Part 21 - Cosy time
Next part is up. I'm not really happy with this one, but I hope you're going to like it anyway. Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
"Ya alright?" David asked me, and I slowly nodded, fully consumed by boredom.
I was under the protection of the FBI agent. I was slowly recovering, even though I couldn't sleep at nights, seeing those eyes. I had a feelings that I'm hearing his voice from time to time, but it always faded away. I had to put a mask of old Evan to make Craig happy. He worried about me too much, and I hoped that acting like old me would bring him to better thoughts.
I heard my phone went crazy. I looked at the display and saw Craig's name.
"I'm waiting in front of the doors. Should I knock, or say some sort of password to get inside?" He asked seriously.
"Yep. The password is the answer to the question how big is my dick?" I joked with grin on my face, in the corner on my eyes caught David's weirded look.
"Fuck you! Look I have food and some things along with me. If you don't want them... I can turn, and go away!"
"Don't you dare! Just a sec," I stated, and hung up.
"Mister Irish agent? My lover is waiting in front the door. Could we let him in, please?" I asked innocently, slowly sitting down.
"Sure," he said, pulling his gun out.
"What are you doing?" I whispered quickly, feeling my own beating heart.
"Just making sure your lover is alone. He could have been followed."
I don't think he's going to kidnap me again. I mean yes, he wanted the numbers, but if I was him I would hide, disappeared.
I heard door opening, distant talking, and then I saw my best friend. He was holding two bags full of food, I saw some wine in there. But what caught my attention the most was his expression. He seemed really enthusiastic, and I deeply doubted it was because of me.
"Can I have a smooches from you?" I greeted him, and he rolled his eyes.
"I'm gonna leave ya to yer business," David informed us, and closed the door behind him, leaving me and Craig alone.
"I see you're doing well when you're dicking around. I brought some things to you," he said with grin, and I raised one of my eyebrows.
"I'm listening," I said seriously.
"What?" He asked confused.
"You're too much happy. What happened? I thought my father is slaving you, but you look like you've won in a lottery."
"Ugh, Evan! You're like a Sherlock Holmes," he complained, which made me smile.
"Then? What happened? Or you wanna make me tie you to the bed and make you my for this night?"
Just thinking about sex was making me angry. The fact I couldn't do it was the worst. Don't get me wrong, I knew I'm under the protection of agent, that I lived through the nightmare with masked freak, but I was a human with needs.
"Evan! I'm going to smash this expensive bottle on your head. Stop with that."
I loved how my best friend get shy all the times I was flirting with him. It made me feel awesome.
"C'mon then, spit it out," I whined.
He gave me bowl full of fruit and bottle of wine, while I scooted a bit to make him a space in my bed. I turned on the TV, and he sat next to me.
"I met somebody," he whispered, while he was opening the bottle.
"What?" I asked curiously.
"Ok so I'm going to tell you a story, what happened today. Your father is a dick," he stated, which made me laugh, but had to immediately stopped when my pain returned.
"Tell me something I don't know about," I grinned at him.
"You would believe that he made Taretha Rimmer his partner? I don't get that! You turned her down."
What? He did what? Why would he do it? I know he thinks I'm young and do things without thinking, but I thought he trusted me. This hurts.
"Well I was on my way to Taretha, when BAM I bumped into some guy. And I apologized immediately, looked at him, and dude... it got me. He's so handsome! He's pretty buffed, taller then me, with beard and the most beautiful eyes. So we said our goodbyes,and I went-" I jumped into his speech.
I couldn't help it. I felt the urge to joke about all this. It sounded like a true cliche from some romantic book, or movie.
"I though you fucked his soul."
He frowned after my words, acting all insulted. But I could see those lips twitching.
"Not everybody is like you, fuck boy!" He shot to me.
"But he's not a bad boy, is he?" I replied.
"I actually don't know what's doing. But let me finish please!"
"I can help you finish if you-" I was interrupted by sharp pain in my arm when he punched me.
"Stop it! So as I was saying. We said our goodbyes and I got those papers to Taretha. Then I called you, and I decided to buy some food for you. And guess who I didn't run into! Eric!"
Eric? Oh it must be that guy's name.
"And I knew that's something like a destiny. We talked and he gave me his number. Man... I don't know if he's gay or not, but damn he's handsome."
Oh Craig! I don't know if I should be your lying friend or you truthful friend. I could tell you that he won't call you most likely, and wipe that stupid smile of your face, or I could tell you the merciful lie.
"So? What do you think?" He interrupted my thoughts.
I looked at him. He seemed to be very happy about this. And even though I was his best friend, teasing him, mocking him, I couldn't make him sad.
"That sounds amazing! When can I see this guy?" I asked with smile.
"Well once he will text me... if he will. I mean... he don't have to. And I think he even won't. Just look at me. Compere to you I'm nothing! Everybody throw themselves at you, I'm just your ugly friend."
I put my arm to his shoulder, pulling him closer to my body. He put his head on my shoulder, cuddling with me.
"You're not ugly, Craig, trust me."
"Just look at me! Big nose, massive forehead, glasses like a nerd!" He continued silently.
"I wouldn't want to fuck you, if you were," I joked to light the atmosphere around us.
"I thought you're not a gay, man," he replied with chuckles.
"I'm not. But if I were..." I didn't completed my sentence, because I knew he got that content.
"And I would wanna fuck you if I were straight," he whispered.
"Thanks, this is not helping."
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