Part 5 - Problems
All right. This part is boring one and I'm sorry for it. Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
"So who do like the most?" Craig asked me and tiredly looked at the papers again.
"I don't fucking know. They're almost the same," I whined and put my head on the table.
"Let's run through it one more time, ok? So first client is Taretha Rimmer. She's offering 200,000$. Here is everything I found about her life." I heard as he put the papers right next to my eyes but I shut my eyes tightly, refusing to rise my head.
"She's not that bad in my opinion. She's 46, widow, without any kids. She inherited all her belongings and the company after her husband Russel Rimmer had died. She was studying-" He wanted to continued but I interrupted him.
"Denied. She inherited the company and the money. She doesn't clearly and properly know how to manage that," I stated.
"Sweet. Next one is... oh my god." After his words I quickly raised my head and looked at him.
He was looking straight into the monitor, running on the keyboard with his fingers like a maniac.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Somebody is trying to get through our walls into the system," he mumbled, still focused on his work.
"What? What do you mean? Who?" I started to get angry.
"I don't know, I'm trying to track him down. He got himself through first and second wall already. He's fast, almost like-"
"Almost like he knew our defenses," I jumped into his speech one more time.
"Almost like it's somebody from here," he continued and smiled.
"Got him!" He shouted and I stood up.
"Where, who?"
"Third floor. PC is sign into the name Madison Ferret."
"Cut her out from whatever she's doing," I ordered Craig, and quickly ran to the elevator.
I got in and went to the third floor. Inside me raised anger.
Why would anybody from my company wanted to have information about our database? I pay them like a king. I thought they're happy.
I walked out and looked around. People were working, nothing suspicious. Some of them saw me and started to whisper.
Where the fuck is Madison? And how does she look?
"Madison Ferret," I shouted loudly, making everyone freeze, their eyes turned at me.
"Where is Madison Ferret?" I asked loudly again.
"Th-that's me, sir." I heard a silent voice far ahead for me.
I walked to her, grabbing her wrist, dragging her back to my office. I didn't want more drama. It wouldn't be ok neither for her nor for me. She was silent all the time. I knew she was well aware of why was she being dragged to my office.
I threw her into my room, gesturing Craig to join me. He closed the door behind us and I watched, as she slowly got up from the ground.
"Any explanations?" I asked, trying so hard not to yell.
"S-sir I don't know why you take me here. I didn't do anything!" She cried out.
"Lying? You dare to lie to me!?"
"T-tell me why am I here, p-please." I looked at Craig who nodded his head.
"You were trying to do very bad thing, Madison. We know about it, there's no point in hiding it. I'm just wondering why." Craig's voice sounded calmer then my.
I started to march from one corner to another, my whole body consumed in anger and irritation.
I always thought I'm good CEO, that I'm giving everything to my employees. Why would they want to fuck me behind my back?
"I didn't do anything!" She shouted and wiped out her tears.
"We just want answers. Why?" Craig continued.
"Sir, I-I'm telling the truth. I really don't know anything."
I lost my last will to be the good one. I grabbed her wrist, pulled her up and smashed with her body against the wall. I pinned her there, looking right into her eyes.
"Tell us the answers," I gritted my teeth, when I felt Craig's hand on my shoulder.
"Ok, that's enough. Let her go." He tried really hard to get me away from her and I did what he asked me to do, even though I was so pissed.
"You're fired. And don't you think you're going to find another job that easily. Go now." I pointed to the door, and watched as she ran away.
I turned my head to Craig and sighed. I sat down on the sofa and rubbed my face.
"Why did you stop me? I really am interested in the answers. I want to know why."
"Evan, you don't even know what consequences would there be if you hurt her more. She could have sue us for harassment and so on. Look the good thing is that she's gone and there's not another danger for us."
He's right. He's almost all the time right.
"Ok. I am writing some really interesting things into her resume. So where were we? Taretha Rimmer is out. Who's next?"
Craig slowly looked at me.
"Are you going to tell me what's in the database? I know there's something way more important then some money, you wouldn't have acted so furiously. So what's in there?"
Craig, I can't tell you. I want to, I really do, but I can't.
"Taretha Rimmer is out. Who's next?" I asked again and sat down, changing the subject.
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