Part 136 - Revealing a past
Words can't properly express how was I feeling, how still I'm feeling, after reading all of your supportive comments.
I knew you were here for me, but when I needed you the most, you truly were here. Thank you for that! ❤️ (And yes, I'm fine again 😊) Enjoy ^.^
(Vanoss POV)
"Alright, hop in," the young man said, walking around his car to the driver seat.
I opened the passenger door, getting in. It was so weird for me, maybe because I didn't know if I could trust this guy, or anything about him at all.
"So, what's the reason for you to hunt his ass down?"
Finally get my answers once and for all. Say him, how much I love him and I'm willing to do anything for him.
"I just want to ask him a few questions," I replied, looking out of the window.
"Interesting. Couldn't you just call him, or something like that?"
"What are you to him?" I asked instead, avoiding the question.
"I heard you killed him, why was Cry saying such things?" He shot with the same ammunition.
"Can you just drive me wherever you're driving me right now?" I mumbled.
The rest of the drive we were both silent. The city wasn't that crowded, like LA was, and I saw it more like a family town. We stopped in front of some house, I felt Bryce's stare.
"So this is it. His old house. Take as much time as you need, after that you own me," he said, smiling.
I got out of the car, looking at the building. It looked modern, but old at the same time. Like it had so many memories written in the walls. I took a deep breath, walking towards the door. It surprised me, when the door weren't locked. I opened them, walking in.
I was nervous, anxious. I felt like invading personal life of Delirious. His memories, his past, his life. I heard a silent noises from upstairs, but I couldn't recognize the meaning.
Are his parents home? What about his siblings? Who's paying for this house? Is somebody living here?
I slowly walked upon the stairs up, going by the noises, which transformed into a lullaby I knew too well. It was a female voice, singing it so silently and so melodically.
I opened the door, from where the lullaby was coming, revealing something which stoped my heart. Delirious was sitting in the corner, with his head in his hands, his knees pressed against his chest. A recorder in his hands, from where was a women singing.
"Jonathan?" I whispered, feeling so bad for disturbing his privacy.
He raised his head, which caused my heart to bleed. His blue eyes, puffy and red from crying, filled with sadness and desperation, his hair messy.
His tone revealed his confusion, maybe he thought I wasn't real. He quickly stoped the lullaby, the room sunk into a silence.
"You could have let that play. The women had a great voice," I smiled softly, hurt to see him like this.
"It's my mother. She loved singing this lullaby to me."
Loved? Where's she now?
"Play it one more time, please," I nudged him, looking around.
The room had a blue walls, posters of famous games on them. There were a photos with unfamiliar people. His voice made me look at him again.
"What are you doing here? How did you find me? Tyler?" He guessed, his voice shaking in anger at the end.
"I'm here for you, Jonathan. You have to understand that you're not alone in this world anymore, you don't need to count only on yourself. May I?" I pointed at the photos.
"Go ahead," he whispered, carefully watching me.
I walked towards the photos, inspecting them. Most of them had a young boy on them. He had the same blue color as a man I loved. It made me smile how cute and innocent he looked, grinning on most of them. On some he was with another boys, I had no idea who they were. A few had a girl with the same eye color as he had. And on some there was an older happy couple.
"Those are my parents," he whispered right next to me, which scared the hell out of me.
I was so concentrated on the photos, that I didn't hear him stand up and walk towards me.
"Your parents looks so happy. And this?" I pointed at the girl.
"My sister. She dated my best friend for couple years," he replied silently.
"And who's that boy?"
"Luke, he's right here. The fucker that needs to pay for what he had done."
Is he talking about that Luke? I took care of that.
"And who are they?" I asked about the other boys.
"My old friends."
"Why did you go here?" I turned myself at him.
"This is my room, my childhood, my happy memories. This helps me suppress Delirious, it always has."
"Is this the place where you're the happiest?" I asked silently, looking around.
"Well, kinda. It helps me forget about current life and problems, it helps to lock Delirious. Evan," he started, running his fingers through his hair.
"I'm terribly sorry for what I've done to you. You don't even know how much I hate myself. I had no idea he would have gone right after you. I was selfish to think only about myself, I'm sorry," he finished.
"You didn't do anything wrong. I... I should have been faster."
I walked towards the closet with a trophies on them.
First place in the junior athlete. Third place in the little mathematics. That's cute.
"Faster? What do you mean?" He asked behind me.
"Explain it to me. How does it work with Delirious? You just say his name and he appeared? Like a genie?"
"It's... more complicated. Evan, you shouldn't be here."
I looked at him, feeling pushed away. I didn't know if he meant it in a good way, to protect me, or a in a bad way, showing me I'm only a burden for him.
"I have all time in a world, you can start explaining."
My eyes landed on the Teddy bear laying in the corner. The same corner Jonathan was previously sitting in.
"Is he yours?" I pointed at him.
"Yeah. My mum gave it to me when I was little," he replied silently.
"She said he would have protect me. Like a big warrior killing all ghost and nightmares in my life. I actually believed that," he continued.
"That was the reason why Tyler told me to get you a Teddy? So Luke was telling the truth."
"What?" He asked quickly.
"Nothing, sorry. So explain a Delirious to me, please."
I sat down on the chair, not really wanting to disturb his happy place. Delirious sat down on the bed, taking a Teddy up from the ground. He hugged him, which looked so damn cute.
"Delirious appeared in the kindergarten. I... I was bullied by the older kids, always pushed away, always beaten up. Delirious was the one who took care of them, who offered to protect me. And he did."
"Did he... killed them?" I asked slowly.
"I think so. But I really don't know. Every time Delirious is in control, I black out. I have no memory of whatever is happening, it's like I don't exist for that time. I remember waking up in my room with a blood stains on my clothes. I remember my mum hugging me, signing me a lullaby."
I stayed silent, keen to hear more of his past. I appreciated the trust he was giving me.
"He... he always talked to me. And we were in a good terms with each other. I let him be in control for some time and he promised me not kill anybody. I was still an outsider, with no friends around me, so Delirious was like my escape from this nightmare. And I had never complained. Until I met Luke. He showed me a true friendship, he introduced me to others, so my life got a purpose. But Delirious wasn't happy about it. He never liked anybody, he always said they were stealing me from him. And it was kinda truth. I stoped giving him control, because I loved the times with my friends."
"That had to piss him off," I mumbled silently, receiving a sigh from him.
"It did. He tried to take control with a force, successfully a few times. I was so scared he would have kill Luke or anybody from my new friends, so I told my mum about him."
He stopped talking and looked down at the Teddy in his lap. Like he was looking for more courage to continue.
"She told me everything was alright, she understood me, which was something I appreciated the most. She told me to run to her every time Delirious wanted to take control, or hug this Teddy bear if she wasn't around. My sister was always laughing at me, for bringing this Teddy bear wherever we were going, bringing him to school or to my hobbies. The others were laughing too, how childish I still was, but Luke tried to protect me."
He raised his eyes from the Teddy to me, his eyes reflected something much deeper inside of him. He was reliving his past while telling me about it.
"We were going to camp for couple days. Luke tried to convince my parents to let my sister stay with him, but I didn't want it. I imagined a family vacation with every member, not just me and my parents. So they listened to me. I remember my pissed off sister. She grabbed my Teddy, throwing him out of the window in front of our house. But there was no time to come back for him, we were already behind the schedule. I was so scared without him, without his invisible powers to calm me down. And I was right."
He stoped himself, clutching the Teddy bear tightly.
"What happened?" I asked silently, after hearing no response.
"The very first night, I was sleeping in the same tent as my sister, while my parents slept in theirs. I was so scared. Not off some wolves or a bears, but off Delirious. I heard him, I felt him crawling up to take control. Instinctively, I tried to reach my Teddy, but he wasn't there. I wanted to ran to my mother, but my shaking hands couldn't open the damn tent. That was the time he took control."
He paused himself again, new tears appeared in his blue eyes. I felt so useless at that moment. I wanted to hug him to make his tears go away, but I wanted to hear the end.
"When I got control back, I was in the hospital. The doctors said my family was attacked by a hungry bear, me the only one who survived that attack. They said accidents like these happened from time to time. But I knew they were lying to me, I knew Delirious did it."
"He... he killed your family?" I guessed, receiving a goosebumps.
"I have no evidence, but I believe that. After couple days, they let me go. I was too young to be living in our family house alone, having no relatives that would take care of me. They shoved me into a orphanage house. I was angry at Delirious, I was madly pissed, but he was the only one making me a company. Other kids believed I was crazy. And maybe I was, maybe I still am."
"You're not crazy, not a psycho," I soothed him softly.
"Look at me. I killed my whole family, I killed so many people. I'm a fucking monster, I always will be."
"Stop. You didn't do anything... bad. It was Delirious, not you."
"You don't understand, Evan. It was me, my hands covered with blood. They forced me to visit a shrink, but me and Delirious agreed on running away. So we did. I couldn't return back home, we knew it would be the first place to look for me, so we slept where we could. Until Luke found me on the streets. He introduced me to Ohm, son of a gang leader."
"So you started your hitman career there?" I asked, completely caught into his past.
"Something like that. We started killing the other gangs, but I was scared most of the time. The first victims haunting me in my dreams. So Delirious offered a help. He was killing instead of me for a few hours in control. I was amazing, quickly getting on top. But it had its price. As cold and emotionless as Delirious is, I started to loose people around me. They hated me, because I was different than they were. So I decided to go solo. I left the gang, killing people for money. First moments were the worst. I didn't knew where to get contracts, how to do it. But after a while, I understood the situation. Also I learned how to borrow few of Delirious' behavior, without getting him control."
"Wasn't Delirious pissed off?"
"He was, he still is. But borrowing his behavior is the easiest way for me. I don't have to feel anything. The only price for it is that he sees the same things, he hear the same things. He's in me, but at the same time he's locked, so I don't hear him. The last time when I let him out was with Tyler."
"And why did you let him take control this time?"
"It's much more compli-"
He was cut off by someone who opened the door.
"I'm sorry to disturb your together time, but we have to go. Ohm's people are here," Bryce warned us.
"Bryce? What are you doing here? Why's Ohm's people here?" Delirious asked confused.
"It's good to see you, but really we have to go."
"Why would we run? Ohm knows us," Delirious replied.
"Because he's trying to kill me this whole time. He's not that Ohm you knew, Delirious, he changed. He now leads the gang after his father's death. I heard he had his fingers in Red Room. We need to get out of here," Bryce explained quickly.
I wanted to object, when my phone began to ring. I looked at display, seeing Tyler's name on it. Quickly, I answered it.
"What's going on?" I greeted him.
"You have to save Delirious. He's in a great danger, Ohm's gang is trying to hunt his ass down," he said quickly.
"Yeah, I'm well aware."
"Are you with Delirious now? Can I talk to him for a quick sec?"
I handed my phone to the man I loved, he seemed to be confused.
"Yes. I know, Bryce is here. No, stay there. We need somebody on Mark's ass. Listen! We're fine, we're alive. We can take care of him, don't worry. Prepare everything for our return, ok? I'm counting on you."
He handed me the phone back, looking at Bryce.
"Take Evan with you, take him to safety. I... I'm not ready to fight."
"What?" I barked.
"Let's just fucking go," Bryce commanded nervously.
"No! I won't leave you. Look," I started, walking towards him.
I couldn't see Delirious afraid. He was my idol, my future. He was somebody giving me strength, taste into life. I did everything to save him. If I let him to be scared, I would have been scared too. And that was something unimaginable.
"You don't need Delirious to be perfect killer, Jonathan. I believe in you, in your skills and experiences. Here," I continued, handing him his mask.
"Who you are depends on what you believe in. You just need to believe, just like you taught me. Believe in yourself, you're much more capable then you think."
He raised his blue eyes from he mask to my eyes.
"Thank you, Evan," he whispered.
"Alright, can we please hurry the fuck up? They're coming!"
"I want to be your sidekick in this. Don't push me away. Let me help you," I demanded.
I watched him to put on his mask, which hid his beautiful face, seeing only his blue eyes.
"You're much more then a sidekick. You're my partner."
Partner in crimes.
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