Part 30 - New way of torture
😂 So some of you wished for something, and I partly fulfilled it. Forgive me, but I couldn't let Delirious fuck Evan directly, he don't care about Evan that much. But calm your hormones, it's going to happen. ☺️ Enjoy ^.^
(Evan POV)
I started to loosing the feel in my arms again, as they were tied up. Hunger, or thirst, was nothing compere to the pain, blasting in my tight, nothing compere to the fact that he got me again.
I cursed myself how I could have been so stupid and let the complete stranger into my house. I think I was so weak and tired that I did that.
First moments I couldn't somehow even split the nightmare and reality. I thought I was dreaming, I wished I was in the bed, and all this was only in my head.
After a while I let go of hope being saved again, and I knew my will to resist him is the lowest. Even though I always tried to calm myself the way shrink taught me.
A few days after he took out the bullet out of my tight, he came again. I expected new torturing, but he hadn't got any items with him. I was confused over it, more terrified, because I didn't know what to expect.
"They say you're arrogant and cocky man," his voices greeted me.
I was before you took it away.
I took a deep breath to answer but he didn't let me.
"That you have never begged for anything, never kneel before anybody. Is that true?"
I felt my own beating heart, pounding so loud. When he tortured me I could prepare myself to it, but this was new.
He came straight to me, his mask a few centimeters away from my face. My heart stopped beating. I didn't know if from the fear or the excitement from our closeness.
He raised his arms, and I fell to the ground when he loosened the chains a bit so I wasn't standing. He didn't let me react when he grabbed my lower jaw, forcing me to look up to him.
"You think this is all the game, huh? That your fucking fortune will save you again. Open your mouth!"
My body started to shake as I slowly released what was going to happened. I wasn't ready. Not mentally, not physically. I had never done this, never wanted.
"Open your mouth, I said."
His voice was terrifying. I knew this person is crazy, insane, that he couldn't have any moral standards, any emotions within him, but I listened to him. I didn't have much more choices, even though I knew torturing would be better.
I tightly closed my eyes, preparing myself for the worst. I heard as he unzipped his jeans.
"No teeth, you hear me?" He said, still holding my jaw.
I didn't have courage to move or to do anything. I was like a sculpture, waiting for him to humiliate me. I felt his grip getting tighter.
"You hear me?" He repeated louder, and I just slightly nodded.
In a few seconds I felt his cock inside my mouth. I was weirded, firstly disgusted, but he didn't give me any time to thought about that when he started to fuck my mouth deeper and deeper with each thrust, holding my head so I couldn't move away, even though I really wanted.
Gagging reflexions came in the first place, he was nearly choking me as I couldn't properly breath. I felt my own tears rolling down on my face.
"I said no fucking teeth!" He growled, taking my hair into his free hand and fastening his moves.
I tried to do as he was commanding me, but it was so hard. I started to recall memories when I was the one fucking women, not minding their needs of air. They had to feel similar as I was feeling right there.
"Don't you dare spit anything on the ground. Swallow every last piece," he silently growled, as he continued to deep throating me
Within few more thrust, which lasted for eternity, without any warning I felt his sperm filling my mouth. I wanted to spit everything out, in the need of air, but he bend my head back. I couldn't take it. It was like salvation when he pulled himself out, and I started to cough, trying to breath and get rid of that taste.
While I was gasping for air, not minding the rest of his juice dropping on the ground from my mouth, he made me stood up again. I wasn't fighting anymore as shame and humiliation filled my body, my eyes fully closed so I couldn't see him. He tied me up again, checking if my restrains were ok.
"You're useless. Even a teenage virgin girl could do better."
I didn't mind his offense. I wanted to be alone, to forget that this ever happened, erase this nightmare.
"That's all you can do? Just be silent? How could have women liked you in any way... that's what I wonder."
I opened my eyes and met his gaze. His blue eyes were sparkling as he was amused by whole this.
"Kill me," I whispered, not recognizing my own voice.
His laughter filled my ears, making my body to shiver. He truly was insane.
"You think that after so many problems you caused I'm going to be merciful? Give me those numbers and I'll grant you swift death."
Those fucking numbers.
"This was just for my own amusement, well see you in a while."
And with those words he left me. Broken, humiliated, used, hopeless, with my own tears. And that was just a beginning.
The most concerning for me were these passing hours, maybe days, when I couldn't tell if it was day or night. He always came, tried to feed me, which I few times stubbornly refused, and finally left without any words. No speaking, no torturing, nothing. First moments I welcomed it. The amazing and generous silence. I thought it was a gift from heavens. But after a while I couldn't take it.
It was my mind, my thoughts and my loneliness. So I started to talk to him, just a few words, trying to get him talk. I knew that this was really the worst thing I could do, but I needed to hear human voice, to prevent loosing my sanity, and he was my only source.
The worst of this all was the fact that as the only person in my presence my mind started to perceive details about this man. For example his muscles on his arms, whenever he checked my chains, or his blue eyes, which weren't lately so terrifying. I hated myself for it, and I couldn't figure it out why was I feeling that way. But every time I tried speak to him he ignored me. And the circle repeated once again.
One time he didn't come two straight days at all. I was slowly loosing my mind. I was hungry, thirsty, dizzy, fainting, needed someone to talk to. Hearing footsteps I raised my head with new hope. The door opened and there he was. I saw those blue eyes like shinning hope.
"Thanks," I mumbled tiredly, seeing the food he was holding.
He didn't say anything, just started to feed me. I welcomed it with open embrace. After I was done with eating and drinking, he swiped the left overs from my face. The touch sent shivers down to my spine. I was so confused over myself. I should have been terrified, disgusted, stubborn. But I wasn't. It was like my mind completely erased that fact, that I was being held captive, tortured.
As he was walking away, I tried to talk to him again. I needed to hear his voice.
"Wait, please!" I whispered desperately.
He turned himself, and I really wished I could see his expressions. I gulped, and licked my lips.
"Don't go. Talk to me," I continued.
He crossed his arms on the chest, giving me the annoyance signals.
"C'mon, please. I- I need to communicate with you. Just say one word. One fucking word!" I raised my voice at the end.
He turned himself, and walked away. I shouted desperately, rusting with the chains. I knew he wanted the numbers, and slowly I started to reach the point, where I was willing to do anything just for some words.
After few hours I heard another voice from upstairs which I didn't recognized. It belonged to some woman. My body tensed from the idea of being rescued. I shut down everything that could have distracted me, and focused on the sounds around me. My body filled with determination, new hope.
But it was all shut down by the sounds I heard. Moans of pleasure. Against my own will through my body ran jealousy and anger. I wanted him to talk to me, to be with me, to pay me attention.
My mind started to imagine the pictures of him and me doing that stuff. Once they started to be in front of my eyes, I quickly shook my head to get rid of them, mentally slapping myself.
I need to get the fuck out of here! I'm going crazy, turning into a gay, wanting him to touch me. He fucked my mouth and it was disgusting! I'm fucking straight, rich, confident man. Somebody please help me. If you hear me, you up there, please. I know I wasn't the best to my friends, acquaintances, or family, but I don't deserve this. Nobody do.
I heard fast footsteps, which dragged me fully into reality. I decided to stay strong, refusing to show him the war inside me.
The door opened, but I didn't saw him. I saw completely naked women, confused, terrified, desperate.
What the fuck? Who's she? And what's she doing here? And where's he?
She wanted to turned around, but I stopped her.
"No! No, no, no! Please, get me out of here, I'm begging you," I begged, feeling my own tears forming in my eyes again.
She seemed to be uncertain about this whole thing, every second looking around.
"Please!" I raised my voice to get her attention to me.
She ran to me, trying to unchained me. My heart wanted to jump out of my chest. I couldn't believe my luck. The first time Craig found me, now this woman.
"What's your name?" I asked, fully happy about the fact that I can lead conversation, that I can hear another voice then my.
Just one word was enough for me. I almost forgot how sweet voices could be, how sweet is to listening.
"Hurry, please!" I begged her afraid of him coming back.
"I'm fucking trying," she replied furiously.
I felt the grip loosing, but before I could go celebrate, I saw him in the door half naked with mask. My heart stopped beating, as he walked towards her, grabbing her head. I just watched as he dragged the screaming poor soul away, her scream slowly getting deep into my heart.
I was so close to the rescue, yet so far. Just a few more seconds and I could have been out. I bended my head back, when my eyes stopped at the chains.
I'm free.
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