Chapter 8
"Put your hands in the air where I can see them!" Agnes threatened, her arms holding her pistol, fingers sliding near and near the trigger, aiming directly at her target.
Except that wasn't the target she expected to have.
"Gah!" Went a woman with short black hair with a purple streak in her hair. She raised her hands into a defense mode and yelled "Put that thing away! You're going to hit someone with reckless abandon!"
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry ma'am! I thought you were someone else!" Agnes said, retreating her gun back into her holster.
"No no...." Magica paused as she looked at the young lady very closely. Red bullet proof vest. DNG embedded on the vest in neat stitches. Gun in hand....
"You're a DNG guard aren't you?" Magica asked cautiously, her tone staying neutralized as possible.
"Yes ma'am. I'm Agnes Field, head guard and captain of the DNG." Agnes said, perplexed.
Head guard... DNG....
Where is her motorcycle.... The rest of the guard?....
"Webbigail," Magica said, in a whisper so hoarse that she herself couldn't hear. She ran away from Agnes, fast as her feet permit as she dodged bushes and branches that peaked out. She reached the ravine and gave a small flicker of the wrist as the rocks arranged in the order and the boulder moved as well.
Magica did not think this was real. This must have been just some type of hallucination and Webbigail will still be in there, dutifully awaiting her return.
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe a thief was in the woods and they were going to capture him instead. I must be over thinking this.
"Oh Webbigail! Let down your hair!" Magica yelled.
There came a deadly, silent pause. The tower spoke of nothing as Magica gave her call.
"Webbigail?!" Magica yelled. Again, silence.
Magica knew something was up. She dashed to the side of the tower where moss grew on the north side. She ripped the green substance and there was a picture of a circle with half of the side was black while the other was white.
Feed my power, dark eclipse
Free my form from the abyss
Dormant magic now in vain
The shadow queen, behold again
Magica's pupils in her eyes glowed a light violet shade, her hands lighting up to the same color. The circle gave a dark, gaunt shade of purple as it opened up. Inside, were stairs that led to the top of the tower. Magica climbed up and came to a hidden trap door. She kicked it open and began to come inside.
"Webbigail!?" Magica yelled, looking through the main room, the kitchen, her room, Webby's room, anywhere that the voice can be heard, but an echo did not return.
Magica's chest heaved in unsteady motions, her breath taken away in a sudden motion. It can't be. Webby could not be capable of running away and leaving no explanation. She knows nothing of the outside world.
Then, a small light came to the tip of Magica's eye. Magica came closer to the small light that projected off of a small trunk, the top was slightly ajar. She opened it up and retrieved a bag inside.
Magica held the first object, a tiara, the jewels of purple, white and pink, shining bright as can be. She dropped it as she immediately recognized it. Soon, she dug through the bag farther down and saw a phone with a cracked screen and a piece of paper.
Magica unfolded the paper, the middle crinkling in fear as the picture of a young duck was in the middle. In bold print it said...
Dead or Alive
Wanted: Louie Duck
For theft of royal artifact of the lost princess of Duckburg
Any information must be immediately sent to the DNG for a $15,000 reward.
Magica read this carefully as the paper in her grasp began to beg for forgiveness. This..... This duck took her Webbigail and is planning to take her back to Duckburg. If anyone found out of who that girl was, it would be the end of her.
Magica began to fold the paper and stuffed it down her dress pocket. She began to push stuff out if the trunk and found fabric at the bottom. She swiped it out to leave a small trap door underneath. She twisted the knob and both her magic staff and a knife were at the bottom, as they have never seemed to fade with age.
Magica pulled her staff and it glowed a magnificent dark shade of purple. The darkest it has ever been. She held the knife daintily as she soon brought out a sheath and slid the pointy object inside.
"That duck will pay." Magica growled as she stepped down the stairs toward the outside, towards her Webbigail
It took some time but after a good 30 minutes, they found a place, that Louie has said, The Junkyard.
"Well, here we are!" Louie said as he presented her with the most unideal idea Webby has ever thought of or seen.
It wasn't a garbage place as Webby thought about, though it kind of was at the same time. It was mostly a yard that was used for destroyed cars and a huge scent of tires over came her.
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Webby said, arching her eyebrow a bit.
"Of course!" Louie said, with a huge amount of fake enthusiasm in his voice. "I mean, don't you like new things to do and try?"
"Well...... I do love new things!" Webby admitted, giving a small smile on her face.
"Yay! Here I'll show you the way."
Louie guided Webby over to a locked up fence where he picked a lock and went inside.
"And watch your step and..... Here we are!"
Webby gasped as she saw what seemed to be hundred of beagle faces staring back at her. All unknown, diverse, and scary in her opinion.
The first group contained of 70's/Revolutionary war type of Beagles that held muskets in their hands. It was a weird combination.
The second group consisted of what was called The Deja Vu. They were pretty unnoticeable since Webby almost passed them and it seemed like like she will again
The third and fourth groups were complete opposites. The Sixth Avenue Friendlies and Meanies. One liked to hang out in dark alley ways while the other liked to help in soup kitchens. One plays short con and the other plays long con.
The fifth group had a skateboard attire as they road their skateboards and yet failed to make a solid landing.
The sixth group sent Webby the creeps as she shivered in fear. They seemed to never talk, speak in some language unknown to man, and never walk on two legs. They were known as the Tumble Bums.
The seventh group was obviously failures who never seem to please any one. They were the Ugly Failures.
And another group... Wait have we already covered them?
"Yeah they look like freaks." Lena whispered in Webby's head.
"Don't poke out yet." Webby whispered.
"Hey! Beagle family! Nice to see you!" Louie said, giving a small wave and giving the gun point with his fingers. "See here Pinky. Nothing to be worried about! Just because they are a lot of them doesn't mean that they are going to threaten us....."
Webby gave a small squeak and ran as a Beagle grabbed a hold of her hair.
"That be a lot of hair." He whistled as the silky hair ran through his fingers.
"Yup. More than 70 feet." Louie said. "So Beagle family, where's Ma?"
"Out robbing a bank. Solo this time." A young beagle said.
"Yeah, since Big Time, Bouncer, and Burger went to go somewhere. A negotiation this time," Added another. "And apparently they got captured by the DNG."
Louie clenched his teeth as he realized that if the main guys got captured, the entire Beagle family must have gotten a glimpse of the wanted posters and Louie's picture must have been there also.
Louie looked over at Webby who was stepping back into a clean part of the junkyard.
"You know Pinky," Louie said, "we have to leave, return you back home and I can get my crown back. It was a pleasure doing business with you but..."
Before they can even get to the exit, a large Sixth Avenue Meanie stopped them and had a paper in its grasp.
"Is this you?" He snarled.
Louie looked over and looked at the picture. The details of his face were almost exact, except the beak.
"That's him alright!" One Longboard Taquito whooped cheerfully. "I'm getting myself a new skateboard!"
"No you ain't!" another cried. "I need the cash more than you do!"
"Well what about me!" One yelled.
It all turned to bickering and yelling across the room until one shriek was heard...
"What do you think you boys are doing!?"
The Beagle Boys, Louie, Webby, and Lena turned around and saw the matriarch of the Beagle clan, Ma Beagle.
"Ma! When did you come back!?" They all squeaked in unison.
"When I began hearing the rough housing all the way in mid Duckburg! What is going on!?" Ma Beagle said.
"Well.... See here Ma! We caught the thief who put Big Time, Bouncer, and Burger in the slammer! We're gonna get some big dough!" One small beagle said, piping cheerfully.
"Thief? The exact same one? Bring him here!" Ma commanded as she tapped her cane non-stop.
A herd of Beagles came and swooped up Louie and handed him and the poster to Ma.
"The similarity is uncanny! We got em!" Ma whooped. "If we can turn him in, we get the money and we can all move outta here! I can get me a new set of...."
But before the matriarch can finish, a slam came to the back of her head. Ma's eyes fell into a dream like state and she fell onto the floor.
The Beagle family gasped in shock and so did Louie.
"Pinky did you do that!" Louie asked.
"Yeah. At least she isn't dead. She may have a concussion the very least." Webby said meekly.
"Well that's helpful." Lena said from behind.
"They just took down Ma! Let's get em!"
Uh oh.
A/N: so I'm not dead. Updates are slow and I'm sorry. I just want my own original ideas for this AU. Anyways, sorry for the long wait.
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