A Degree In Love
I didn't like him
I didn't I swear
But he liked me
And I was surprised
At first it had been sweet
All gifts and trinkets
Poems and confessional love
He'd sworn that his
Life was in my hands
I was his heart
That I kept him alive
I was flattered
I enjoyed it
I liked him fawning
Over me
Like I was
The only girl he could see
Then it got weird
Love letters in my mailbox
I didn't think much of it
But it slightly creeped me out
I brushed it off
Hoping it was his way to show love
I watched him for anymore
Weird behavior
But he didn't show any
Then was the stalking
Nothing major
Showing up around
My workplace
Loitering around
My favorite
Coffee shops
Again I brushed it off
He worked there too
Then I'd see flashes of light
Through my window
'They're just car headlights.'
How I wish it were true
I'd confront him about it
He'd claim innocence
I'd believe
Only to see
Then it was really weird
He'd ask my friends
Places I'd go
They wouldn't tell
He stormed off
Sending threats
Glaring icicles
A few days
I got a call
It was him
I never gave him my number
I got teddy bears at my apartment door
I never told him that either
I freaked
I moved
Far away
A new life
Years later
He found me again
With a grin he said, 'I'd never let you go.'
A wolf's grin
Nothing happened after
For a while
I'd thought he'd forgotten
But I got
I couldn't keep quiet
I called the police
Had a trial
And won
Now he
Is on a
40 ft away
at all times
I never felt more glad
When he lost
He snarled
He said
'I never loved anyone but you!'
'Why would you hurt me like this?!'
'You were my life!'
'My soul was yours!'
He claimed
I strung him own
I refused to believe so
When I couldn't fight anymore
I thought
'What if I did string him along?'
I started to wonder
'What if I'd accepted him?'
Would things be different
Would he be so
For me
Would he have
Moved on
If I'd
Tried with
With no success
I don't like
Those thoughts
I try not to think about
It so much
It never would've worked
His obsession
Has made
Me obsessed
With the 'what ifs'
And that's
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