Untitled Part 1
Tangelo chapter one
(Please note, this story has not been edited yet)
(Draft one, is completed )
Written and created
By author J.M. Chalker
Kat chapter 1
I woke up to the sounds of my phone vibrating under my pillow. Groaning, I reached under it to locate my phone. Flipping on to my back I swiped my phone to read the text message that was waking me up at the crack of dawn
I rolled my eyes reading the text.
UNknown caller Text: package drop off 630 pm
Crustin Heights woods don't be late.
I tossed my phone on the nightStand hating they referred to one of our teammates as a package. Like they couldn't have worded the text any nicer? Stretching I shoved my pillow over my head to silence the frustrating scream that was building up inside me. As a knock came at my door. The same knock I expected came every morning at this time.
"Come in Logan"
Logan James was one of the many roommates I lived with but he looked like he should belong on a book cover posing as one of those damn drool worthy book boyfriends. Logan somehow got my door open carrying two cups of coffee. And I tried not to show how much it affected me that he wasn't wearing a t shirt.
He made it no secret that he liked me from day one. There was chemistry between us. But the secret organization we worked for made it clear that hunters were not allowed to date each other, especially those who shared the same living quarters.
Consequences would be considered for breaking the rules. I had remembered that Logan said I was worth breaking the rules for he would happily accept any punishment that they give him if it meant he had a chance with me. But I had to be the bigger, more responsible person.
Being that I wouldn't have been able to live with the guilt of something happening to him because I had allowed him to move forward with his feelings.
So we remained friends, but Logan was still pretty persistent and often did nice gestures like bringing me coffee in the morning to try and persuade me into realizing that he was an awesome boyfriend.
Handing me the cup of coffee. I tried to focus on my coffee and not to check out the awesomeness of his naked chest.
"I got a text," he informed me. I looked up my eyes latching on to his blue grey ones.
I nodded towards my phone.
"They really do believe they are above us don't they" Logan questioned sipping his own drink.
"I was just getting use to all of us living in such tight quarters " he mattered and they expect us to fit one more in?
I opened my mouth to reply when a panicked shout came from the kitchen
Placing my mug on the nightstand I dashed out of my room with a Logan trying to get in front of me.
He always tried to shield me from whatever danger we were walking into.
Which I frowned upon. He always claimed it was because I was the newest member. I had the least amount of training but I knew the real reason.
Bursting into the kitchen in time to see our team mate West yanking out the toaster from the counter and chucking it at Cody head.
The toaster bounced off and hit the floor with a heavy thud. Cody let out a frustration growl at west and launched at him west grabbed the hot sauce pan and slammed it into Cody face several times. Bits of egg and bacon spilling all over the floor.
"Help" west shouted the bustard trying to eat me"
Bolting from the room Logan took off to I assume to get a weapon why I stood paralyzed by fear watching west struggling for his life.
Cody was no longer human, he was a vampire. A chill went through me. How could this happened west leaped up grabbing the kitchen bench and slammed his legs in to Cody's stomach . Logan burst back into the room holding a bow and arrow and shot Cody who instantly turned into a pile of ash.
West body dropped to the floor leaning against the counter he took in a shaken breath. As Luke appeared beside me rubbing his eyes from his sleep.
Luke was Logan's identical twin brother. But they couldn't be more opposite. We were hunters.each of us had the hunters gifts of strength, speed and healing. We also had our unique abilities that we needed to help us catch the monsters that roamed our world.
Logan's gift was strengths Luke was empath , west could control the elements. And Cody had been our locator, but I hadn't received my gift yet. West stood up on shaky legs grabbing a pan and broom he saluted the pile of ash.
"Okay everyone's emotions are all over the place" what did I miss? He questioned kissing me on the cheek as he approached West. Who pointed to the pan.
"Cody, tried to eat me"
"We got all the vamps next last night we killed them all" Luke complained
Neither of us got bitten or scratched" "how's he- oh
He must have gone back " Luke realized taking a deep breath we all stayed silence realizing the ugly truth of it all Cody must have wanted to sacrifice himself not expecting the vampires to turn him,
"I think you missed one Luke" West said dumping the remains of Cody ash in the rubbish bin. I shivered hating that's how Cody life ended going out with the morning trash. UNlike the rest of us who had bonded and become like family. Cody had kept him self isolated and only spent time with us when he was forced too.
"I got a text Luke said, the bustards woke me up too early after patrolling all night" I need coffee, Why is the toaster on the floor?
"Again West muttered pointing to the toaster
"Cody tried to eat me" "breakfast is kinda ruined now"
"I'll go get donuts. '' Logan offered placing the crossbow on the table. He grabbed the car keys and left our house as the rest of us started to organize coffee.
"What happened to you Kat West asked you just froze"
"I sensed your fear" Luke muttered
"It was the first time I'd seen a team mate transform into a monster, I am sorry I just panicked"
West rubbed my shoulder. "I'll forgive you this time as you're still the newbie"
I poked my tong out at him and Luke chuckled his laughter came to an irruption holt and I looked over at him,
"Bustards he breathed out they knew"
"They pre sore his death"
"And they didn't try and stop it, that's why we have a new package coming this evening, they already lined up Cody's replacement "
I shivered, hating that Luke was right. There was only ever no more than a pack of five members in one set of living quarters in one town UNless the supernatural were too big for one team to maintain.
We down two cups of coffee by the time Logan returned with the donuts and underneath the donuts was a yellow envelope. Taking the donuts off him and started handing out every one favorite were Logan opened up the envelope." It was on the porch".He explained.
Pulling out the files. He let out a couple of curses causing me to jump.
"What's wrong?
He groaned
"There trouble at the school, students are going missing they want us to register at the local school and pose as students"
Luke burst out laughing at his brothers misery
"You have to go back to school" but we graduated three years ago there no way we pull that off"
Logan shrugged "it's what we have to do, flipping through the notes Logan body tensed.
"The new team mates profile in here too"
Luke snatched the sheet of paper off his brother. I watched as his eye bulged and his mouth dropped open.
"Kat you need to see this Ollie is totally drool worthy"
As I reached forward to grab it off him Logan was faster than i was he placed it back in the folder.
"She doesn't need to see it"
Luke chuckled again
"Just wait till you see him Kat" he winked at me, and I glanced at Logan who was glaring harshly at his brother who let out a yelp I assumed was Logan kicked him under the table. I looked over at West who hadn't spoken about why we been eating our donuts.
"You okay?
West nodded his eyes looking sad
"I will be,"
I reached over, wrapping my arms around West. Who still appeared to be shaken up over this morning drama.
Chapter 2 Ollie
I shoved my head into the fridge trying to find something to eat that my mother wouldn't notice was missing.
I snagged a juice carton and started pouring the juice down my throat. The sweet bitterness had hardly touched my throat when I heard my mother sassing.
"Ollie Parker , what do you think you're doing" I froze, swallowing the mouthful of juice I opened my eyes to see my mother standing in the kitchen, her arms folded and she was glaring at me.
Clearing my throat I took several steps towards the kitchen sink and grabbed a freshly cleaned mug from the washing up rug and stared pouring the juice into it.
"Thank you" "your father insisting we have grill night"
I groaned
"Mum no, last time the food was so bad, I snuck it to the dog, the dog got so sick he had to be taken to the vet. Please, please can't you have a talk with dad and just let him know he can't cook?
"No, it won't be that bad, I'll make lots of salads and sides,'' she promised. Tori gone to the supermarket to buy the ingredients" no snacking this afternoon, "
I groaned, gulping more of the juice down.
"What if I had plans with friends tonight ".
"You would cancel them, since you know every Friday night is family night"
I signed
Three hours later I was setting up the backyard table when dad had placed the meat down as promised the table was covered in sides and salads.
I sat at my usual spot staring at the meat that was so burnt I actually couldn't tell what the meat was that was being dished out on to my plate.
I heard the sounds of my father's phone buzzing in his pocket. I knew it wasn't anybody else's phone because we weren't allowed to have our phones at the table. But dad kept his on for work related purposes.
My father was chatting to my mother about something when he pulled his phone out of his pocket and the color drained from his face.
Turning to my mother he looked mortified and his lip trembled.
"Annabel they found us"
"The demons are on their way" my mother stood up so fast she knocked her chair backwards.
"You and Tori need to hide"
"Ollie" my mother said starting to sob, my father kissed my mothers mouth.
"You know we can't protect him from this. There will be consequences if we do" my mother ran around the table embracing me with a hug and I couldn't help but to think this would be the last time I'd see my family. I wish I lived with in a normal family, a family that didn't know. That demons existed in our world, but I wasn't normal I was far from it, my father was worker for an organization known as the latory, a organized unit that captured or killed any mythical creatures that didn't belong on this earth that threatened harmed to human kind, what the organization didn't know was that my great great great grandfather signed a contract to a demon, claiming to be a spy for the them, what he possibly grand didn't realize was that the contract he made was past down the generations, my father had been a mole for years, but fled the demons and origination after learning his wife wasn't human and she given birth two two hybrids, for years we been on the run hiding, living the life as a lie posing as humans,
usually the eldest first born inherited the hunters blood and gained the hunters abilities. But because I was a hybrid I didn't have hunters blood running through my veins.
The latorie group could never know what I was. I'd be considered an abomination if they were allowed to kill me on site simply because to them I didn't belong on this earth.
With a wave of my hand I changed out four table settings to two persons. My father gave me a look of pride and nodded his apparition . We heard the sounds of the back gate being swung open and I sucked in a deep breath knowing in that instant my fate was sealed.
They strolled through the yard and sat down at our table. Like us you wouldn't have been able to tell that they weren't human. One of the demons grabbed my mother's fallen chair and put it back in its place his-large hand landed on my shoulder forcing me to sit down next to him.
I winced at his surprising strength.
The demon beside me reached over and grabbed my plate of food and started eating the mystery meat.
I could hear how over cooked it was as he chewed the food.
My father looked around the table.
"Ollie this Bruce, Alex and Jackson.
"My son knows why you're here"
"I am most certain he's defective since no powers have merged" I flinched hearing how easy it was for my father to lie.
"Defective ? The demon beside me chuckled, reaching into his pocket he pulled out some kind of herbs from a packet which made my father cry out and leap away from the table.
"No don't"
He scrunched up the herb in his hands grabbing my arm. He flipped my arm over and started spraying the herb all over my inner wrist why still clutching my arm I screamed out in pain as the herbs started to burn my flesh and disappear into my skin.
"Defective hey" the demon chuckled
"Looks like he's a pretty active,
Looking down at my wrist which was now pink from the fresh burn I noticed a symbol had been branded into my skin: a small circle with some kinda looking dagger.
"The hunters mark, your son a candidate "
It wouldn't have worked if he wasn't compatible
He clapped me on the back and I flinched from how heavy the blow was. He let go of my arm..
"Don't do this, my father begged you're sentencing my son to early death,
"Not my problem" but his fate has been sealed "
Or should I say branded" he chuckled
"Ollie, go to your room and get your emergency bag from your wardrobe my father ordered.
They will explain everything to you in the car"
Frowning I stood up I tense as the big guy beside me followed me into the house and into my room reaching I pulled out my emergency bag. The bag was full of clothes, shoes , money, debit card toiletries and canned goods. I slung the bag on to my shoulder and headed back into the yard
My father whispered an apology in my ear. I am sorry about this, but we have no choice" I tried to give you a normal life nodding. I followed the demons towards a black suv wondering what the heck I was heading towards.
The sun was setting as we drove through the windy woods that were covered in tree lines.
Reaching in my bag I grabbed out some gum.
And shoved some in my mouth. If these guys were forcing me away from my family into a fate I had no choice ,I was going to make my time with them as annoying as possible.
I grinned at the beefy dark guy sitting next to me and blew a bubble.
Pop went my gum,
Pop, pop,pop
Pop I opened my mouth to blow another bubble when the guy elbow was suddenly heading towards my face I ducked as his elbow slammed into the window.
I grinned
"You missed" no sooner had I said those words the guy lurched at me a second time I felt the sting of the hit connecting to my flesh it was hard enough to cause my head to turn.
"Who are you guys exactly ?
"We're not your concern "
"We are just paid to make sure the packages get dropped off at the right location"
"Oh so you're the lackeys, you do the scrapyard jobs, I teased
nobody who responded to me. After we drove a little more I found my patience peaking. I was never one for long card rides. I felt a grin stretch across my face
And I started looping the Phrase are we there yet?
The driver speeded up the car and turned the radio on high volume to block me out. And without any warning he slammed on the breaks.
The beefy guy beside me climbed out and yanked my door open grabbing the collar of my shirt he yanked me out of the car and threw me on to the dirt road slamming my bag into my stomach the impact cause me suck in a sharp breath the demon headed back into the car and I froze.
Seriously they weren't going to ditch me in the middle of nowhere were they? Maybe I had pissed them off too much.
I scrambled to my feet kicking dirt everywhere
"Wait, I thought I was some special packed that was suppose to be delivered"
The window was down a crack
The demon in front nodded
"You have reached your destination" he jerked his thumb behind me.
"You'll find your team in there, they out hunting"
hunting what exactly? I asked feeling a bit worried
"Not our problem we done our duty"
I swallowed glancing over my shoulder I could see a recreation park behind me that was currently closed
I looked at the fence and swallowed back a grown
Placing my bag on my shoulders the sun had gone down the park strobe lights were on so I was able to see the path that lead up to the park.
A large sign was written on the gate showing park fines for anyone in the area. After hours, I leaped up onto the fence and climbed over it with ease and decided to jump down on the other-side,
According to the demons my teammates were patrolling around here somewhere.
So I kept on the footpath and started walking listening to any sounds that might be around. I felt like I was walking for a long time when I heard the sounds of a twig snap. I jumped
"Hello" I yelled
"Anybody out here?"
"I am that super special package that's suppose to be collected,"
. It was in that moment I realized there were no sounds of park wildlife around, no sounds of insects or nocturnal animals; there was only my loud footsteps and the sound of my own breathing. I was sure the idiots who dropped me off had abandoned me to the wrong location.
I heard the sounds of a twig snapping again. No Not a twig a tree branch the sounds was coming from a tree branch above my head. Looking up I let out. A high girly scream no boy should ever be proud of as something leaped down from the trees.
It looked hideous and reeked of death it lunched for me I throat I punched whatever it was and swept my leg out causing the creature to tumble off its feet. I would have sworn the thing looked like a homeless man that was so desperate for food it turned in to cannibalism.
I took off running dogging the thing that dropped from the trees I rolled landing on my feet I decided then to get off the path and head into the woods where I wasn't so exposed.
My foot connected with something and I heard a sound I wasn't familiar with a net latched all around me yanking me up into the trees. The thing that had been chasing me leaped off the ground. I kicked at it as it tried to bite my face off.
It suddenly started twitching and then it exploded chunks of blood and dust sprayed all over me.
Ew yuck,
"Hey newbie, need a hand" a girl's voice yelled below.
It took me a moment to realize she was talking to me, trembling all over I glanced down to see her aiming a crossbow at me I shrieked. Okay it wasn't at me but at the net that was holding me hostage. Swearing as it disappeared around me and the next thing I knew I was falling smacking my head on the ground on the way down.
"Ouch" I grunted feeling the impact of the ground
It hurt everywhere.
Hi my name Kat, and that was a vampire and yes it's insides are all over your outsides. Her words slammed home of what the gunk was covering my skin scrambling to my knees. I puked out everything until my stomach was empty.
"Yes, Logan owes me twenty bucks" I heard a male voice chuckling
"It's okay newbie, first vamp explosion never ends well "
"Luke, " the girl groaned. Ooh Luke groaned second hand empath pukeage" he gripped his stomach and dry reached.
"How bout a little less tack and be more heavier on the sensitivity " she suggested,
"I got the second one,'' said a third voice coming beside me as he tapped my leg.
"Dude you reek, you need to strip so we can burn you're clothes' ' vamps tend to get a little testy when we kill part of their nest" they track the smell back to our headquarters.
"We're is West? The girl asked looking around as I scrambled to my feet a blonde headed dude appeared in my visual throwing bucket of cold water in my face,
"Hey I tried to yell but it got cut off by another down poor over my head. Opening my eyes the guy had his arms outstretched as he was controlling my own personal rain cloud.
After a couple of moments. The water turned into wind and dried me off. I was free from the demon gunk. You still need to strip " one of the guys informed me tossing my back pack in my direction he suggested I took my clothes off behind the trees for privacy so they could also burn them. I moved behind the trees and stripped my bag open. I changed into my dry clothes and spare shoes and tossed my clothes to the boy who could control the elements.
He shoved them on the ground with the snap of his fingers the clothes began to burn in a UN natural purple flames.
"My name is a Kat" the girl repeated
This Logan his brother Luke, and that's West, welcome to the team"
I shook Kats hand
"I am Ollie, I noticed that Kat checked my wrist for the hunters mark. She glanced back at her teammates and nodded. West made the clothes disappear and we headed back for the car
As it turned out that car turned out to be a black van which was owned by the twins Logan and Luke, they explained the van was the best option for them over case they needed to bring extra equipment for patrolling,
The drive to my new home was quiet. The twins were chatting a little in the front. Well more like one was chatting why the other grunted in response. Kat and West sat quietly in the back of the van looking like they were analyzing me.
I suck in a breath wondering if I needed to do small talk to break the tension, and I could help wonder if everyone was tense because of my arrival.
One of the brothers head slightly turned in my direction
"Don't worry Ollie, it's not you, we just lost a team member this morning, were all kinda dealing with that"
My mouth fell open
Can the guy read my thoughts" because if so my cover was about to be blown before we reached the house. I looked around at the weapon bags piled at my feet.
Oh shit I was so very dead.
"Whoa calm down man, I don't read thoughts, I read feelings and energy's, like right now I can sense your panicked and you feel the need to run"
"Don't worry you got this, Luke assured me you wouldn't have the hunters mark if you couldn't
I squirmed in my seat suddenly feeling horrible I rubbed my mark with my right hand, this was no birthmark like the others had gotten. I hate that my father was making me do this.
I hated that I had all these secrets bottled up I knew they would kill me, if they ever found out the truth.
I looked up realising everyone apart from the driver was looking at me with curiosity. And I must have missed someone asking me a question.
I raised my shoulder
"What I snapped and winced giving them an apologetic look. Reminding myself it wasn't their fault I was in this situation.
"Luke just asked you if you knew what you're special gift was" Kat explained, exchanging a look with West.
"My special gift?"
"Yeah Luke cleared his throat from the front of the van. We know you have the speed strength and healing powers of a supernatural hunter" but what are you're special unique abilities that you bring to the group"
"I am an empath, Logan has strength, and west controls the elements, Kat hasn't received her gift yet cause she was the newbie before you came along"
I blinked, clearing my throat. Wondering what could I possibly tell them that didn't out my secrets, my lies.
I licked my lips. Clearly my throat I studied my hands as I spoke.
"Honestly, I have no idea. My powers haven't been activated yet. I winced, wishing I was a better liar. Logan the driver slammed on his brakes and we all jerked forward. I clutched to my seat.
Logan spun around to face me.
"Seriously" he slammed his fist on the steering wheel.
"They sent out someone who's completely clueless to help us"
"This bloody fantastic, slamming into the foot petal we all jerked forward again.
"What they thinking, this the second team mate they sent untrained and powerless and who most likely get one of us killed why were trying to protect you instead of doing our job"Logan reached over and turned up the music in the van to end any more further talk about my supernatural abilities or rather lack there of.
I looked over at the girl who seemed to have been blushing crimson red. She turned her head and looked out the window.
We arrived back at the living quarters were I'd been bunking with my teammates.
I winced at the condition of the house. It looked so rough someone would believe it would be abandoned. The grass out the front was too long a white circle of salt covered the yard garden gnomes lined up along the footpath two veggie patches on either side of the front porch which had a porch swing that squeaked and groaned as it moved in the breeze.
I climbed out of the van already missing my home my family.
"Come on Ollie, I'll show you were the shower is, then will show you around and order some food"
"Luke" stop hitting on our team mate Logan groaned
Luke rolled his eyes
west smirked I noticed Kat was quiet as we made our way up to the porch I made it halfway across when my foot went through it,
"Shit, I cursed when my foot wouldn't free itself. Logan shoved past me swinging the front door open. The door came off its hinges slamming on the porch and spraying us with dust.
I coughed.
"Argh, Logan's strength tends to increase when he's angry, Kat said in an apologetic tone.
She reached down to help me free my foot but it wouldn't budge. It was seriously stuck.
"West, Luke, a little help?
"On it west bent over squatting beside me he pressed his hand on to the porch next to my foot and the wood started to burn and break away the smell of burnt wood tickling my nose. When some of the porch broke away I was able to free my foot.
"So let me show you to the bathroom, then I'll give you a tourer" Luke offered a second time why west healed the porch and moved on to fix the front door.
As we merged in side I sucked in a breath. The living room looked like time stopped in the early nineties. The wall paper looked hydrous covered in sunflowers. A old vhs and analogue tv sat in old school tv unit which was filled with videos. A purple rug coffee table in the middle twitch two recliners and a sofa.
"Um, why does this house seem like an elderly lady supposed to live here?
Kat and west exchanged a look.
"The organization sees the futures" Kat explained when they knew trouble was coming to this town. They approached the lady who use to live her and brought her out"
I had no words for that shaking my head Luke nudged me down the hallway the wall were covered in pictures of the elderly grandmother posing with her cat who looked miserable dressed in multiple outfits.
So that's Kats room"
Logan and I share this one oppersite her room to the one next to Kats is Wests room and the one on the end use to be Cody's" which is now yours. Cody was a bit of a slob, so you may want to tidy up the room.
But will get you fresh sheets and new pillow" Luke explained yanking the door open I took a step back from the smell alone. Rubbish and clothes covered the floor and the computer desk. Take out containers with half eaten food
The dude was a slob at best.
Come on I'll show you the bathroom the bathroom located to the left of your room"
Luke opened the bathroom door and explained were everything was I dumped my bag on the chair. And started to yank off my shirt when I noticed Luke was lingering in the doorway.
I licked my bottom lip wondering how to let the guy down gently.
I didn't swing his way.
"Um a little privacy" Luke seemed to blink back into reality his cheeks turned slightly pink as Logan yelled his name.
OOPS Luke mattered waving his arms he muttered an apology and left the room.
I stripped off my clothes and climbed into the shower. I hated this. Nothing good could come across spying on group of hunters.
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