Chapter 10
Ok imagine Camila is singing Ryder's parts.
Camila POV
"Hey, sorry I didn't get to see you after the party. I wanted to say thank you." I say when I see Ryder handing him the Valentines card I got him.
"Uh, for what?" Ryder asks chuckling looking down at the card.
"We both know that no matter how cool Jake is he could never come up with the things he did for me on Valentines day this year.. so thank you. Marley is a very lucky girl to have you." I say as he chuckles again putting the card in his locker.
"Jake came asking for my help, he really likes you." He says and I nod looking down.
"I know, I just wanted to say thank you for helping him." I say and Ryder nods.
"No problem." He says and I wave my hand.
"I should probably be going now if I don't wanna be late for class." I say and he nods waving his hand at me.
"Hey, you wanted to see me?" I ask when I open the door and look around surprise.. is this pottery?
"Uh yeah, I wanted to talk to you about what happened on Valentines day." He says and I tilt my head.
"I lied. I didn't come up with all that romantic stuff. Ryder did, I-I didn't mean to lie. It's just that all this trust and monogamy.. it's new to me. I'm into it. I just.. I got nervous. I was trying to impress you." He says making me chuckle and walk to him extending my hands for him to take.
"If that's the case then I lied too, I knew Ryder was the one helping you because you're awesome but there's no way you could've come up with those ideas." I say making him chuckle.
"But I didn't say anything because it was so sweet that you at least tried." I say booping his nose with mine.
"So to make up for that, I came up with this on my own." He says making me giggle.
"This is not what I think it is." I say looking at him as he smiles pulling me with him.
"Oh yes it is." He says making me laugh and take a seat as he sits next to me.
"I am singing your favorite song from your favorite romantic movie." He says.
"The hunger games?" I ask playful.
"I'm kidding." I say as he chuckles and we make sure our hands are wet before we start and he starts singing. I'm completely mesmerized by his voice as he places his forehead against mine and our fingers playing with each other which made me smile looking into his eyes while singing with him. At the end of the song I let him kiss me as our hands continued to play with the pottery.
"So where exactly are we going to wash our hands?" I ask making him chuckle and kiss me again.
"I love you." He says making me smile and kiss his lips.
"I love you too." I say.
"So a guilty pleasure in music huh.." I say laying back on his bed.
"What's your musical guilty pleasure?" He asks.
"I don't know, I'm not one for old music and not one for bands either. I always just listen to popular music unless Disney songs are a guilty pleasure which everyone has or they have no childhood. And it's not like I listen to it all the time either." I say sighing.
"What about you?" I ask glancing at him.
"I listen to some Chris Brown songs." He says a little hesitant.
"I think I've listen to some of them they're not bad." I say and he chuckles.
"You don't know about him huh?" He asks.
"Only name because of some songs.. why?" I ask.
"He's not the best person." He says.
"And?" I ask not getting it making him chuckle.
"Some people don't like his music because he's a bad person." He explains.
"Well that's pretty stupid and it's called gossip. If he has talent and the songs are good I'm gonna listen to it. It doesn't matter if the person is good or bad. Plus most famous people become asses on purpose just to go against everything and rebel because they're tired of what people expect from them. And did you know that the more scandalous they are the more people talk about them? The more people talk about them, good or bad, it still means more money and more fame for them." I say making him smile and kiss me.
"I love you." He says and I look at him weird.
"Why?" I ask not getting why he would say that out of no where.
"Because you get me, you listen to what I have to say and if you don't understand me you try.. I love you for that." He says making me chuckle and look at his lips placing my hand on his cheek caressing it.
"You want to know what my guilty pleasure is?" I ask.
"What?" He asks placing me on top of his shirtless body.
"This is going to sound really I don't know geeky. But I have all the Harry Potter books and I love it.. but something I've always kept hidden and have always been too embarrassed to tell anyone is.." I couldn't say it.
"What?" He asks caressing my hips looking up at me.
"Ok.. I.." I take a long breath.
"You can tell me." He says kissing my neck.
"I like role-play.. in the bedroom.. and I think I have a spanking fetish." I say looking away from him blushing as he stops kissing me.
"I've.. I've been into it from even before I even knew what to call it." I say feeling my cheeks continue to get red as I can feel him look at me.
"Like school girl or cheerleader getting spanked before they end up having sex?" He asks and I nod slowly. Looking at him I can tell he's shocked and he's just taking in this new found information so I decided to continue.
"I often fantasize of you restraining me, tying my hands up and fuck me so hard and rough.. treating me like a princess in front of everyone but treating me like your slut when we get down and dirty... it's just-" He cuts me off by kissing me full on the lips.
"Please stop talking and let's get this start cause I'm already hard." He says making me look into his eyes before feeling his member on my thigh.. holy shit.
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