Part 38 - Regrets
👏🏻🍾🎉 Another part is here! I know, nothing happen here, but I'm still proud of myself that I could hold Evan's new personality. Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
I hid my face into my shaky hands, trying to stop my thoughts about him. I hated myself that I let him do whatever he wanted, I hated myself that I showed him he was attracting me, and I hated him for playing with me. I had never ever imagine that some freak, handsome, would jerked be of, and the scariest part was that I liked it.
I stood up, slowly opening the door. I wished he was sleeping. I couldn't imagine running into him, what would I say or do. I somehow got to the kitchen, where still lay the mask. Taking it into my shaky hands I knew he wasn't a freak. I had so many question about him. From who he really was, to why did he let me live, but I knew he wouldn't answer me them.
But he's sleeping, right? I could snitch around a bit.
I waited a few more minutes, before I started to looking around. I didn't have anything specified in my mind, just wanted to know something about him, knowing he wouldn't have told me.
After the hour and a half I found in one closet in the living room dozens of files with names I slightly recognized. They were in the news, all dead. With new curiousness and bit of fear I started to look for my file. I knew it had to be somewhere.
My heart started to race when I found my name. I slowly opened it, when some photos of me fell on the ground. It felt so weird. I tried to recall the moments I was on the pictures.
It had to be a few weeks before I was kidnaped first time. What? There's even my schedule, my appearance, my vulnerability, and who the fuck is Tyler? And my best friend? Craig!
I quickly put everything back, closing the closet I tried to find any phone. I found one cell phone lying on the table in the kitchen. I picked it up, trying so hard to recall Craig's number.
"What are you doing?"
I jumped in surprise, letting go of the phone which fell on the ground. I froze in place in fear. He picked it up, looking at me with one eyebrow raised. I noticed he wasn't wearing the mask anymore.
"What are you doing?" He asked again in calm tone, which was more terrifying for me.
"I-I-I..." I stuttered, trying to force my mind to start working again.
"Were you trying to call for help?"
I couldn't tell if he was angry, or disappointed. He had emotionless face along with his voice.
"N-no! I... I... just wanted to call m-my best friend to... you know... I mean... check upon him."
"He's fine," he replied, opening the fridge.
"How d-do you know it?" I asked carefully.
"Does it matter? I could be lying and you'll never now. So be happy with the answer I gave you."
He's right. Craig could be dead, but I deserve to know! I don't want to live in some illusion, and hope that Craig is still alive.
I sat down, watching him as he started to cook something.
"Just tell me please... is he still alive?" I whispered silently.
I slowly nodded, feeling better. I wanted to talk to him. I had a feeling that there's more inside him that anybody, especially he, would admitted. I moved myself to my new room, throwing myself on the bed.
My mind started to create images about me and him again. I growled in frustration. I was deeply in big war. I hated it, and at the same time I loved it. I wanted him to touch me again, to whisper my name, even though I didn't understand why.
I shook my head, rolling myself on the other side with intention to sleep, but I couldn't so after a few hours I stood up, and then walked back into the kitchen. I noticed him in the living room, studying some papers.
He's learning about his new victim? Who's it? I have to talk to him or I'll get crazy from loneliness.
I prepared myself a food, wishing he won't get angry about it. Grabbing the meal I joined him in the living room.
"What are you doing?" I asked between the bites, receiving annoyed expression from him.
"None of your business."
Why is he playing on cold and distant person? He can be soft and lovely.
"I'm going to die soon, am I not? There's really no point in hiding something," I said, and took another bite.
"I'm not hiding anything. I just said it was none of your business. Now shut up or you're going to go back to the room with chains."
I gulped, minding my own food in silence. I knew I had to be annoyance for him, but I was dying in loneliness, especially when he left me days only in my own presence.
"May I turn on the TV?" I whispered, once I was done with the food.
"And who's Tyler?" I asked instead.
He raised his beautiful blue eyes from the papers to look at me.
"None of your business."
We sunk into the silence once again. I hated it.
"Christmas is coming. Are you looking forward? Family reunion, love around, happiness, food, gifts," I started with hope on new conversation.
He silently growled, put the papers next to him and rubbed his face.
"Look, Evan," he started.
My name on his tongue sounded like a melody, my heart skipped a few beats. I wanted to hear that again.
"If I answer you this question, will you be a good boy and shut the fuck up? I need to concentrate on this."
I quickly nodded with small smile, when he looked at me once again.
"Fine. No, I hate Christmas holiday, I don't celebrate it, I don't wanna hear about it, I just don't."
What? How could he say that? Christmas is the best thing after the summer. He can't be serious.
"What do you hate on it? Aren't you happy to be with someone who care about you?"
"I said shut the fuck up!" He shouted at me furiously.
For my own sake I stood up and walked into my room.
He has to be really sad that he hate Christmas. Or maybe something happened during that, or he doesn't have anybody to celebrate with, maybe he's all alone.
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