Chapter 6
Thankfully as we were in a cave we weren't awoken by the sunrise and woke at a more reasonable hour. Our bodies certainly appreciated this extra rest. Lucien stoked the fire to heat it up enough to heat up some oats for breakfast. He also gave a bag of oats to our horse, patting it gently on its neck and quietly mumbling to it. We took our time eating as we were planning to stop at a village today as we discussed last night. It was still early morning when we made a move. Lucien made sure my coat was secure around me before wrapping my scarf around my neck and pulling my hat on my head.
"You will need this today, love. It is cold out there." He steps back and looks me over, smiling to himself. "You look adorable."
I find myself blushing and look down. I still don't know how to handle compliments, especially his. They make me feel warm right down to my soul. They also still make me feel shy. Lucien tied the saddle bags back on our horse before helping me up onto the saddle and settling in behind me. he wrapped his arms around me and grabbed the reins, kicking the horse to a trot to get back to the road.
"Once we reach my manor, I might start lessons on horse riding so you can enjoy your own horse. I know it doesn't seem fun at the moment, being chased and always on the move, but there is no feeling as exhilarating as riding for fun."
"Oh, I'd like that. I have read many books that involved horse riding. I have always wanted to learn." I answer, smiling at the image in my head.
"Hear," Lucien grabs my hands as we reach the road. He guides them to the reins. "Take control for a while. You will see it is easy. Keep your back straight, heals down, and a firm grip on the reins. Not too tight, but tight enough to show the horse you have control."
I follow his instructions, a thrill going through me. he continues to whisper instructions in my ear as we ride. I controlled the horse until we stopped for a rest and some lunch. By this time, I had a big smile on my face. We are a small amount of dried meat. Lucien handed me an apple to give to the horse. I made sure to keep my hand flat as he instructed, giggling when the horse's lips tickled my palm. I turned to Lucien, the joy evident on my face, to find him watching me with a soft look on his face.
It was late afternoon when we reached the village. Lucien guided the horse to a tavern, booking us a room. We were still unsure if we would stay the night, but we would definitely use the facilities. We walked towards the main square looking for a store where we could buy some warmer blankets and extra clothes, mainly for me. lucien guided me to a supplies store.
"This place will have what we need. We might even find some extra things that will help in the coming day." He explained as we entered.
We browsed for a bit, quickly finding the blankets, before he guided me to some clothes. We picked up some woolen underclothes for me as well as a high collared jumper. Lucien grabbed himself some underclothes, although he said he may not need them. We paid and made our way back to the tavern. We enjoyed a warm meal and drink before retiring upstairs and both showering and taking a nap.
In the small hours before dawn Lucien woke me, explaining it would be better to leave before anyone wakes, this way we can stay ahead of the hunters. We dressed quietly. I made sure to put on the woolen underclothes before putting my travel clothes on. I also put on the jumper knowing it will be very cold outside. Lucien once again put on my scarf and hat, and we quietly snuck down to the stables. I was right, it was beyond cold. I was standing by watching Lucien get our horse ready rocking from foot to foot trying to keep warm. Lucien turned to me once everything was ready. One look at me and his eyebrows furrowed. He had tried to prepare me for the cold, but I had no idea how cold it could be. Without a word he got out one of the lighter blankets and wrapped it tightly around me before helping me on the horse. He jumped up behind me and rubbed his hands up and down my blanketed arms trying to rub in some heat. I snuggled back into his warmth as he grabbed the reins, and we made out way out of the village unseen.
I found myself dozing once I warmed up as we moved towards the mountains. I noticed we were on an upward climb and Lucien wasn't pushing the horse as hard due to this. The higher we got the thinner the path got. We were weaving through tall mountainous hills on either side. I was looking around as the woods thinned the further we went. I found the sun didn't reach here, being covered with clouds or fog or simply behind the tall peaks. This made the temperature start dropping more.
"We will have to be very careful soon. There is a pass up ahead that has a tendency for avalanches and landslides. We should be okay, as it isn't winter yet, but we will need to keep quiet." Lucien whispered to me.
"Okay." I nodded, understanding how perilous this pass could be. One look and you could tell it was dangerous.
He guides the horse slowly through the opening of the pass. I can't help but look up at the high peaks. They look like the type that always have snow. As I am looking up I feel something fly past my ear with a whizzing sound.
"What was that?" I look around frantically before noticing something sticking out of the elevated grown in front of me.
"Hold on, we have company." Lucien says, kicking the horse into a gallop. "We will have to risk it. The idiots." Lucien growls under his breath.
I crane to look behind us to see a small group of men chasing us with what looks like a crossbow. I instantly know that these are the ones hunting us. I turn to the front to see the pass narrow to a gap barely wide enough for one person. Lucien guides us through it with ease and continues up the pass.
"When I tell you I want you to yell as loud as you can, okay?" Lucien asks me as he urges the horse faster.
"But what about the... oh, wait, I get it." I cant help but send him a devious smile. "Okay."
He smiles back at me. "Get ready love." I can see we are reaching the end of the pass. "NOW!" he yells.
I throw my head back and scream with all my might. I hear my voice echoing back and forth along the walls of the pass, then I hear a massive CRACK. Lucien slows the horse before turning us around. We see the hunters running through the pass, oblivious to the danger. I look up and see the dirt and small boulders start to fall. I look back down to the hunters. They have finally noticed something was wrong. As I watch I see a large boulder land in front of the leader and smile as the look of realisation and fear come over his face.
"BACK! MOVE BACK NOW!" he yells to the rest of the hunters.
They scramble back just as more rocks and boulders fall until the whole pass is blocked. I start laughing, all the tension releasing. Lucien soon joins me before kissing me. he turns the horse back around and continues up the path at a slower pace. The road continued to climb with mountainous peaks on both sides. After a while, the path suddenly opened up onto a plateau. I looked around, shocked at the sudden change in environment.
"We are quite close now, love." he kisses my neck but then looks up. "Although it is already starting to get dark. We may need to stop for the night one more time." I can tell he didn't like the idea. He was worried about how the cold will affect me. "Unfortunately, I don't know of any handy caves this time. But I should be able to fashion show shelter using one of the blankets."
We continued on for a little while longer. He guided the horse off the road and into the woods that had started to thicken around the path. He walked the horse deeper into the trees until we were far enough away to not be seen. We dismounted and I started to collect wood for a fire as Lucien strung up a blanket between two trees as a shelter. As I was looking for logs for the fire, I felt something cold hit my cheek. I raised my hand to my cheek but found nothing but a cold spot. I looked up and saw white flakes drifting down through the trees. I was mesmerised by the site. It took a second to realise that this must be snow. I had never seen it before. I was still staring up at the sky when Lucien found me. he gently touched my shoulder.
"You okay, my love?" he asked me. I must have looked a site standing there looking up at nothing.
"I have never experienced snow before." I whisper in explanation. He smiled gently at me.
"I wish we could have been inside so you could enjoy it while still being warm." He reached out to take the logs from me.
We walked back to our camp and Lucien started the fire. He had positioned the shelter so the open end faced the fire hoping this will help keep us warm. I was still looking around with eyes wide in wonder as Lucien heated up some food and some warm spiced tea. We sat at the fire eating and drinking. Once darkness fell the temperature dropped even more. The novelty of the snow had worn off once the cold started setting in. We moved into the shelter as the snow hadn't let up. I was trying hard to hide my shivers, not wanting to worry Lucien, but once my teeth started chattering, I couldn't hide it anymore. Lucien wrapped me in one of the warmer blankets, so I had two around me. he pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. I had never known cold like this. The snow had increased and was starting to form patches of white on the ground. Lucien kept the fire going, adding more logs. The heat of the fire reached into the shelter, but it didn't slow my trembling. We lay down and Lucien lay the last blanket over us, keeping his arms around me. I buried my face into his chest, burrowing deep into the blankets. After a while I fell into a fitful sleep. Each time I woke up trembling I could feel Lucien's worry grow. Our bond was vibrating with anxiety and worry. At some point overnight the snow had finally let up. Unfortunately, the night didn't warm up any. By the time the sun rose my muscles ached from all the shivering, but I had somehow gotten some sleep. Lucien looked like he had gotten even less sleep, and his eyes still showed his worry. He made me another cup of spiced tea. The heat of it defrosting my hands and heating me slightly from the inside. Lucien left me by the fire still wrapped in the blankets while he packed up everything and got everything ready. Once everything was ready, he returned to me and helped me up. I felt a head rush as I stood and had to take a moment to find my balance.
"Are you okay love?" he asked concerned.
"Just a head spin." I said as he adjusted my hat. "I bet I look like a burrito." I joked.
"The most adorable burrito I have ever seen." He kissed my nose. I watched as he frowned placing a hand on my forehead. "You feel a bit warm." I could hear the concern in his voice.
"Funny, I feel the opposite of warm." I send him a tired smile.
He helps me onto the horse, keeping the blankets around me before jumping up behind me. I can't stop myself from leaning back into his warmth. He guides us to the path before kicking the horse into a canter.
"We should reach the manor this afternoon then our first task is to get you warm." I nod, too tired to talk.
I feel my head spin as I close my eyes. I drift in and out of sleep as we travel the last leg of the journey. During my wakeful moments I try to take in the environment the way I had been the days before, but I find it increasingly hard to focus on anything.
"Lucien." I croak. "I don't feel well."
I feel our bond thrum with concern.
"It's okay, love. not long now and then we will get you warm again." He kisses my head.
I continue to drift in and out for the rest of the day. It is late afternoon when we reach the manor. I barely notice as we ride through the gates or when we ride down the long drive surrounded by thick trees. We arrive at the door to his manor. I am barely awake, shivering with cold, but sweating at the same time.
"Quick, grab her." I hear Lucien direct someone.
I am lifted down into someone's arms as Lucien jumps down. He takes me in his arms and walks briskly through the door.
"Call the doctor. She has caught a fever from the constant cold." He barks at someone as he stomps up the stairs. "When he arrives, send the doctor to my room. I will try to get her warm."
I feel him lay me gently on his bed and he starts unwrapping the blankets from me. he gently strips me of my cold clothes that are drenched in sweat. He redresses me in a clean, warm nightgown and places me under the covers. He walks to the door, opening it, causing me to whimper and reach for him.
"Bring in some water. We need to keep her fluids up." He tells someone outside before closing the door and coming back to my side.
"Lucien." I try to speak, only to have my voice break.
"Shh, love, everything will be okay." He soothes me, running his hand through my sweaty hair. "I'm going to take care of you. our focus is getting you all better." He kisses my forehead.
"But the hunters." I start. He shakes his head.
"They wouldn't dare attack me here." He smiles at me reassuringly.
The doctor arrives shortly after and looks me over. He gives me some tablets to take to help break the fever, telling me they will also help me sleep. He and Lucien have a conversation in that strange language, but my brain is too fuzzy to pay attention. Lucien stays by my side until the medicine takes affect and I fall into a deep sleep.
I awake the next morning feeling a lot better. I look at the window and see that the sun is already high in the sky. I look around the room, taking it in for the first time. It is a large suite style room. The bed is a large four poster bed with a rich burgundy canopy. The wood on the posts are intricately carved in vines and flowers. There is a large bay window overlooking what looks like a well-maintained garden with a large fountain. There is an open fireplace around which sits a small lounge and armchairs. There is a small table in between them and on it I find a small selection of breakfast foods. I stand up slowly, worried I might still be dizzy. Once I am steady on my feet I walk to the lounge and take a seat. I let out a sigh of relief when I see a pot of coffee. I waste no time pouring myself a large cup of coffee. I reach for one of the pastries and moan as the sugary fruit hit my tongue. I take my time eating and drinking too much coffee before I make my way into the bathroom to clean up. I find Lucien has left me a warm dress to put on and some more woolen underclothes. I smile at his considerate nature. I take a long, hot shower and get dressed. I open the bedroom door and walk into the hallway only to stop, realising I have no idea where anything is in the manor. I am standing in the middle of the hall, looking back and forth, trying to figure out which way I need to go when a staff member approaches me.
"Good morning, Miss. If you follow me, I will take to the study." She says.
"Is that where Lucien is."
The staff nods and I follow her through the manor and downstairs to the study. She knocks on the heavy wooden door, entering when she hears Lucien.
"The young Miss is awake, my Lord." She curtsies as I enter behind her.
"Thank you, can you arrange some tea for us? Thank you, Esme." Lucien asks, not taking his eyes off me.
I watch the exchange quietly. As Esme closes the door I turn to Lucien.
"You're a Lord?" I exclaim in shock. He smiles at me ruefully.
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