Part 20 - "Random" encounter
Evening folks. I'm sorry that I'm late, was sorting some things in school and with family. Here's your next part. Enjoy ^.^
(Craig POV)
I yawned and stretched myself, hoping it would help me stay focused. From the day Evan was missing, his father took his place. And it was disaster. We had to work overtimes because he had to fix Evan's mistakes. But I didn't get that. I was beside his side all this time, checking everything, but never spotted anything that would need to be fixed.
"Thompson! I hope you're done with the task I set you upon."
He's doing this on purpose. I swear.
"Almost, sir," I replied still being nice.
"Almost isn't enough. I want it done in five minutes, hear me?"
I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I hate him, and I wasn't alone. Nobody likes his attitude. Evan may have been young, but he was great boss to work for.
I pushed myself to my limits, and did the paperwork he wanted me do. I grabbed them, along with my other belongings with intention to leave, and walked to my new boss office.
"There are your papers," I said still calm, even though I wanted to scream in anger.
"Good job. Now carry them to Taretha Rimmer, our new partner," he commanded me.
"Excuse me? Evan rejected her," I complained fully confused.
"Evan is not here, I'm your boss. I don't ask for you permissions, just get the papers to her."
You fucking dumb shit! I miss you Evan. I miss you so much. Your father is an asshole.
I clenched my hands into a fist, and tried to calm myself again. I silently nodded, grabbed the papers and walked out.
I'm going to give these papers to her, and then I can go to Evan. Where did he say the FBI is keeping him?
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. It wasn't any surprise when I bumped into somebody. The crash sent me to the ground, papers scattered around.
"I'm so sorry," I started immediately, and looked at that person.
My heart skipped a beat. I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was an average bearded tall man, pretty buffed.
Oh my Lord! He's handsome! He's really handsome.
"It's ok. I didn't pay attention. You alright?" He asked me.
I got lost in his eyes, felt hypnotized.
"Dude? You alright?" He asked again, which made me snap out of that trans.
Stop it, Craig. He's not even a gay. Shame, he's really good looking.
"Yeah. Uhm..." I mumbled, when I noticed he started to gather my papers.
He gave them to me, and I purposely touched his hand. Through my body ran electrical pulses. I was amazed by him. I wanted to chat with him more.
"You work here? I've never seen you around," I said, while subconsciously smiling.
"Me? Nah. So again I'm sorry for this little accident. Maybe we will meet again one day." And with these words he left.
I'm fucking dumb. I should have ask for a name, at least. Man, he was handsome. And those eyes? And his smile? Ah well, time to get back to work.
I went to the company owned by Taretha Rimmer. I walked towards the secretary at the first floor. It was some women, her fingers running fast on the keyboard.
"Good afternoon, I have something for miss Taretha Rimmer," I announce bit annoyed.
The woman nodded, didn't even raise her head.
"Left them here," she mumbled.
Evan's father sent me to deliver those papers to her company, not directly to her hands. Im done here.
I smiled to myself, headed out, pulling out the phone to call my best friend. He answered it in a few seconds.
"Craig, my love, where are you?!" He greeted me instantly.
"Would you stop acting like we're dating?" I replied bit annoyed.
Don't get me wrong, I loved Evan to bits, but sometimes he acted too much like a gay, even though he refused to admit it.
"Never! So where are you?" He asked again.
"Just completed the quest for your father. I'm on my way. Where are you locked away?"
"Well I was at the FBI's CEO house. Greg Oswalski. But they moved me. That Irish agent is full of regrets, and accommodated me in his house to be under his protection. So move your ass here, ok?"
"Will do." I slowly nodded, and after he gave me the address I head that way.
Maybe I could buy something to eat. It could make Evan better. Some wine and little snacks.
I decided to head to the mall near the address Evan told me. I managed to grabbed some few things, heading to the cash register, when I heard familiar voice.
"Oh, hi again."
I slowly turned myself to face that devilishly handsome man I had ran into few hours ago. I blinked several times, and then laughed.
"No way!" I exclaimed.
"Are you stalking me?" He asked with one of his eyebrows raised up.
"Me? I wanted to ask you the same question. This is hilarious. What are you doing here?" I asked enthusiastically.
"Shopping? We're at the mall," he said sarcastically.
Clever, Craig. This is the best way how to keep a guy to yourself. Just ask the most intelligent questions. Damn me!
"My name's Eric," he decided to move our new relationship further.
I smiled at him, and shook his hand.
"You're throwing some fucking party?" He asked with grin, looking at my shopping cart.
Can you smile like this all the time please?
"What? Oh no... it's for my friend. He's ill, so there's my good will making him a company," I replied bit shyly.
"Enjoy it, then. You're really nice guy. I hope I'll see you some day again. Let's destiny decide," he said with smile, turned himself to leave.
Fuck the destiny!
"Wait, Eric!" I shouted to stop him.
I wasn't ready to let him go without any certainty of seeing him again. The first time we bumped into each other was just a random encounter, but I believed that the second time meant something.
"Yeah?" He turned himself to face me with smirk.
"I mean... we can... uhm... like... h-hang out someday." I felt that my previous courage just vanish.
"That's pretty good idea. You want my number?"
What's happening? How is this happening? Like for real?
I was stunned by all this. It seemed to be like a fairytale, far from the reality. I've never manage to get anyone's number only by myself. Evan was always with me. His laughter dragged me into the reality.
"Just give me yours. It'll be faster."
I said him my number, and then we said our goodbyes. I arrived at Evan's house with more then a good mood. I knew I had to tell everything to my best friend. I was the luckiest person on earth. Even though I wasn't sure Eric was a gay. But the fact that I was able to get his number was so satisfying that it boost my mood into the skies.
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