Friday the 13th (Not A Tarigrade Entry)
It was supposed to be a quick restroom stop. In, out, and go. What was not supposed to happen was Madeline getting stuck, no it most definitely was not. She pounded on the door hoping someone would hear her. She checked her watch. 5:20, it read. "Dang it," Maddie murmured to herself. After all, she had places to be. Again, she sighed and started her door-pounding with renewed strength. "Someone?! Anyone?!" she yelled. Her watch just ticked on. Tick-tock, tick-tock. Seconds passed, then minutes, then hours. Her watch read 8:30. It was a Friday night for goodness sake! No one would be here Saturday and Maddie could only guess it's true what they say, Friday 13th is a mysterious day...especially when it occurs in October. By 9:00 the exhaust of no dinner had caught up with her. She regretted not saving some food from lunch. She needed to save the low amount of energy she had. As she sat a little blur of red caught her eye in the mirror. She thought nothing of it.
"Maddie, now isn't that rude," a childish voice chided," you're supposed to greet your guest or at the very least say hi." Maddie looked around for the source of the voice. No one.
"Come out wherever you are! Coward! I've got a metal water bottle I'm not afraid to use!" she said.
"Now, now dearie that won't work on me. Not anymore anyway," while he spoke, he stepped out letting himself show. He had black silky hair with a mop of blue dyed hair on top, his shirt was an obviously tie-dyed, but she couldn't place where she'd seen him before, the words were blurred and the symbol unidentifiable, he wore black glasses that contrasted sharply with his pale skin, and his eyes were a deep violet mixture that swirling and sometimes creating a light violet or royal purple hue.
"How do you know my name and don't call me 'dearie, vlacus," Maddie replied, glaring at the boy. The boy seemed stunned for a moment before he let a small smile dawn on his face. He looked so familiar yet so distant at the same time.
"You've got the stubbornness of your great-great-grandma, you know," he said.
"How do you know my great-times-two grandma?" Maddie inquired growing suspicious of the man.
"She was lovely," he continued as if she hadn't spoken at all, "you got he looks, too, by the...well looks of it." His eyes went red and fangs showed themselves as he smiled. "Too bad you didn't get her strength!" With that he pounced, and Maddie screamed. "Some gosh darn person, help!" She screamed as she thrashed around dodging the vampire, a blackish brown-haired demon crashed through the door. He lifted his sword with his metallic hand ready to defend young Maddie. Then he brought his deep brown eyes to his opponent, took one look, and skedaddled. Maddie stared after the demon.
"Hey you! You are getting a one star or less from me on your review from me," she yelled as he retreated. Now she had to face this monstrosity by herself. She thought and a little idea popped into her head. It was a long shot but that was all she had. She got to work slipping her hands into her silver lined gloves, made a cross with both her index fingers and yelped, "May the power of Christ compel you!" The vampire just smirked and continued forward.
"Those who have no faith have no power in those words and really? Fake silver? You need actual lessons on what does and does not work on vampires. Fake silver, you wish." By now he was over Maddie, ready to sink his fangs into her warm, juicy blood. The anticipation of her blood made him feel good inside. He was finally getting revenge on her. And with her grandchild no less! He couldn't wait for the time he brought his fangs and his poison into her blood.
Maddie, on the other hand, was scared. She had tried the only trick she thought could scare off vampires and basically every other demon out there, now she was being told it didn't work unless you believed?! Believe in what? Ghosts? Never minding that she started to try and wiggle thinking she could maybe bolt through the broken door. "I'll have to thank that demon for that next time I see him if I see him ever again," Maddie thought to herself. To her infinite disbelief, her body wouldn't budge! Her body stayed rooted like a dropped anchor. The vampire, seemingly amused by the situation, came in even slower, tantalizing her to make her escape. By now, he was extremely close to her and Maddie could smell his breath and not even Listerine could help him there. She closed her eyes for an impact that never came. Confused she opened her eyes.
"By the Delmon's blood, she swore never to do this again!" The vampire said to the Pixie that had just arrived.
"Too bad! She's the one Torvac has chosen. Now scram, Maxillion, and if I ever see you or hear you approached her without her approaching you then you will not live if should she come home shaken or worse because of you," the Pixie said threateningly as she grew to a human height, putting away her wings, and getting out a gun. The vampire, Maxillion, was no longer smiling he turned his head toward Maddie, and she had to flinch from the amount of hatred they contained all directed towards her.
"You may have the Tvorac's blessing but once...once it wears off, I'm coming for you," Maxillion snarled and with that he vanished from sight.
The Pixie turned to Maddie. "Hey Maddie! How are you after the whole Maxillion thing but honestly you guys look cute together. You want to try and get him? I know he's free," the Pixie said.
"Okay, who are YOU, how do YOU know my name, and no I don't want to get with the guy who tried to kill me," Maddie responded never taking her eyes of the Pixie.
"Maddie, you don't recognize me. I'm hurt, I'm hurt, I'm your best friend," the Pixie pouted playfully. Maddie stared at the unnamed Pixie. She didn't look like any of her friends. With her bubble-gum pink hair that made her earth green eyes stand out, black skinny jeans with Nike shoes, and ocean blue dangling earrings she didn't even look human. The Pixie just stood licking her ice cream she had saved in her pocket dimension. When Maddie finally noticed the ice cream and the way she spoke it dawned on her who mystery pixie was.
"You're Anushka! You look much, much different," Maddie exclaimed.
"What tipped you off? Was it the ice cream? You know I can't resist cookies and cream and for the looks...well," Anushka trailed as her pink hair went black, her earth green eyes to a dark brown, and her dangling earrings back to its normal golden color and small size.
"Whoa! What" Maddie spoke, bewildered. All Anushka could do was laugh in response. "I'll explain later but first we have to get you through the night," Anushka said sobering up," but first we have to suit up." Anushka made her way down the hall and into Ms. Soto's Art Room with Maddie scurrying behind her. Anushka did a quick 360 of the room making sure no one was with them then walked to the back closet.
"If you're looking for weapons there then we're doomed because there are no weapons in there," Maddie said exasperated. The only sign Anushka had heard was a small 'hm'. Checking the room, once again, Anushka pressed buttons on a small keypad that Maddie had never noticed beside the door.
"Was that always there?" Maddie asked, confusedly.
"Of course, but the Warizan keeps the magical away from the non-magical," Anushka answered not taking her eyes away from the pad. The response only raised more questions in her mind, but tired of the double answers the answered on then raised two more she kept shut.
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