sick taranza headcannons
How often do they get sick? What kinds of illnesses do they tend to get most often? Colds, flu, sinus infections, stomach viruses?
Taranza usally gets flu's or stomach virus's
Do they tend to run hot or cold? When they have a fever, is it barely noticeable, or does their temperature skyrocket
Taranza runs VERY cold when hes sick
When they're sick, do they stay home or go to work/school? If they don't go to work or school, do they try to rest, or do they just go on with their day like normal?
It depends on the event if its nothing important he'll simply text the person he isnt feeling well and sleeps if its important to him like a date night with magolor he will force himself to get up and go there
Do they try to avoid getting others sick by taking precautions like a mask or staying away from others in general?
When he does go he makes sure to put a mask on
What does their sneeze sound like?
A newborn kitten
Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze in a row?
Taranza sneezes 2 in a row when hes sick and 3 times as a random thing that rarely happens
Are they allergic to any kind of plants? Flowers, weeds, trees? If yes, how bad are their allergies to those plants?
Taranza doesnt have any allergies relating to plants infact hes a gardener
Are they allergic to other things? Dust, animals, perfumes, certain fragrances? Anything that might be considered "out of the ordinary" to be allergic to? How bad are those allergies?
Taranza has a small allergy to cotton and dust
Taranza is highly allergic to cinnamon and cant be in the same room as some one sprinkling cinnamon.
In general, how sensitive is their nose? Can something like a certain flower or smell make them sneeze even if they're not allergic to it?
Taranza has a sensitive nose but only dust makes him sneeze
Do they sneeze a lot on average, or not very much? Does their nose twitch a lot, or barely ever at all?
Taranza Rarely sneezes and his nose doesn't twitch much
When they're sick, do they try to downplay their symptoms, or do they treat every little cold like the plague? Do they whine a lot, or do they complain quietly or even just in their head?
Taranza when hes on a date down plays his symptoms and when magalor gets him to bed taranza whines from his head ache and tummy ache.
What would be the best way for someone to induce them? Feathers, rolled-up tissue, or something else? How much stimulation would it take for them to start sneezing? Would inducing produce just one or two sneezes from them, or multiples?
Marx usally uses a puff of dust in taranzas face and it causes taranza to sneeze 5 times in a row.
How wet are their sneezes? Do they spray barely at all, or are you gonna need an umbrella?
Taranza Sneezes webbing and the longer they hold the sneeze in the more webbing comes out usally its a tissue full of webbing.
Do they try to cover at all, or just let it go?
Taranza Tries to cover his nose each time.
Do they sniffle a lot when they're sick or allergies are bugging them?
Yes taranza sniffles a LOT
Do they like to be taken care of when they're not feeling well? Or do they hate it when people fuss over them?
Taranza hates when random stranger's fuss all over him but he likes it when his friends care for him
If they do, what's their favorite thing about being taken care of? If not, why don't they like being taken care of?
Taranza likes the attention and the free cuddles from magolor and he just thinks it odd to take care of some one you dont know
How bad would they have to be before they'd let anyone take care of them in any capacity?
Taranza will need to be his deathbed. Or else he'll try to care for himself or have help from his friends
Do they take their medicine like a grown-up, or do they try to fight it?
Taranza will fight it.
Do they prefer pills or liquid medicine? Can they be "tricked" by having the medicine mixed with applesauce or with a drink, or would they still not take it even then?
Taranza can be tricked by putting the liquid in honey. A lot of honey...
What do they like to eat while they're sick? Do they like soup, or would they prefer something that isn't "sick person food"?
Taranza has a strong dislike for any meat being vegetarian so magolor makes soup with lots of veggies mostly soggy cabbage and over cooked broccoli witch taranza greatly enjoys
Do they lose their appetite when they're sick, or are they hungrier than usual?
Taranza is way less hungry when hes sick.
Do they like tea when they're not feeling well? If so, do they like it with honey, lemon, both, with something else, or just plain?
Taranza loves apple and pineapple tea with honey and lemon.
Would they accept something else if they couldn't have tea?
Taranza will also accept diet coke
If they don't like tea, is there something they'd rather drink instead?
Taranza loves tea
Would they drink tea if their preferred drink wasn't available?
Yes taranza loves tea
What are their "tells" when they're not feeling their best? Do they sleep more or less? Do they become easily irritated, aggressive, snap at little things? Or do they withdraw and become quieter, cry at the drop of a hat, stay in the background?
Taranzas tells are subtle but his friends know what they are witch are taranza not eating much or not taking food to his room and also snaps at random things
What's the one surefire way that one of their loved ones would be able to tell that they're sick?
Taranza eats less and has a subtle cough syrup smell
Would it be more unusual to see this character sick during the winter or during the summer?
Taranza gets sick mostly in the summer
Do they typically go down during cold and flu season, or do they usually get summer colds?
Taranza gets mostly summer flus
How does their voice change when they're sick or allergies are bugging them?
Taranzas voice gets deeper from the web clogging his nose
Does their voice get lower? Scratchy? Raspy?
Scratchy raspy and deeper when hes sick
Can you hear any congestion in their voice or do they hide it well?
Taranza cant hide congestion to save his life.
Do they avoid speaking too much because of a sore throat and coughing, or do they try to talk through those things?
Taranza is much more quiet when sick only speaking up when asked a question
Do they have some kind of ritual that they do when they're not feeling great that helps?
Taranza Sometimes makes honey sugar cherry suprise
Does it help physically, or does it just make them feel better emotionally?
It slightly settles taranzas stomach due to placebo effect
Are they embarrassed by their sneezes, or do they just not really care?
Taranza is embarressed
Do they apologize after sneezing? Do they say "sorry!" or "excuse me!" or anything like that?
Taranza aways says that
If they're embarrassed their sneeze, why?
Taranza Tries to be cool but the kitten sneeze hes made fun for
How would they react to being sick for their favorite holiday or their birthday?
He would be depressed intill magolor sets the day up in taranzas room
Would they be really upset, or not get too bent out of shape?
Taranza would be upset intill magolor sets the day up in taranzas room
What would they do if somebody gave them a gift that they're allergic to?
Taranza would be nice and accept it
Would they say they're allergic to it or not?
Taranza wont say it
Try to give it back, keep it, or get rid of it later?
When the person leaves it goes away and taranza has rashes to deal with
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