Part 8 - That one night
During the break in my work I wrote another chapter ;). Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
"And what about your work, how is it?" My father continued asking more questions.
"Everything is perfect. We closed the deal with Gary Hopkins and we have new partnership ahead of us. Although we had a problem with one employee. She tried to break into our database," I said without any lies.
"Do you know why?" He asked, and hit the ball.
I watched as the ball flew through the sky and dropped a few meters near the hole.
"No idea," I mumbled frustrated.
I pulled out my phone and checked the time.
Just a few more minutes, and then I can go home. I need to call Craig about tonight.
"I can tell you exactly why. You're not yet suitable for this job. I may have done mistake when I give you my position. You're too reckless, too much young."
I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. My father would have always remind me how stupid I was. We started to walk to the ball on the grass when somebody called him. He answer it and stepped away from me, fully focusing on that call.
"You're too reckless, too much young," I mimic him ironically.
I loved him, I really did, but sometimes he acted like a jackass. I pulled out my phone and texted Craig.
E: Be ready, bitch. Once I'm done here, I'm heading home to change my clothes, and then taking your ass out.
Within few seconds I got an answers.
C: Sayers club as always? I'm ready right now. But promise me no hardcore drinking, I don't have strength dragging you home.
I instinctively smiled and shoved my phone back to the pocket. I felt so bored. My father was still talking, so I grabbed my things and walked to him.
"I'm out. I need to do some work," I informed him.
He waved me off. I nodded my head and walked to the building. I shoved the things into the locker and with new energy, flowing through my body, I went to Frank's limousine. I got in and he drove me back home.
I quickly changed my clothes, taking my favorite sexy black jeans and black shirt. I took some gel and ran it through my hair. Just a image of fucking some girls gave me energy and fixed my mood from my father.
After I was ready I got into the limousine and we drove to Craig's house. Seeing him after eternity, ok it was like 4 hours, with my father was something that kicked my mood up.
"You look ready to fuck somebody," he joked me when he got inside.
I gestured Frank to drive us to the nightclub and he silently did.
"I'm gonna fuck you. Is this what you want?" I replied with smirk.
I noticed how he frowned and his smiled disappeared.
"I regret the day I told you I was gay, man. This is really not funny. But if you want to fuck me so hard then do it." I laughed after his words.
"Gonna reject you offer, thanks. Maybe some day if I'm gonna be really drunk. Till then I love women," I replied and he evilly smiled.
"You remember that day you woke up with sore asshole? Yep, that was me," he informed me.
My heart stopped beating for a second and I just looked at him. I couldn't really recalled such memory, but I knew myself. Sometimes I overdid the alcohol and woke up with no memory at all.
Could he really fuck me? Me? No! That surely didn't happen right? I'm not gay! I don't like men, nor am I attracted to them anyhow.
He bursted into a laugh, which made me pretty suspicious about this.
"I'm sorry, your expressions are priceless. So you promise me you won't drink too much this night?" He asked me, and I felt somehow relieved that he joked about this stuff.
I didn't have anything against gay people, my best friend was one, but I couldn't imagine myself being with a men. It was something that wouldn't turn me on at all.
I slowly smiled, having small revenge in my mind. Quickly before he could react I sat on his lap. His eyes widened, he stopped breathing. I grabbed his wrist preventing him to defend himself.
"What the fuck?!" He shouted and tried to wiggle out of everything.
I laughed, moving my head closer to his, scanning his reactions, playing with him.
"This is not cool, man," he whispered and I slowly started to feel his boner.
I smirked and get to my side, acting like nothing happened.
"You're fucking weirdo," he spit out furiously.
"I thought you don't have crush on me," I joked.
"I don't! You're not my type, trust me. But you're hot and I'm just a human," he mumbled and I felt so honored being marked as a hot guy by a gay person.
"Who's your type then?" I asked,even though I already knew the answer.
"You know it," he replied.
"I don't think so."
"Bad guys," he mumbled shyly.
"I though I'm bad guy here," I joked and he laughed.
"Nah, you're a fuck boy."
"And you know what? I'm gonna drink like a maniac this night. Just because I want to forget about that sore asshole!" I teased him and he sighed.
"Evan! I'm gonna kill you some day. My dick hurts..." He complained.
"I'm sorry, honey. Do you want me to blow it?" I joked again with laughter.
"Fuck you!"
"Sir, we're here." We both heard Frank's voice.
I nodded my head and got out of the car. I helped Craig and we both walked inside. The music slowly got to me and I felt like my other side is waking up. I saw so much potential fuck toys there. From shy girls to confident ones.
We spent there six hours before I got drunk. I heard my voice from distant, the world around me spun a little, I lost Craig in the crowd, and I got problem with talking. But I remembered some things. I remembered tall blond girl talking to me, seducing me, leading me outside the nightclub. I remember gesturing Frank to wait a little. I remember the alley way, kissing her, trying to fuck her. And then darkness.
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