Part 45 - Joining the dark side
Alright, alright. Just because I love you all, and just because I feel like it. Double update it is. Thanks for everybody who wished me, yesterday was blasting. ❤️❤️ Now back to work 🙄. Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
I knew I shouldn't have listened to their conversation, that it was rude and impolite, but I was going to die in a week, and in that situation I had the right to know little more.
So this the Tyler I read the papers from. He lied even about his name, coward. He must be really good friend though. Ryan Brown! I know him. So it was him who hurt my slaver? I shouldn't be getting involved in this, I shouldn't care about this. But I do. Why though?
I heard some desperation in Delirious' voice when he talked about almost dying. And it was at that moment that invisible hands pushed me forward.
"I-I... I could help. I know that man."
I couldn't believe that I just said it. Both of them looked at me. I wanted to help, even though I lived through hell I wasn't happy that they hurt him. Besides I didn't like Ryan anyway.
"You? How do you want to fucking help us?" Tyler asked me with little chuckles.
I met with the sight of Delirious, looking at him for a few seconds before answering. I was afraid of both of them, sure, but the world was doomed anyway, so there wasn't really a point in salvation.
"There's... there's this meeting nobody knows about," I started, when Delirious pointed to the chair next to the window.
"Sit and speak," he commanded softly.
I did what he asked me for, and tried to calm myself from nervousness that surrounded me.
Why am I doing?
"Once in a week there's the meeting where most important rich people gather around."
"Illuminate confirmed." Tyler mumbled, and I ignored him.
"We discuss politics, do businesses, fuck prostitutes. It's once in a week, every Monday. Ryan is part of it, and there hasn't been a meeting he wasn't present. So if you want to meet him, go there."
"Why do you want to fucking help us?" Tyler asked me suspiciously.
"I...," I started, then cut myself.
Because what? Because I feel hate towards the man that stabbed my torturer. Because I feel protective towards Delirious, even though I don't know why. Because world is doomed either way, so there's really no point in saving one life.
"We had him as a common enemy. He fucked me up in one deal we had together, so I won't cry over him, nobody will," I lied firmly, trying to be as convincing as possible.
"Well you can't go there, he knows you. Plus you're not feeling well. I'll do it." We looked at Tyler.
"No. I won't get you into a trouble cause of my stupidity. We will hire somebody," Delirious replied, and I felt I was being like a third wheel.
"I want to help! We can't depend on stranger, you know what happened with Elly. I won't make any mistakes, I promise."
I was looking from Tyler to Delirious, waiting for their final decision.
"This is not about mistakes. He's dangerous, Tyler. If anything happened..."
I was in shock. He showed his feelings, that he cared about his friend. I knew he wasn't like the rock stone, and I liked this side of him.
"T-take Craig with y-you," I suggested nervously.
Time to find out if my best friend is still alive and still dating this man.
"What?" Delirious replied.
"They... they won't let you i-in. But Craig is on the list along with me."
"How can I get inside?" Tyler asked me.
So he's still with him.
"No! I won't allow you to go there, that's my final word. Get me the location about Elly, we will think about Ryan later," Delirious raised his voice, which made me shiver in fear.
"Fine, I'll get you the location. Two days." With that Tyler stood up.
I wanted to know about Craig, how was he, what was he doing. So I stood up as well, escorting him to the door.
"Take a good care of him, he deserves it," Tyler said to me with a smile.
I slowly nodded, nervously scratching back of my head.
"How's Craig?" I whispered, looking behind me to check if Delirious wasn't listening.
"He's fine. Misses you, but he's holding together," he replied.
"A-are you hurting him?" I asked, trying to get my voice to firm tone.
"No. I-I would never hurt him."
He can be lying, but let's skip it for now.
"Craig will know where to go. Take him there, tell him your boss invited you as an IT expert, or whatever you said to my best friend you do for a living. Tell him they know about your connection with him, if he would ask you why aren't you on the list. And don't leave his side. They would devour him, he's not that confident as he looks like. You have to be strong for him, protect him. It's not the place he would fit in."
Especially after what I did.
He was silent for a few seconds, before small smile appeared on his face.
"Thanks. Don't tell him a damn thing, he would fucking kill me."
I knew he was talking about Delirious, and I didn't want him to be mad.
"I won't," I whispered, watching him leave, then returned to Delirious.
"What were you two talking about?" He asked without any expressions.
My heart started to race, as my body shake.
I'm used to lie! I can't be afraid of it.
"I was just saying him goodbye," I replied, looking anywhere else then at him.
"Are you lying to me?" Coldness escaped his mouth.
"I'm going back to my room. Call me if anything," I avoided the answer, walking back to my room.
"Evan!" He growled, and I smiled as my mind connected his growling in the other way, and I loved it.
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