Part 72 - Suffocated
Good morning ☀️. The good news is that next part is up. The bad news is that I'm starting to have a writers block 😂. Anyway I hope you're doing well, you deserve it the most ❤️. Enjoy ^.^
(Nogla POV)
I somehow hated going into the work. It reminded me of Lui so much, plus without any case to solve I had nothing to be excited for.
"I'm back." I heard my new partner's voice behind me.
I sighed and silently nodded, returning to the statement I had to wrote down.
"I dug through some papers and found out person named Madison Ferret, some women who may be connected with Evan's case."
I looked behind my shoulder and saw Mark leaning casually against the door frame.
"Madison Ferret? Never heard that name," I mumbled.
"Yeah, she apparently had arranged meeting with Delirious at the moment they arrested her at the park. They tried to get anything from her but haven't been successful, so they were forced to let her go. We could talk with her, give it a try or two, what do you say?"
What's the point? I know that it was Delirious who kidnaped Evan, I know how Delirious looks like. Boss knows it too, why is he trying to act like he doesn't? Why hasn't he ordered to arrest him yet? Everything is better then sit down here and do nothing.
"We can, yes."
I stood up and followed my new partner out. We got into his car, and he drove us to out final destination without any words. I tried to understand why we were still on this case, Evan was found, we knew who kidnaped him, we knew how he looked like.
We were not far from the city center, in front of some house. There was parked car, so I assumed she was home. We both walked to the door and Mark knocked.
"Maybe she isn't home?" I guessed uninterested.
"Bullshit. Her car is here," he replied, stepping to the window he tried to look in.
"Maybe she walked by foot," I tried again.
"She's surely home," he mumbled more to himself.
"Mark, care to tell me why are ya so interested in this case? Evan Fong was found, alive," I shrugged my shoulders.
"I told you before, it's private. Help me get in."
I grabbed his wrist, forcing him to look at me.
"We don't play on private things here!" I said, gritting my teeth.
He wanted to say something, but closed his mouth again, getting out of my grip. He then looked into the window once again.
"Tell me n-" I wanted to talk again, when he interrupted me.
"I see something! Oh my God, it's a body!"
He quickly broke the window with the rock, which reminded me my act when I sneaked into Lui's house. I helped him over the window, then waited for him to open the door. We walked in and the first thing my sensed caught was awful stench. My stomach flipped and I had to calm my nerves.
We walked into the bedroom, where the stench was coming from. There was the lifeless body lying in the bed.
"What are ya doin'? We have to call backups." I said, watching Mark stepping closer to the body.
"No time. There are spots after the ropes on her hands, she was suffocated, struggling for life."
"No time!? What are you talking about? This is a crime scene, we shouldn't be touching anything!" I raised my voice.
"The body is cold, tongue swelled. She has been dead less then a week, I would say two or three days," he continued, completely ignoring my sentences.
"What the fuck are ya on? We have to call somebody," I tried to reason once again.
"Yeah, yeah... that's what you can do," he replied, then walking away.
"Where are ya goin'?" I shouted at him confused.
"I'm not feeling well... that body... that's new for me!" He shouted back, while I pulled the phone out.
That's bullshite! He just checked that body without any problems, like he knew what he had been doing. If he thinks that I believed his crap, then I'll let him live with that though. But I'm gonna check him, he's weird. Or I'm weird. Maybe he's all right, and it's just me who's too suspicious. He's only doing his job, he's not Lui.
"Hi Emma. We need some people here. We found dead body," I informed my co-worker over the phone.
I told her the address then walked out to meet with my new partner and wait for the others. Mark was doing something on his phone. He seemed really concentrated.
I'm wondering if he's as good as Lui. Would he save my ass over his? Or is he selfish bastard?
"Why are you staring?" He asked all of the sudden.
"Huh?" I replied.
"I'm going back to the office. Do you think you can manage to wait for the others?" He asked me, waiting for my answer.
"Yeah, just go," I waved him off, sitting down on the porch.
I just watched as he got into the car and disappeared in a few minutes. I didn't know how to feel about that guy. He was my partner, assigned to me by higher authorities, but my inner self was warning me. He had a personal interest in Delirious, just like Lui.
Police and my colleagues arrived in less then an hour. They asked me too many question, like what were we doing here, and so on.
I was happy to sit down on the sofa in my house, having my dogs curled into the balls on my lap. I enjoyed the sweet silence after whole busy day. I closed my eyes.
I know Lui is happy, wherever he is. And I believe that one day, one day in the distant future, he's going to forgive me. And I'll live on to meet that day, this is what I can promise to you Lui. I love you.
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