Part 119 - Hard decision
Another chapter, yay! 🎉👏🏻❤
I've changed a few things here, but I still have firm ending. I know many of you wants Del's POV, and I'm sorry for it, but there's really nothing special with him. He's still being tortured and treated like a shit. Chapter 122 is his chapter, so bear with me 'till then. Enjoy ^.^
(Craig POV)
We need to save him, we can't let him go to prison. Two murders? Isn't it like electric chair? No! Oh, no! How did they find him? Did he make some mistake?
I knew Evan wanted the positive answer, I knew he wanted me by his side. And I knew I should have been there, but my heart was aching. I wanted to help Tyler, because part of my mind already knew Evan is going to be alright on his own.
"I'm gonna help Tyler," I whispered, watching Evan nod.
"I understand. I'll catch up with you after that, ok?"
"Are you mad?" I asked him, feeling guilty for leaving him alone in this.
"No, of course not. I would do the same, Craig. Go get Tyler, I'll call you."
"Be safe, please," I whispered, watching him smile.
"For you, I will," he replied, walking to his car.
I quickly walked home, my mind bombed by thoughts from every side. After an hour searching about a few things, I put my head down. I felt desperate, I wanted to cry and scream at the same time. I didn't know how to do it. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.
Hearing Tyler's voice was like hearing the best song ever. I immediately felt energy flowing through my body, I felt a lot of better.
"Tyler!" I shouted.
"Listen, you-" he wanted to continue, but I rudely cut him off.
"Where are you? How are you calling me? They let you? What have they done to you? Are you ok?"
"I'm in the bathroom right now, and yes, I'm fine. Listen carefully. I'm not sure how long they're going to keep me here, but I need you to do something for me. Do you think you're able to?"
"Anything!" I almost yelled.
"Ok. Where are you? Are you in my house right now?" He asked silently.
"Great. Under the bed in the bedroom, there's a laptop. Take it and make sure it's closed in the case. On the bottom of the bathroom's closet there's a box with really important things, take it as well. Once you have these two things, turn off the PC set. There's a white cord in the back, pull it out and put it into the box. Have you understood everything?"
"Under the bed, closet in the bathroom and white cord. I hope I have everything," I replied, my voice shaking in nervousness.
"Everything is gonna be ok. Now, once you have all this stuff, leave the house as soon as possible. They're going to search the house, ok?"
"Leave? But where should I go? T-Tyler, I need you!"
My body started to slowly sink into the anxiety and my head was dizzy. I felt so alone in this hard times, I needed some certain firm point.
"You're gonna be fine, Craig. There's a lot of time for panic after this, so don't you dare panic now. I need you to focus. Go to Evan's house, or one of Delirious' houses. Once you get there, open the laptop and plug the white cord in. Listen carefully... you'll have to get through a few security protocols, but I believe in you. You're gonna make it, you're my brave boy," he whispered, and I felt my tears in my eyes.
"I'm not brave boy! You're brave," I mumbled, feeling hopeless once again.
"Craig! I don't have much time... do this for me, please. Once you get through the security system, you have to hack the camera and alarm system of Evan's father house. We need to save Delirious at any cost, you hear me? That's all I'm asking for."
I know you're going to hate me, but I'm coming for you.
"O-ok. White cord and box. Got it," I whispered.
"And the laptop, don't forget the laptop. I have to go or they'll get suspicious. I love you, Craig. Stay strong."
"No, wait! Ty-" I was cut of by annoying beeping sound.
After that phone call, I was filled with courage and determination. I already knew what to do. I grabbed everything he wanted me to. On my way to my destination, I called Evan. I wanted to make sure he was ok, that he wasn't hurt by my decision.
"Yeah?" He greeted me, and I smiled.
"If everything goes according to my plan, we're gonna help you. How much time do you need to rob him?" I asked, whispering the last words.
"One hour max."
"Sweet. Evan, can you wait? I really want to help you. Wait for me please, wait a few more hours. If I won't make it on time, let's say two hours before the end of the limit, you can go there," I tried to change his plan.
He was silent for a few seconds, and I knew he wanted to have the money as soon as possible, have Delirious' fate in his hands. And I understood it.
"Fine. I'll wait, but two hours before the end I'm going in. What's your plan here?" Evan asked calmly.
"Just you wait."
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