Chapter 3
Four figures came out running above the palace, going stealth wherever they go.
There of them were known as the Beagle Boys, one of the most vulnerable but infamous thieves of them all. They wore trademark red vests with navy pants with tears if when they were trying to escape from prison.
The last comrade was a duck, about 18 years old. He wore a green vest with long white sleeves underneath. Along with that, he wore brown shorts and a bag, slung across his shoulder.
"I never thought I'd do anything like this. Sure my brothers always...."
"Quiet Louie! You'll get us caught." said the shortest of the beagles.
"Oh fine Big Time. You only know I'm here for just the money." Louie said.
Big Time didn't listen. "Bouncer, hand Burger the rope and make sure he ties it around Louie's waist tightly."
"Wait since when was I...."
"Do you want the stinking crown for the stinking money or not?" Big Time said.
Louie groaned and allowed for the tight rope to go around his waist.
The next thing he knew, he was floating in mid air, hovering over an army of guards surrounding a tiny piece of treasure. It wasn't just treasure as well. It was the crown of Princess Webbigail Vanderquack.
He silently came down and delicately picked it up. A phone began to buzz and he began to panic that it was his.
I know you lie
Your lips are moving
Tell me do you think I'm dumb!
"Sorry guys. My phone." said a guard.
"Oh so you like Meghan Trainor?" Louie asked.
"Oh yeah..... Wait!"
For all they knew, both the thief and the crown were gone.
"Get in now!" Big Time yelled as Burger began to start the truck. It roared to life as Bouncer threw Louie inside and he began to get inside as well.
"Okay it's only nine in the morning and I have done big things. I made a deal with the Beagle Boys, stole a crown, and became a thief and it's not even lunch time!" Louie said. "This is a big day!"
It seemed like a jinx when what seemed like an army of guards began to swarm around the thieves like a school of fish.
"There onto us! Step on it!" Big Time yelled, a hint of fear quivering in.
Bouncer began to speed up, over 90 mph. Cars and trucks steered out of the way, scared of the thieves, the Duckburg guard and the fear of getting hurt.
Sirens wailed as they began to steer closer to the Beagle van.
"There!" Louie yelled. "The forest! We can be safe there!"
There was an upside and downside to this idea. The pro was that is was a vast forest, miles and miles of vacant space with trees hovering over like an old friend. The con was there was a huge wall over the forest with the only lane out there is all covered in guards and cops.
"There ain't no way were gonna get over that big wall!" Big Time said. "Our best bet is St. Canard or Dawson."
"Oh just gimme the wheel!"
Louie began to push Burger out of the way and took the wheel. Out of the corner of his eye, he began to see a huge ramp, taller than anything you could imagine.
He began to steer near the ramp and stepped onto the gas pedal. Out of nowhere, time stopped as the van began to jump over the wall. People watched in awe and amazement as it leaped over like a graceful cat.
Finally, it landed with a huge thud and it skewered it's way down the forest.
"Phew, you got me there green." Big Time said, his hands still clutching tightly to the seat.
"Thank me later....." but it was too late. Guards were on their trail but they were not the regular guards. They rode white motorcycles with the Duckburg crest on them (a sword and grappling hook crossing each other) wore black trousers with red bullet vests with small cursive letters that said on the upper right side DNG, Duckburg National Guard.
They were the queens most elite squad that consisted 6 members. They can take care of any foe and secretly, some, like Bentina, were in the guard and spies as well.
"Oh my god does this get any worse!?" Louie whined and a bullet blasted through the back of the van, barely missing Big Time.
"Lose em!"
Louie began to make a sharp left turn and without warning, the van began to tip over and down into a small ditch.
"No time!" Big Time yelled. "Move move move!"
There was barely enough time to collect everything that they needed. Louie grabbed the bag containing the crown and he and the Beagle Boys made a run.
Depths in, they still heard sirens, no matter how far they were. They began to run until there was a hill.
"There's no way up!" Louie said panting and wishing he was a faster runner. "I'll take the crown and lift you guys up."
"Woah woah woah just one moment," Big Time said, wagging a finger to Louie's face. "How'd I know you aren't going to run off with the crown?"
"Ugh fine." Louie took off the bag and gave it to Burger, who took it in gently. Bouncer began to lift Louie as he barely made it. He took one step and got up.
"Now help us up!" Big Time ordered.
Louie looked around, nothing but trees and thickets.
"Sorry," he said. His hands had a very similar brown bag. "I already have what I need." and with that, he sped off.
Big Time looked at Burger, which in surprise, no longer had it in hand.
Big Time's eyebrows furrowed as he began to yell out the name that would find them.
"Louie Duck!"
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