Part 137 - He's just confused
Good morning ❤️ ☀️
I'm sorry about non-action parts :D. They were just writing themselves, but I promise it's gonna move soon. Enjoy ^.^
(Delirious POV)
So what's the real reason he came for me? Could it be that he needs something from me? He said I was not alone, but is that true? He cares about me to the point where he flew into my home city. But he can't rationally feel more to me. I fucking tortured him, I lied to him so many times, I hurt him, raped him, and God knows what everything more Delirious had done to him. No reasonable person could feel a sympathy, not even love, to me.
"We're here."
I heard Bryce's voice, dragging me back into the real world. We got out off the car, being right in front of Bryce's place. I remembered the times when me, Bryce, Ohm and Luke were planing a heists in there. Those times seemed so far away.
"I hope you don't mind the mess. I haven't expected a visitors," Bryce mumbled, opening the door.
I walked in, looking around. The house didn't change a bit, which made me feel warmness in my heart. I put down my mask, running my fingers through my hair.
"Are you hungry?" Bryce asked, while I looked at him.
"How long has been Ohm trying to kill you?" I asked interested.
"How long are you dead? I heard Vanoss killed you," he replied, grinning at me.
Who's Vanoss?
"Do you mean Cartoonz?" I replied, confusedly following him into the kitchen.
"What? From what I know, Cartoonz still works for Ohm. But I don't know, I haven't seen him in a while."
"I'm Vanoss. They think I killed you... that was something I claimed when Cry was asking about your mask I had on."
I looked at Evan, so many emotions flew through me.
"Cry? You talked to Cry? Why? Why would you do such things? How did you reach him?" I snapped at him.
"Don't be mad, please," he whispered.
"There's a room upstairs... take your time. I'll cook you a meal meanwhile," Bryce joined in.
I grabbed Evan's hand, leading him upstairs. Closing the door behind us, I turned myself to face him.
"Cry is the most dangerous hitman. Were you out of your mind? He could have killed you."
I didn't mean to sound so angry, but this was Evan's life we were talking about. He wasn't ready to set a foot in this world, he hadn't held a gun before, just as he told me, he didn't know who was good and who was two face bitch.
I knew he could be amazing. He had iron will, courage. He was strong and smart, patient. The only thing he hadn't got was an experiences, days or months of training.
"You're the most dangerous hitman and I'm still alive. I thought you died, Delirious, I thought I sentenced you to death."
"I needed them to believe I was truly dead. So I made a deal with Luke. Everything was about acting and the red theater blood. I didn't expect you to say my name, to be honest," I mumbled the end.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Choosing between you and Tyler was the hardest decision. But I wanted Craig to be happy, and I knew you wouldn't forgive me either," he replied.
"I needed to help Luke exchange for your safety. I thought we were still at least acquaintances, but I was so wrong. He was mad at me, pushed forward by the revenge. I ended up in the Red Room," I explained.
"I... I know. We saw you there," he whispered, looking down.
"Tyler found you there," he replied.
"Wait! Tyler knew about me being in the Red Room? For how long?"
If I knew, I could have fought Delirious back. I could have been saved.
"We didn't knew who had you, we didn't even knew where you were. So Tyler came up with an idea of the auction. We thought they were selling you in there, so we started to bid. But there was another buyer interested, Cryaotic," he started.
"Why would Cry wanted me? That doesn't make any sense," I mumbled my thoughts aloud.
"We managed to won the auction, but they weren't selling you in there. They were selling Cry's man. That was the reason why he wanted to win so bad. So we were again in the beginning. The helpful thing was, that Felix knew who kept him, he also knew they had caught you," he continued.
"But before we arrived there, you were already gone. And the rest you know," he finished.
"Why did you want to save me? I don't understand," I whispered, trying to understand his mind.
"Because I-" He wanted to continue, but I cut him off.
"I kidnaped you, tortured you. I kept you locked down. I didn't save you the first time I visited you in Mark's place, because I was too selfish to know the truth who was their leader. I faked my death and I didn't have courage to tell you I was alive. I... I raped you. I have never ever behave good towards you, and yet you still came to me, yet you're still around."
He was silence for a couple seconds, which made me confirm my theory that he was just too confused himself.
"You wanted to help me, right? Remember what I've taught you? Back there, on the roof."
"About using that sniper rifle? About those keys?" He asked silently.
"Mhm. It's time to teach you more, c'mon," I said, wishing to be anywhere else then with him alone.
I was still so confused over him. His behavior, my feelings. I cared about him, that was something I knew for sure. I was willing to do anything for his safety, keep him alive. But that was something anybody would do for their friend. I would do that for Tyler as well.
"I-I might know a few things already. Tyler taught me something," he informed me, while I opened the door.
"Excuse me?" I asked, confused again.
"I... I sentenced you to death, I was the one who said your name. So I felt obligated to carry your name on, carry your work on."
"Have you killed anybody?" I asked, watching him nervously shift.
"Maybe. But I made so many mistakes during that, leading the Irish agent drag Tyler into the interrogation."
What?! How long have I been kept there?
"Show me what you got," I softly smiled at him, motioning him to lead the way.
I wasn't angry at him for doing stupid mistakes, I wasn't angry at him for killing the people. I was proud. He was finally part of my life and I didn't want anybody to drag him away.
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