Part 134 - Going after him
Ok, I was very wrong about you. I feel ashamed now 😂. You truly surprised me in the best way, so thank you for your comments. Enjoy ^.^
(Evan POV)
"Evan! Stop moving," Tyler growled at me, cleaning my cut on my lip.
"I can't! I can't let him disappear again. What if Delirious get control again?! We have to save him," I mumbled.
"Delirious knows what's he doing, don't worry. How did you get him back anyway?"
I remembered Tyler yelling at me through the phone to get a Teddy Bear for him. Something that would remind him his childhood.
"I hugged him, whispering to him I was his Teddy Bear. It worked," I replied.
"Do you want to sleep at my place?" He asked me softly.
"I need to go after him," I pushed him away, standing up.
"Evan," he started.
"No. He disappeared every fucking time something happened. He escaped when he shot himself, he vanished when he faked his death. I won't allow him to do that this time!"
"Delirious is a solo player, Evan. He's not used to have anybody around him, he's confused over you."
"You were solo player too, Tyler. And look at you and Craig now!" I yelled at him angrily.
"But that's because I love him, ok?"
That's true. Tyler loves Craig, I can't tell the same about Jonathan.
"You know where he went, tell me," I demanded.
"Evan, let him go."
"I need answers, Tyler. I don't care how much this hurts, I need to know. Jonathan is the one I'm interested in, his character is something I have yet to discover. And I don't want to leave him alone in this. He was alone this whole time, he needs somebody by his side."
"You love him that much? You can't tell about his feelings. He doesn't have any."
I need to believe. And even if he doesn't feel anything towards me, I still need my answers.
"Delirious doesn't, but Jonathan does. And you know it. Where did he go, Tyler?" I asked him firmly.
"We need to get Mark," he tried one more time.
"Tyler, where did he go?"
"North Carolina, Greensboro. He went back home. Here, contact Bryce. It's my friend, a hitman. He was with Delirious in the gang back there. Tell him Wildcat sends you. He will help."
He handed me his phone with the number on it. I quickly copied it, then decided to act fast. I knew Delirious hurt me, but I also knew that wasn't Jonathan. Tyler warned me that Jonathan could let Delirious out, but I also wanted to know the reason. Why did Jonathan let that monster out. Because he was suffering? Because it was the easiest way?
"Thank you," I mumbled.
"Tell him I need to talk with him. Tell him we have Cry on our side."
"I will. Tyler... do you have any money?"
I felt so bad for asking, never had I thought I would ask him, but my account was white out.
"We will use Cry, don't you worry. Go now, maybe you'll catch him on the airport."
I didn't waste more time than it was necessary. Grabbing the only thing that mattered the most for me, his mask, I drove as fast as I could to the airport. During the driving, I decided to call Bryce, the man Tyler was talking about, putting in on the speakers.
"Yep?" The high pitch voice greeted me.
"Who's asking?" His voice turned into more serious one.
"My name's Vanoss. Wildcat gave me your number. He said you knew Delirious."
"Vanoss? Aren't you the one who killed Delirious?"
What?! How much can I trust him?
"Who told you that?" I asked.
Bryce laughed, making me uneasy. After that I heard a gunshots.
"Fucking prick. So what do you want, make it fast."
"I'm chasing Delirious down. Wildcat told me you were the one who can help me."
"He isn't dead, huh? Cry was lying after all," he snickered.
"I'm on my way to Greensboro. Please, can I count on you?" I reminded him myself.
"I won't help you kill him, he's my friend, as Wildcat is. But I'll help you find him, under one condition."
"You'll help me get rid of one man," he quickly said, and I knew he was running.
"Sweet. I'll see you then, maybe you'll find something here. Text me when you land."
Before I had any opportunities to answer him, he already canceled the call. I didn't have a good feeling about the whole deal, but I was willing to do anything to see him again. Almost running, I get to the women selling the tickets.
"Hello. What would you like?"
"Hi. I need one fly ticket to Greensboro."
"Oh, a few minutes ago one plane already departed. In three hours is departing another one, is that ok?"
"Yes. Thanks."
"Cash or credit card?"
Fuck. Here goes nothing.
"Credit card."
I handed her my card, nervously tapping with my fingers. She smiled at me after few seconds, giving me the card back.
"Have a great day, sir."
Tyler did it. How much money do I have on me though? What can I expect from his childhood city? Why did he go there? And the most important question, is this really worth of my time chase him, even though I really have no idea what exactly am I to him?
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