walking towards my bed. I kneeled on it, stripping my shirt off. I knew that compete to him, I wasn't that muscular as I thought, but women always said I had a hot body.
"Take me, Delirious," I whispered seductively, hoping it would work.
I noticed he closed his beautiful blue eyes, then after a few seconds he opened them again. I expected disgust, rejection, in them, but it was all opposite. He walked towards me, pulling down his mask, which he let fall down. His face was so handsome, so soft looking, and I still remembered sweet taste of his lips.
He caressed my face, sighed, then kissed me once again. I ran my fingers through his soft hair, grabbing them like my life depended on it, while he put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to his body. I moaned, as he bit my bottom lip, and I didn't even try to dominate this situation. This time that kiss was deeper, hotter, filled with desires and lust. After a while we both needed air, so he pulled away.
"Take me, I-I beg you," I whispered, moving my hand on his blue hoodie.
I unzipped it, looking into his eyes for disagreement, for that line I was going to cross, but he was patiently waiting for my next moves. With his help I get rid of his hoodie, then his shirt. Placing my hands on his torso, I took a deep breath. Muscles I felt underneath my fingers felt so amazing. I really didn't mind any of his scars. I felt something against my tight, and I smirked.
"Is this turning you on?" I whispered, drifting with my hands lower to the hems of his jeans.
"You're," he replied silently, and I felt butterflies in my stomach, my heart raced, my body felt even hotter.
He kissed me again, moving his hands on my ass. Squeezing it, I moaned, and he slipped his tongue into my mouth once again. I desperately tried to focus on unzipping his jeans, but my fingers weren't listening to me properly. He started to push me to the bed, and within a few seconds I was already lying underneath him.
He pulled away, kissing my neck instead. Arching my back, I moaned loudly. He put his hand back on my mouth, and I didn't even defend myself. I gripped the sheets underneath us, trying to somehow loose that tense inside of me.
He licked his way lower, to the hems of my jeans. My body trembled, excitement flew through my body, and I know I was already hard. He removed his hand, taking care of my jeans, and I bit my lip just to stay silent for a bit.
"You don't even know what you're doing to me," he whispered with so deep voice that I got turned on more.
"Delirious," I moaned, smashing my hand on my mouth just to shut up.
I was well aware of the danger from our surroundings. Mark or Jack could walk in in any second, and we would be both dead instantly. But commanding my body was the most difficult task in this situation.
He took off my jeans, tossing them somewhere to the room. He leaned back to me, between my legs, and I smiled at him.
"You're so handsome," I whispered, caressed his face.
"I thought you weren't gay," he replied with a smirk.
"Fuck you," I attacked back.
"I'm gonna, don't you worry."
He kissed me again, that kiss filled with passion, and I knew there wasn't any way back. My fingers find their way to his hair, pulling them a little. He silently growled into my mouth, and I moaned from it. I wanted to feel him, skin to skin, so I moved my hands to his jeans, trying to unsuccessfully take them down.
Delirious pulled away from the kiss, quickly took off his jeans for me, then returned back to my lips. It was something unimaginable, something far more unrealistic. He was like a person created just for me. His hands wandering on my body, and I was dying underneath him. I wanted more, I needed more.
"Delirious," I moaned desperately, when we were both gasping for air.
"I-I can't.... I can't take it much longer."
"Oh, really?" He asked with smirk plastered on his face.
His eyes sparkled mischievously, when he got up from the bed. He searched for something, and I supported myself on the elbows to see what he was doing. I just stared at him, blinded by his handsomeness. In a few seconds he walked back towards me, and I noticed some cloth in his hands.
"Put your hands together," he commanded softly, but something in his voice was electric.
I did what he asked me for, waiting for his next moves. He tighten my hands together, getting on the bed.
"Move them up," he continue giving me orders, and I listened without any words.
Within few seconds my hands were tied to the bed.
"Try to get out of it," he said calmly.
I tried to wiggle out that but it was impossible. He smiled at the end of my tries.
"Good boy. Where were we?" He whispered, licking my neck slowly.
"Del-Delirious," I moaned loudly, cursing myself.
He roughly put two fingers into my mouth, while my tongue instinctively licked them.
I wasn't in the position, nor was I in the mood, to talk back, so I listened him. Using my saliva, my tongue and my muscles along with my focus on low moans and breathing, I tried to do the best I could. He slowly started to move them further, receiving my gagging reflex.
"You're so hot," he whispered, pulling his fingers out.
I tried to catch my breath, when I saw how he put some cloth into my mouth.
"Quiet, Evan," he whispered, and my heart went wild after hearing the way he said my name.
He licked his way down upon my body, and I bit into the cloth to muffle my moans. My body was on fire, every hidden emotion were flowing through my body. He slowly took off my boxers, and I took a deep breath as the cold air met my member. I couldn't process it when he licked all my length.
His tongue was wet, warm. I gripped the cloth, which was around wrists, tighter, hoping it would somehow help. He took it all in, bopping his head up and down, and I didn't even realize what was going on. I felt like I was in other world.
My body didn't listen to me, not that I tried. Looking down at him, I got turned on even more. I felt the familiar vibrations, increasing sweet sensation. I couldn't control my intensive of the moans leaving my mouth, the cloth in my mouth was the only thing lowering them down. He had to knew it, he had to feel it, because he fastened his action, and within few seconds I came right into his mouth.
I spat out the cloth, heavily breathing, trying to catch my breath and calm my body down with echoing orgasm in my body. He licked his lips, smiling.
"You're delicious," he whispered, leaning over my body to meet face to face.
"Fuck," I breathed out, feeling bit tired.
"Untie me, please," I begged silently.
I wanted to touch him, I wanted to feel his skin underneath my fingertips, on my skin, body to body. I wanted to ran my fingers through his soft hair, I wanted to kiss him.
"I'm not done with you, Evan," he whispered, warm smile on his face changed into smirk
Before I had some chance to react, he trusted two fingers into my mouth again. I wasn't fighting back, I didn't want to. He pulled them out after a while, moving them down.
He smacked his lips against mine at the same moment, as he trusted his fingers into me. I yelped in surprise and slight pain, but immediately I was relaxed again. His tongue started to explore my mouth, and I moaned when he started to move the fingers.
My body responded on it's own, moving my ass so I could have his fingers further in. He pulled away from the kiss, looking amused into my eyes.
"Look at you... fucking desperate," he chuckled, and I throw my head back.
I didn't really take his insult seriously, my mind wasn't thinking straight anyway. The only thing I wanted was him, inside me.
"Delirious, c'mon!" I moaned.
He pulled out his fingers, and he took off his boxers, revealing something exciting for the view. He didn't let me enjoy it, I felt it around my asshole. Excitement and fear flew through my body, and I looked into his blue eyes.
"Fuck me already," I whispered, regretting that I still had my hands tied up.
He slowly leaned his face closer to me, brushing our lips against each other. I gasped for air, expecting him inside of me any second. He thrusted into me, and before I could shout in pain, he smacked his lips on mine once again. He groaned into my mouth, and I got turned on even more. It was something on his animal, violent, muscular part that was pulling me towards him.
He started to move, and pulled away, moving his lips on my neck. After my fifth loud moan, he stuffed again my mouth with the cloth, then returned back to my neck. With each thrust he did I felt even closer. To the end of the world, reaching the indescribable moment, closer to him.
"Evan," he growl-moaned, and my mind went dizzy for a few seconds.
After some time, which for me lasted only like a few seconds, I felt reaching the edge. He knew it, he felt it. Fastening the thrusts, he decided to end it. End all of it. I felt his juice filling my insides, and I followed his example no far behind him, enjoying that moment.
I was gasping for air, while he untied me. While my body wasn't still listening to me, and I was just lying there completely naked, he started to dress himself. I just watched as his god-looking body was covered up underneath the layers of clothes.
He turned his head to me, his face completely emotionless once again. My heart skipped a beat, hurtful feeling find its way into it. That completely sober me, and I sat down, confusedly running my fingers through my hair.
Is this some act? He looked so different a few moments ago! Why is he cold again?
"I'm gonna get you out of here," he said without any trace of emotions.
He turned himself to the door, walking towards them. That was my last chance to talk with him. I didn't want to be alone, I wanted him by my side.
"Delirious," I started silently.
"Jonathan," he replied, turning his face to me.
"What?" I asked even more confused.
"My name's Jonathan."
And with this last sentence he left my room, leaving me alone, scared and confused once again.
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