That night everyone sat laughing and sharing their favorite parts of the day. Most people liked when Natsu was actually human-like, which made me angry since they don't even seem to try and understand him. At the moment Cana was telling everyone how she loved that she won all the drinking contests, while Mira would smile and tell her she always won. Cana wouldn't give Mira the time to even consider what Mira said was the truth, rather she would lazily wave a hand and said that I was going to be lucky tonight because Natsu will take care of me.
Now I wish I could say I understood what she meant, but Natsu always takes care of me. Unless she meant it in a not so friendly way, but I don't consider it. I don't want to lose what I have with my best friend. If they think I am dense then they can think that I don't care.
"Cana? What do you even mean by that? Natsu always takes very good care of me." Many people spat their drinks and food out of their mouth, or flat out choked, as what I said was heard and processed. Cana just laughed so hard she actually fell on the floor laughing. Her slim arms wrapped around her body as she tried to control herself.
"So, Lucy, you and Dragneel sleep together," Lisanna asked. Mira was beside her in total concentration to the conversation with sparkles in her wide blue eyes. Lisanna just had a huge blush on her face as I saw her glanced somewhere.
"Only when Natsu decides to come over to Lushy's," Happy said slyly. He covered his mouth with his small paws as he seemed to hold back his laughter. Happy was sitting by the cake and picking at the fish candy on the sides. Natsu pushed me off of him as he went to get himself something to drink. From leaning against the man to sitting on my butt to the hardwood floor, not the best way to move a person. He could have just asked. I just brushed myself off and moved to a soft chair. "They loooove each othee~," Happy sang.
"I won't deny I don't love him, he is my very best friend." No one even heard me though they were talking about Natsu and I sleeping together. Though I did see Natsu move his head towards my direction.
"They sleep with each other in the same room as you, Happy?" Wakaba asked incredulously. Happy just flew behind my hair and cuddled up. A moment later I hear small little snores coming from the blue cat. The guild sighed and went back to talking.
The guild chattered about the new information they learned of and ignored me. That is such a nice feeling.
Note my sarcasm.
Being me I just listened and watched the happenings of what is going on. I noticed the big guild doors had opened to show Wendy and Carla arguing about something. They seemed a bit frazzled and irritated with the other.
They came over to me and Happy plopping themselves next to me. I saw that they both had exhausted looks and seemed more drained from any other job they would take.
"Carla you don't always have to be rude and stuck up to everyone!" Wendy said gently, but scoldingly. "Especially to kids."
"I'm merely protecting you and myself, Child." Carla snipped as he held her tail gingerly towards her chest. "Besides, those barbarians you called children kept coming at me and tried to touch me."
I cleared my throat softly gaining their attention. The two looked at me with a glare on their face, it was honestly a little scary with the deep bags under their eyes. "Perhaps you two should take a break from each other for a moment."
Wendy nodded and stormed off outside as I ran out to catch her. Carla following behind me yelling at the small bluenette. I don't even want to repeat, even in my head, what the white cat was saying. We got into the middle of a street nearby the guild, I felt a presence nearby and it didn't make me feel too comfortable. I told the girls I was going to look around the perimeter to check what it could be. Next thing I knew was I was in the water splashing about trying to understand how I got there. When I finally was able to float properly I saw a glaring Natsu, who had a smug look in his eye.
I glared back before realization hit me, I dove under water and grabbed Happy who was at the bottom of the water. When I got out I saw Natsu was gone and the strange place I was in made it harder to see if I could find him. The area was grey and it had a bunch of bubble like things floating about.
Ignoring it, though, I began to get the water out of Happy's body. I didn't care if I had to do mouth to mouth, I just want him to be okay again. It took a few tries but I was able to get Happy awake and get the water out of Happy's lungs. Once his eyes opened he leaped up and flew off in a random direction. I would have followed, but something tugged at my arm and forced a pill in my mouth.
A warmth quickly spread through my body, a warmth I didn't know was gone. I glared at the hand on my arm and followed it up to face a man in clothes that covered him protectively. On his back, there are many magical staffs.
"You look familiar," I said angrily. "Let go."
The man let go and handed me the bottle with pills. These must be the pill he put in me. "Give these to the others who are from Earthland." A look of confusion crossed my angered face, a red and black mist came from me and spread around me. "We were transported to my world, Edolas, through something called Anima."
"Anima? Edo-what," I growled. "What type of drugs did you take? Where are my friends?" He didn't answer me, he just shoved me off a floating rock. Being quick I blew fire to soften my landing. "Great now I am alone and lost in a forest."
With that I began a long trek into the woods, using my hearing and smell to help me to civilization. By the time night had fallen I was close to the exit so I decided it would be best to rest a bit before going and look for help.
Just as I was able to feel my feet again I got up, only to be attacked by soldiers.
"Let go of me." They didn't hear me. Sometimes I hate having a quiet voice. So rather than repeat myself, I just lit my body on fire. The soldiers were quick to let go of me as I made a run for it. I would have made it if someone didn't have fireproof gloves and hold me down.
I hissed in pain as I heard a group of people running towards us. Looking up in time to see I had to duck. As soon as I did I heard a body fall to the ground I knew instantly who was strong enough to knock a soldier out with a single punch.
"Natsu," I cheered and hugged him. "I'm glad we can still use magic."
"Actually we can't Miss Lucy," I heard Wendy say.
"So that's what the pill was for." I grabbed a few pills and handed them to the others. It didn't seem to work on Happy and Carla. "We need to find a place to sleep."
"We could help with that."
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