The 3-A Groupchat #2
A/N Hello again. My updates have become so random, even I don't know when I'm updating. I decided to give you all a double update, be thankful (jk)
Disclaimer: I don't own Boku no Hero Academia.
MirioMario is online
MirioMario: Hey y'all! I'm bored and Tamaki is asleep.
Chickenhearted is online
Chickenhearted: Correction. I was asleep.
[Tama-Kun_is_baee] is online
[Tama-Kun_is_baee]: I heard the call of my people.
[Tama-Kun_is_baee]: Person*
Creepy~Rein is online
Hanana_ooh_na_na is online
Hanana_ooh_na_na: I feel like we should change our usernames. It's a little hard to tell who everyone is...
Smort!Chika is online
WomanizingBastardGuy is online
RedEye_OwU is online
HatsumeIsNotMyTwin is online
KaedeKaeKatsumi is online
Smort!Chika: No.
RedEye_OwU: No.
HatsumeIsNotMyTwin: No.
KaedeKaeKatsumi: No.
WomanizingBastardGuy: YES PLEASE.
PoisonNana is online
Melty_UwU is online
Smol_Bean_Jin is online
Lazy^Metal is online
Haruto_Kei is online
Call-Me-Hina is online
BenjiroTheLevitationKing is online
ShyBookWorm is online
ThePhoneDragon is online
StretchyElastic is online
MirioMario: Did literally everyone just log on by the mere mention of name changing?
Call-Me-Hina: I swear @ WomanizingBastardGuy, If you change you user I'm coming for you.
Melty_UwU: I agree with Hana-Chan. These names are hard to decipher. If you want you can still alter your names to make it sound funny.
Melty_UwU: But please change it guys.
[Melty_UwU has changed their username to Hansuwuke_Hideaki]
Lazy^Metal: Ooo~ I see what you did there~
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: I shall be changing all of your names. I hope you don't mind!
KaedeKaeKatsumi: Wait NO!
[Hansuwuke_Hideaki has changed KaedeKaeKatsumi's username to KaedeKatsuwumi]
KaedeKatsuwumi: I don't hate it...
[Hansuwuke_Hideaki has changed Call-Me-Hina's username to Hina-Chan]
[Hansuwuke_Hideaki has changed Lazy^Metal's username to Einmei-Eitowo]
Einmei-Eitowo: You spelt my name wrong. It's actually 'Enmei'. I like it though, don't change it.
[Hansuwuke_Hideaki has changed ShyBookWorm's username to Muwurasaki_Ryuwu]
Muwurasaki-Ryuwu: Not to sound rude but...why the UwU and OwO's?
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: It's needed.
[Hansuwuke_Hideaki has changed WomanizingBastardGuy's username to Kaitowo~Chiharuwu]
Kaitowo~Chiharuwu: Better than the last one.
Hina-Chan: Hey!
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: I agree. The last one was too vulgar.
[Hansuwuke_Hideaki has changed RedEye_OwU's username to Akikowo_Akane]
Hanana_ooh_na_na: I like how no one else is complaining.
[Hansuwuke_Hideaki has changed Hanana_ooh_na_na's username to KiirowoHana]
KiirowoHana: Apologies for my rudeness but...I hate you.
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: D:
Smort!Chika: HOW RUDE. Btw can I keep my name? It has my real name in it so it's fine right?
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: Yes. @ MirioMario you can keep it too.
MirioMario: YES! Score~
MirioMario: Also, can we do this name changing shit later? I'm pretty bored ngl and I wanna play a game...
KiirowoHana: Of course!
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: Just a second...
[Hansuwuke_Hideaki has changed [Tama-Kun_is_baee]'s username to Nejireism!]
Nejireism!: Whyyyyy
Chickenhearted: It was annoying not gonna lie
StretchyElastic: Let's play truth or dare.
Kaitowo~Chiharuwu: Yes, good idea.
Haruto_Kei: Alright! Everyone who's in, say CHEESE.
Hina-Chan: Why CHEESE? Oh btw CHEESE.
Haruto_Kei: I don't know why. It just seems nice!
PoisonNana: CHEESE.
Smort!Chika: CHEESE!
Chickenhearted: CHEESE!!!!!!
Chickenhearted: Mirio did that.
ThePhoneDragon: u totes just sed CHEESE which means ur already playing
MirioMario: No backing out now! 😈 CHEESE.
BenjiroTheLevitationKing: CHEESE.
Muwurasaki_Ryuwu: CHEESE.
Nejireism!: CHEESE! I'm still mad that you changed my user. @ ThePhoneDragon Why'd you give him admin after changing the permissions?!
ThePhoneDragon: y not?
StretchyElastic: CHEESE.
Kaitowo~Chiharuwu: CHEEEEESE.
ThePhoneDragon: CHEESE
KaedeKatsuwumi: CHEESE bcuz Nanami-Chan is playing too~
Haruto_Kei: Is that all?
Creepy~Rein: We'll just watch from the shadows...
Akikowo_Akane: Yes. I hope it isn't too much of a problem...
HatsumeIsNotMyTwin: We just don't want to...risk it.
Smol_Bean_Jin: My sister is playing. I'm not risking it.
Smol_Bean_Jin: Jokes on you, I'm in the bathroom. So if you come for me now, you'll be a pervert.
Smol_Bean_Jin: HOOOO SHIT-
Muwurasaki_Ryuwu: What? Is everything okay? What happened??
PoisonNana: Are you talking about Kaede-Chan?
Smol_Bean_Jin: Who else?
Smol_Bean_Jin: HELP
BenjiroTheLevitationKing: Wait...don't you guys live in the dorms?
Smol_Bean_Jin: Yeah? How about you come and help me, maybe?
Muwurasaki_Ryuwu: Me and Fumiko-San are coming! Please wait for a bit.
MirioMario: Damn...I wish I could be of help and Tamaki don't live in the dorms :/
Chickenhearted: Nejire I'm bringing over a horror movie.
Chickenhearted: OH NO I meant to send that to Nejire!
Kaitowo~Chiharuwu: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nejireism!: ;D
Chickenhearted: No.
Nejireism!: D:
Nejireism!: Lol all jokes aside, when you be here?
Chickenhearted: In 5 minutes.
Nejireism!: Kk.
Nejireism! is offline
Chickenhearted is offline
MirioMario: So... what's the condition on the door-breaking?
Smol_Bean_Jin: Ryuu-San, Fumiko-Chan and Chikao-Kun saved me.
Muwurasaki_Ryuwu: Chikao-Kun is lecturing Kaede-Chan for damaging school property right now.
Muwurasaki_Ryuwu: Isn't he so cool?
StretchyElastic: Bruh.
Creepy~Rein: I sense a crush~
PoisonNana: C'mon guys. Leave her alone.
ThePhoneDragon: I NEED THE TEA
HatsumeIsNotMyTwin: Then go make some tea. And drink it. Bitch.
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: Please don't speak in such an ill-mannered way towards other classmates.
KiirowoHana: I second that.
Kaitowo~Chiharuwu: Are we still playing truth or dare?
Hina-Chan: I hope not.
Smol_Bean_Jin: It's 10pm. Can we please just go to sleep.
BenjiroTheLevitationKing: I agree. Also please keep in mind that if you are to damage school property, you will have to pay for the damages.
KaedeKatsuwumi: I'm too broke to afford it T-T
BenjiroTheLevitationKing: Your fault.
MirioMario: Goodnight everyone!
Muwurasaki_Ryuwu: Goodnight!
Creepy~Rein: Tamaki still ain't back yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Creepy~Rein is offline
Hina-Chan: This is Reina. Hinata logged me off so I stole her phone.
PoisonNana: Why though?
Hina-Chan: Just to say goodnight. And that there'll be 3x the jumpscares tonight because Hinata logged me off.
StretchyElastic: DAMMIT HINATA
Hina-Chan: It's Hina again. Goodnight.
Hina-Chan is offline
PoisonNana: Well then, goodnight everyone!
PoisonNana is offline
MirioMario: Wait oof I forgot to log off.
MirioMario is offline
Muwurasaki_Ryuwu: Oh no, me too!
Muwurasaki_Ryuwu is offline
StretchyElastic: G'night
StretchyElastic is offline
KiirowoHana: Welp goodnight!
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: Wait Hana-Chan.
KiirowoHana: ?
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: Please don't hate me :(
KiirowoHana: Okay!
Hansuwuke_Hideaki: Goodnight everyone!
KiirowoHana is offline
Hansuwuke_Hideaki is offline
ThePhoneDragon: I sense another couple
ThePhoneDragon: night peeps
ThePhoneDragon is offline
KaedeKatsuwumi: Goodnight!
KaedeKatsuwumi is offline
Akikowo_Akane: Goodnight everyone!
HatsumeIsNotMyTwin: Goodnight y'all
Smol_Bean_Jin: Goodnight.
Akikowo_Akane is offline
HatsumeIsNotMyTwin is offline
Smol_Bean_Jin is offline
A/N Let's just say everyone said goodnight and logged off -_-
These are just some funny moments between the 3-A class that still doesn't exist canonically. (yes that is a word)
Bye! I'll update soon, hopefully -_- ~yeetmeetfeetdelete
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