Part 23 - A date
I'm so sorry! Don't worry, I'm working on getting Evan and Jonathan together. They both just need some time. Thank you for still reading this story, even though I still don't understand how this blast happened. 😘❤️ Enjoy ^.^
(Craig POV)
I took a deep breath and spun around, nervousness flowing through my body, and even thinking about nice stuff wasn't helping.
"How do I look?" I asked my best friend, who was still laying in the bed.
"You're sexy. Not sexually sexy, but sexy. I like it."
I rolled my eyes after his words and swiped my shoulders one more time.
"Evan! Fuck... what about you would go on a date instead of me. Make me and Eric a thing," I said, and scratched back of my head.
"Relax! You can flirt on your own, you don't need me."
"I need you. Every fucking man I dated was because of you. You introduce us, you were my backup. What about you would go with me for a few seconds! Just a few..." I didn't completed my sentence as I sat down and hid my face into my hands.
"Craig you know I can't. I love you to bits, you know that, but I would rather stay here forever alone then get kidnaped by him... those fucking eyes."
I could sense the fear from his voice. I raised my sight to see him shivering, he seemed to be lost, in some kind of trance. That scared me.
"Evan?" I asked slowly, but no response.
He was looking straight to some point on the wall, not moving at all.
"Evan?" I asked again silently.
I was so worried about my friend, my heart couldn't stop beating fast. I didn't even notice I stopped breathing.
What's going on? Why isn't he moving? What's wrong with him? What if... what if this whole "I'm back bitches" Evan is just the mask. What if he's still suffering?
"Evan please... please talk to me," I whispered, and got to him.
I noticed the tears in his eyes slowly tracing down on his face. I hugged him tightly, slowly moving forwards and backwards.
"I'm here, I'm always here. Shhhhhh," I started to whisper.
I sensed how he hugged me back with loud sob. I slowly smiled knowing he's back from that trance.
"Calm beach, calm beach, calm beach," he silently whispered.
"I'm going to cancel this date. Just you and me this evening," I said firmly.
I know that I'm going to be half sad about this. I really wanted to meet Eric, but Evan was much more important for me.
"What? Don't you dare!" He said louder, slowly pushing me away from him.
I looked at his eyes as he wiped his tears away.
"I'm not going to enjoy this evening anyway when I know you're suffering. We're best friends, remember?" I said with smile.
"I bailed on you every fucking time I could go out to fuck somebody. Craig you deserve this. I have David here. Just go already."
"But David is only FBI agent. He's not your friend," I stated.
Evan took my hand and place it on my chest where my heart was.
"Here, I'm here. So when you go out I'm going out with you, when you cry I'm crying too, when you're happy I'm happy too. Do you want me to be happy, Craig?" He asked, and I felt so touched by his sweet words.
I didn't expected this from him. He was always dirty talking, never seeking romance things, but those words meant so much for me.
"I want you to be happy," I confirmed his last sentence.
"So when you go on date with Eric I'm going too. When you'll flirt with Eric I'll too. You really don't have to be afraid of anything. I'll always be with you. No matter what happen, remember that."
I blinked several times to consume all of this. I knew that my best friend changed. He always encouraged me, always, but never with this kind of motivation. And I was welcoming it.
"Ok. But I'll be here at 10 pm, I promise," I said still uncertain about all this.
"Go already!" He shouted, when he saw the time.
I jumped from him and looked at him one more time, spinning around.
"You're fucking gorgeous. I'm proud of you."
I shyly smiled, grabbed my things, and then ran out, leaving my best friend in the hands of skillful agent.
I knew I was running late, and I was so ashamed of it. I just hoped Eric won't think anything bad about me from this.
I arrived to the entrance of my work twenty minutes later. I gulped when I saw him leaning against the wall, my heart racing, my body shaking. I took a deep breath, gathering courage, and got out of the car.
He raised his head to meet my eyes. I smiled at him full of apologies, waving him in greetings.
"I'm so sorry!" I said, when I was close enough for him to hear and for me not to shout.
He smiled back at me, looking at the time on his phone.
"Twenty minutes later, huh?"
"Sorry!" I repeated again.
I felt loosing control over myself. Just looking into his eyes was making me dizzy. He was everything I was looking for.
"What's your excuse? If it's really good one I'm forgiving you," he teased me with smile.
"Uh... my friend needed me," I said truthfully.
"You're kind person, I can see that." I laughed after his words, trying to relax.
"You bet. I haven't even stolen anything in my life."
He slowly smirked, and I felt my knees getting weaker.
"Shall we go?" He asked, and I slowly nodded.
I still couldn't understand what happened that I was out with this sexy looking person. He could have snapped his fingers and most of the women and men would be dating him. Out of all people I had a luck to ran into him, and out of all people he chose me.
We arrived to the restaurant in the center of LA. It was completely filled with people. To my surprise Eric reserved the seats for us, so we got a VIP place just for ourselves.
I really wasnt paying attention to the menu board I was holding. My eyes were scanning every small detail of the man sitting in front of me. He was fascinating. Something inside him, deep down, was pulling me closer to him, and I wasn't struggling.
"Why are you still looking at me?" He asked with smile, which made my heart race.
"M-me?" I stuttered shyly.
"Well I'm on the fucking date with you, so naturally I'm talking to you," he replied with smirk.
"I-I just like what I see," I mumbled to myself so silently.
"Sorry, what was that?" He laughed.
We talked about everything. The best part was his job. He knew about IT as much as I did, and it was so amazing listening to him.
I sometimes imagined him being that bad guy. To my surprise I was imagining him as he would tied me to the bed, showing me his bad side, fully dominating me. But I knew it would always be only my imagination. He was working in IT company, probably living all evening in front of computer, watching some movies.
"You said you haven't stolen anything, right?" He asked me with smile, and I shook my head.
"Why not?"
What's with this question? I'm not gonna steal anything! I don't want to get into any troubles.
"Cause I'm not that type of person. Have you stolen anything?" I asked him he same question.
"We can go now. Would you wait for me outside, please?" He asked, and I frowned when he didn't answered my question.
"I can pay for myself," I stated.
"Fucking go already," he whispered quickly.
I stood up and did what he asked me for.
Maybe he doesn't want me to see how much money he has, or how much this dinner cost. But I don't want him to think I'm some gold digger. Does he even have more money?
I was pulled from my thoughts when suddenly somebody grabbed my wrist and dragged me along.
"Just run!" He shouted at me.
I quickly looked behind me to see some security man running after us. My body was filled with adrenalin and within few minutes we got rid of him, when Eric pulled me to the side alley way.
It was amazing. I was so excited, so amazed by this whole thing, the adrenalin and excitement blasted inside me.
"Oh my God! That's was incredible. Did we just ran without paying?" I asked him, while trying to catch my breath.
"Yep. How are you feeling?"
"Amazing! How he chased us, and the fear from the image of catching us, and the..."
I got interrupted when he quickly put one of his hand on my back. Pulling me closer to his body he leaned and kissed me. It was just a quick kiss on lips due to the need of air for both of us, but once he pulled away I had to hold him regaining stability. I could feel the muscles on his arms. He made me feel amazing, my heart wanted to jump out of my chest, my mouth completely dry, my world spun around me. But his eyes were like a firm point.
"I'm gonna escort you home, c'mon."
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