Part 67 - First session
This chapter is more serious then the others. I did a little research on the Stockholm syndrome and wrote down a true story, just changed the names. I know it has nothing to do with the story itself but it's so interesting for me. Enjoy ^.^
(Evan POV)
"Thanks Frank," I mumbled, and got off the limousine.
I was standing in front of modern building in the center of L.A. I was still uncertain about this whole thing, but I had no other choice of being alone for a while.
Craig has been like glued to me since I returned from the hospital, but he agreed happily when I told him about visiting my shrink. I couldn't tell him about my ill, or about the session I was going to be part of.
I took a deep breath and stepped in. Taking a stairs up, I got to the hall with a few doors, in front of one standing my shrink.
"Oh hello there, Evan!" He waved at me, and I sighed.
"Hi," I replied, walking towards him.
"I'm really glad you're here. As I said before you don't have to talk there. Just listen."
I silently nodded and we both walked in. There was a cosy room with chairs put into a circle. To my surprise the chairs were almost fully taken by somebody, more with women. There were only two men sitting down.
My shrink lead me to one empty chair between two women, and I sat down.
"Hello everybody," my shrink started, and the room got silent.
"Happy to see you again Claire. I'm glad you're back," he stated with a smile, and I looked at the smaller blond girl.
"We have new member within," he pointed at me, and I just silently nodded, refusing to have anything with these ill people.
"His name's Evan. Ok so... is there somebody who is willing to share their stories today?" He said and sat down.
"I-I'm," brunette girl, maybe in her thirties, raised her hand.
"Excellent Mel. You have a word, take your time."
"I was kidnaped by mister Richard Dunken on my way to school. I... I had been locked in his basement for eighteen years, gave birth to three children, who he... who were killed by him after the birth. I was found by local police, who had got a report from Richard's neighbors about strange sounds, like crying and screaming," she said silently, her tears streaming down.
My own heart was racing. I couldn't believe what I just heard. It was so unbelievable that somebody could held her captive for eighteen years.
"But... but I forgive him. He wasn't thinking straight, his father abused him when he was a little child,"she continued.
"What were you feeling when you were down there, Mel? Was is hard? Have you been thinking about escape? Or calling for help?" My shrink asked.
"No... I mean yes. First few months I tried escaped many times, but unsuccessfully. He... he made me feel useless, he crushed my soul to the point where I was grateful for every small thing which reminded me how lucky I was to feel human again. My brain was thinking only about the same. That I deserve that. That even if I escaped there wouldn't be a single person to love me, to care about me. And he was caring. After some time I stopped resisting, I enjoyed being with him. He... he opened himself up for me, telling me stories from his past, his childhood memories. He even gave me a new name. I... my name wasn't Melanie, but I like it more. It reminds me of him, of our time together."
I was completely speechless, some of her words reminded me my moments with Delirious. And even though my heart was fighting back so hard, my mind already acknowledged the fact that the feelings towards my kidnapper was only platonic, only an illusion, the result of this Stockholm syndrome I was suffering.
"Are you still in contact with Richard?" My shrink asked again.
"No... no... he... he killed himself, after I was rescued. But I miss him, I really do. He wasn't completely bad person, he just needed somebody to show him the right direction. And I feel like I failed doing that."
"No, Mel. Nothing that happened was your fault, you hear me? Remember Scott's story from a week ago? It wasn't his fault either. You're a strong women, Mel, and I'm really glad you shared your story. Tell me, are you living normally?"
I didn't even noticed that I was holding my breath this whole time. This caught me completely into it.
"It has been five years since I was rescued. I'm married to Hank, man who is helping people like I'm. He's sweet and he cares for me like no one else. I don't have any problems with work, but the only think that I regret about being locked down with Richard is that I can't have children now. It was due to some mistake when I was giving birth to my third child... I... I..." she started to sob, her body shaking uncontrollably.
"Take your time, Mel," my shrink whispered.
"I love Hank, I love him so much, but sometimes I'm wondering what life I could have been living with Richard. I just miss him."
There was a longer pause after her last words, and that let me sink into my thoughts.
You don't miss him the same way I miss Delirious. Even though it's just platonic, and it was unreal, my heart is bleeding. I miss his unique voice, even when he was yelling at me. I miss his hands, drifting upon my body, I miss his scent, so strong, sweet and unique, his blue eyes.
"I get it, Mel. Thank you again for your story. We can continue another time. Feel free to eat or drink whenever you guys want to. Let's give it a ten minutes break," my shrink said, and a few people started to chat between each other.
I sighed and stood up, feeling completely alone. I needed Craig by my side, I needed hug, or just somebody who would tell me how he cares about me.
"You're leaving?" I heard voice of my shrink.
"Yeah. I promised my friend I would meet him," I lied, wishing to be back home.
"I'll visit you on Friday at 5 pm. We can talk more," he replied, sympathy reflecting from his tone.
I just silently nodded, quickly walking down to Frank. I wanted to be around Craig, feel save and loved.
Delirious is gone, and I have to stop thinking about him. The things that happened between us were just to fill his boring time, it was nothing for him. And I'm straight! Hot straight rich man fucking women. What happened there just stays there forever. I need to get back to my personality.
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