Part 25 - Meeting the mister Wonderful
I'm sorry it's taking me so long to deliver you new part. But hey... Evan is going to meet Eric 😏. Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
Today was the big day. Craig decided not to let me be alone, while I kept saying him that he should go out with Eric. So we found a compromise, which I was deeply inside against it. He would introduce myself to him. And even though I really wanted to meet this guy, I knew I was going to be third wheel. I just hoped they wouldn't have kissed themselves every five seconds.
I tried not to watch David too obviously, while waiting for my best friend to return with his date, but it was really hard. He seemed to be really sad about his last phone call. I knew he was stranger to me, and I shouldn't have cared, but he was making me safe. Plus Craig was out with Eric, and I was sinked in loneliness.
"Mister agent? Care to tell me what's wrong?" I asked carefully.
"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me.
"You seem lost in whatever is bothering you."
I was trying to be nice, trying to lead a friendly conversation.
"It's nothing. Ya hungry?" He asked me, and I could see how he forced himself to smile.
"Am I bother to you?" I asked straight away.
"No. My partner just jumps into conclusions too quickly. I think your friends are here," he replied, and I stood up.
I didn't want to show Craig's new boyfriend how am I still really weak, plus I wanted to talk with him eye to eye. I heard voices, footsteps, then I saw my best friend with for me unknown man.
He wasn't that bad looking, but for me he looks like an average guy. He was taller then Craig, muscular. He started to scan me, as well as I was scanning him. David left, closing the door behind him.
"Hi,"I greeted him with smile.
"Pleasure to meet you," he replied, and stretched his hand to me for shake.
"Evan," I said, and shook his hand.
I somehow felt like Craig's father. I needed to know his deep secrets, his intention with my best friend. He didn't look like a typical office guy.
What did Craig say? He was an IT expert in some company. But he's really muscular. Maybe he's going to gym here and there. And what was it? He forced my Craig to run away without payment?
"Awkward silence, ok. Moving on. I'm gonna bring some drinks. Beers?" Craig tried to sound cheerfully, but I knew how this all situation is a bit awkward.
This was actually first time I met my best friend's boyfriend for the first time. Usually I introduced them, and then let the fate decide.
"Sounds good," Eric replied.
"Be right back." And with that my best friend left us alone.
I decided not to act as a good friend. I was here to protect Craig and I really didn't care about leaving good first impression.
"What are your intentions?" I asked him, and leaned against the wall next to the bed.
"What?" He replied confused.
"I heard what had happened in the restaurant. Why are you trying to lead Craig to bad guy way?" I sounded just like some protective parent.
"Dude, I'm not trying to lead him any fucking way. He told me he hadn't stolen anything. I wanted to give him some fucking adventure. And excuse me, but leaving without fucking paying isn't such a crime."
I raised one of my eyebrow and sarcastically sighed.
Oh here we go. Swearing, aren't we? You sounded a bit politer a few seconds ago.
"It isn't? Are you doing this cause he told you about his weakness for the bad guys? Are you trying to impress him?" I asked with my eyebrows still furrowed.
"Bad guys? What? He likes bad guys?" He asked me with a sly smile.
Shit! Craig is gonna kill me.
"I won't allow you to stain his purity, to use him for his innocence," I started to threaten him.
"What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not using him. And don't you think it's up to Craig to fucking decide whether he like it or not? He's grown ass man. I think if he doesn't like something he would tell it."
I inhale to answer him when he continued.
"And don't you dare fucking tell me you've never done this."
Me? Million times. But I know that Craig isn't suitable for crime things. Plus he wouldn't survive in the prison for a day. I have my father to take care of me. If something go down, he always has alibi for me to protect his own reputation.
"And by the way aren't you that Evan Fong, that CEO who was kidnapped by some psycho?" The moment he asked me this, I saw an image of those blue eyes.
I felt my own beating heart, I felt how my body shivered, how my breath stopped.
"Who was that guy, huh? Some say crazy bastard from asylum, some say your own father, and some say you beat yourself up to get back your publicity. So how was it?"
I quickly shook my head to get rid of the pictures of my nightmares, when Craig returned.
"Three beers," he stated with grin.
Once he saw me, he froze.
"Evan you alright?" I watched as Eric slowly smiled at me, like an innocent child.
I don't like him a bit. And even though I wish my best friend happiness, I'm not gonna watch him destroy his life. I won't lie about my opinion on Eric, even if it means get Craig furious. And I know he won't like my opinion.
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