Part 64 - Get the fuck out!
I really hope the notification system will work properly 😂. And I'm sorry for this lame boring nothing telling chapter. Enjoy ^.^
(Craig POV)
C: Answer me, you fucking bitch!
C: Evan, please. Where are you? I'm worried, where are you?
C: I want you only to answer me with one word. I want to know you're ok.
C: You have five minutes, then I'm calling police.
"Here you go," I raised my eyes from my phone to look at Eric.
He put cup of tea in front of me. We were sitting in the kitchen, my body shaking, my heart pounding in nervousness. I was so terrified that they kidnaped Evan again, and the worst thing was that it was my fault this time. I was there to protect him, and instead of doing that, I was talking to Eric.
"Craig, he's ok. That psycho didn't kidnaped him, I'm sure."
"You don't know it! He has kidnaped him, twice! For fuck sake Eric... we were upstairs. How didn't we hear anything?"
"Maybe he just needed air. He had to lived through the nightmare when he was kidnaped... I imagine."
I took a sip and stared back at the plain display.
C: Evan please. Please, I'm begging you.
"I guess... but why hasn't he answered his phone yet? What if something happened to him?" I looked at Eric once again.
"Maybe he wants to be alone for a few minutes. We don't know exactly when he left. It could have been literally a minute before we walked downstairs."
I admired Eric's calm personality. I was freaking inside.
"That doesn't-" I was cut of by Evan's voice.
"I want him the fuck out of my house!"
I turned myself to see my best friend. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds, when I saw him. He was crushed, his eyes red and puffy from crying, his hair messy, his voice cracked. I quickly hugged him, totally overhearing his sentence.
"Evan! Don't do this to me ever again! Promise me," I said into his chest.
"Get... the... fuck... out!" He shouted again, his voice broken and furious.
I looked up at him confused. He was looking directly at Eric, and I frowned.
"What's got into you?" I asked in whisper.
"I was on my way anyway," Eric responded quickly.
I pulled away from Evan, taking his hand to make him look at me. But he didn't. He was piercing Eric like he did something to him.
"Evan calm down. Eri-"
"Don't start this, Craig," my best friend replied, and I was shocked over his reactions.
"It's ok, Craig. I'll call you, ok?"
"No! Don't leave. What's going on? Why are you so mean to Eric?" I asked Evan.
"I said don't fucking start it. And you get the fuck out!"
I watch Eric leave, and I caught up with him when he was in front of the door.
"What is going on between you two?" I asked him.
"He's just protective over you, nothing serious."
He gave me quick kiss, before opening the door.
"And tell your friend that I wished he would have died! That fucking son of a bitch!" I heard Evan words.
"Love you," Eric whispered to me, and I squeezed his hand in response, my body still in shock over this whole thing.
Eric turned his back to me and left. I slammed the door behind me, walking back to my best friend. He was sitting down, his head on the table. I spotted his shoulders shaking, and I knew he was crying. That was the scariest part.
"What the fuck, Evan? Why don't you like Eric? What friend? Who should have died? Tell me the answers!" I said quickly, but not too loudly.
I sat down against him, watching him wiping his tears off.
"You aren't the only one looking for the answers," he mumbled.
He stood up, and my heart skipped a few beats. I didn't know what to expect from this Evan. It wasn't my Evan anyway.
"Where are you going?" I asked carefully.
"Let me be alone, please. Just for the rest of the day. I'll be upstairs in my room."
"Remember what you said to me?" I asked with a small smile to courage him.
He looked at me confused, trying to hold his sobs. I stood up and walked towards him, taking his hand into my. I placed his hand on my chest, to the place where the heart was.
"You said, and I'm quoting: when you go out I'm going out with you, when you cry I'm crying too, when you're happy I'm happy too. Is that true?"
He slowly smiled, and I hugged him tightly, just to make sure he was ok.
"But I'm not crying Evan. I'm happy, you should be too, you promised me that. You're finally out of that shithole, whatever happened there, you're with me. I'll never leave you. Never in a million years," I said into his chest.
"I love you, man," he whispered, hugging me tighter.
"You're the second one who have told me so far," I joked to ease the atmosphere.
"Don't start with Eric."
He needs to talk to somebody. And I exactly know who can help.
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