Happy New Year!
A/N Hey I'm back guys. I actually got back yesterday but I was too busy flexing my new iPad to my big bro. He gets a £200 watch and I get a £400 iPad :D. Hell yeah! Anyway happy new year guys, my new years resolution is to finish this story in less than 2 years. On with the fluff!
Disclaimer: My Hero Academia is not mine!
Tamaki paced around the room in slight panic. Let me explain the situation to you.
Last year at exactly 12:00am 1st of January, Tamaki and Nejire became a couple. There's currently only a week before New Years, which means that there's only a week before their 1st year anniversary. And -you guessed it- Tamaki has no idea what to get Nejire.
'Nejire is absolutely unpredictable! That makes this whole thing 500x harder than it was before... maybe I should ask Mirio?'
Yup he was panicking. Asking Mirio what type of present Nejire would want was absurd.
'Or maybe I could ask Mirio to ask Nejire what type of present she would like? That's a great idea! Great job Tamaki. And now you're praising yourself. Woo-hoo.'
Ever since Nejire and him got together, Tamaki has shown more confidence in himself since he has Nejire cheering him on.
Making his mind up, Tamaki stopped pacing around his room and marched down to Mirio's room. (A/N In all of my stories -apart from Chapter 3- Mirio and Tamaki will share a house because they don't have much money and decide to share a house, Mirio's room is downstairs while Tamaki's is upstairs.)
"The doors unlocked Maki! (A/N Mirio's personal nickname for him.)" Tamaki heard Mirio's muffled voice and kicked open the door... literally.
"Maki what the actual fu-" Tamaki cut Mirio off by saying:
"INeedYouToDoAFavourForMe" Tamaki said it so quickly it sounded more like 'I neech chu toa doe ah fovor frr meh'
Mirio blinked. Tamaki blinked. Mirio blinked again.
"Okay what?" Mirio raised his eyebrow, breaking the comical silence.
"I said, I need you to do a favour for me." Tamaki replied in a slower and more understandable tone.
"Of course I will! Let me guess, you want me to ask Nejire what she wants as a gift because you have no idea what to get her." Mirio stated.
"How did you-" Now it was Tamaki's turn to get cut off.
"Bros always know what the other is thinking Maki. Honestly. Anyway I promise to get your answer by Friday!" Mirio told Tamaki in a teasing tone.
"F-Friday?! But Friday's in 2 days! How will you get Nejire's opinion by Friday? You know how stubborn she is..." Tamaki exclaimed, not expecting it so soon, since today was indeed -Wednesday.
"Well you need the weekends to get her the gift since New Years is on Tuesday." Mirio mentioned while rolling his eyes at his best friend's forgetfulness.
"Bu-" Tamaki was once again cut off. Poor child.
"Oh~ look at the time. It's already 10:38pm. We need to get up nice and early for training tomorrow so off to bed Maki!" Mirio voiced in a motherly tone.
Tamaki rolled his eyes at his ''brother's'' antics and walked to the -now broken- door and fixed it before walking out.
Tamaki heard a repetitive knock on his door and immediately knew who it was.
"Mirio, what does she want?" Tamaki asked while opening the door.
"She said she wants a...a...an animal keychain......But she also said that she wants some jewellery too!" Mirio stuttered out as he stepped inside their house.
"Alright then! I'll get some jewellery for her and you can get an animal keychain." Tamaki said after thinking for a bit.
"Please explain to me why I need to get her something." Mirio asked while raising his eyebrow.
"Well you did ask her right? Won't it be weird if you ended up not getting her anything?" Tamaki questioned.
"Yeah you're right...welp bye Tamaki I have to go check on Eri-Chan!" Mirio waved a goodbye as he walked out of the house, this time actually taking his keys.
||||~~~~||||~~~~Monday (11:50pm)~~~~||||~~~~||||
So Tamaki is doing exactly what he was doing when we started the one-shot; pacing around the room. Except this time Mirio is with him to support the frantic boy.
"Miriooooo what if Nejire doesn't like the gift I got her?" Tamaki asked, again.
"Dude! That's the 57th time you asked me that! And yes I did count." Mirio facepalmed at how nervous the boy was.
"Look, Tamaki. She's going to love the gift you got for her. It's Nejire we're talking about, you know she'll love any gift that comes from the heart." Mirio calmed Tamaki and put a hand on his shoulders.
Tamaki smiled softly but gratefully.
"Thank you so much, Mirio." Tamaki whispered.
"TAMA-KUN OPEN THE DOOOOOORRRR!!!!" And you know who that was right?
"Nejire there's a key under the mat." Tamaki sighed. Ok his nerves were bundled again.
'But no joke...what if she doesn't like it?'
Mirio, sensing Tamaki's thoughts, put a hand on Tamaki's shoulder and gave one of his infamous big smiles.
Tamaki instantly calmed down and turned his head as he saw Nejire enter their house.
"Tama-Kun~ look what I got for you~!" Nejire sang in a cheerful tone.
"Nejire you have to wait until New Years starts. Don't tell me you forgot." Tamaki held his hand out in a stop motion teasingly.
She puffed her cheeks out in an adorable manner before taking out her phone.
"Hey guys~ let's do a countdown to New Years!" She said while showing them her phone, which showed a countdown for New Years.
They all grinned at eachother.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" They all screamed in unison (yes even Tamaki).
"Tama-Kun, Mirio-Kun, look at what I got you! Please?" Then Nejire did what the boys called her biggest weapon; the puppy dog eyes.
"Alright alright, I'll go first ok?" Mirio took the yellow box and opened it to see-
The manga: Prison School.
"NO WAY, NEJIRE THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'VE WANTED THIS FOR SO LONG THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" Mirio screamed while squeezing her in a hug. Of course, Nejire squeezed back just as hard.
"Alright you're welcome Mirio, anyway your turn Tama-Kun!" Her eyes lit up in excitement as Tamaki took the black box.
Tamaki opened the box and what he saw...made him tear up.
Inside there was a ring. But not just any ring.
The ring was silver and was moulded into a butterfly at the top with intricate designs.
"Nejire I-I don't know how to thank you...I-" Tamaki's voice cracked.
"Tamaki...why are you crying?" Nejire asked in concern.
Tamaki suddenly hugged Nejire out of nowhere.
"I'll just leave the room for a bit." Mirio was starting to feel a little awkward standing there while his friends were having a...'moment'.
"God damn it Nejire. I love you so much. Thank you, this present means the world to me." Tamaki purred into her ear. (A/N No this is not turning into a lemon, this story is for all aged readers.)
"I guess you like the present then? I know you love butterflies." Nejire smiled while hugging her boyfriend back.
They finally let go after what seemed like 1,000,000 years, but it was only 1 minute.
"Rio, (A/N Tamaki's personal nickname for Mirio.) me and Nejire are done with our moment!" Tamaki called out to Mirio who had been waiting in his room.
Mirio came bounding down the stairs with 2 boxes in hand, a dark blue one and a baby blue one.
"Maki, my bro, open this." Mirio said with a grin.
Tamaki took the gift and unwrapped it. Once again he was amazed.
"Woah. Just woah." Tamaki muttered as he saw the once again intricate designs of a butterfly. Except this time the butterfly was on a keychain. And on the keychain there was also the letter T, for his name.
"Thanks Rio, really." Tamaki gave one of his genuine smiles.
"No prob man! Here Nejire! Open yours." Mirio beamed as she took the present.
"Oh what's this, what's this?" She asked while shaking it. Before any of the two men could answer she ripped the paper apart and marvelled at the cute thing in her hands.
"AWWWW IT'S SO CUTE!" Nejire screamed while staring at the pink bunny keychain. The bunny was holding a cup of tea.
"Arigato!!!!!" Nejire said as she squeezed Mirio, much like when Mirio got the Prison School manga.
(A/N I was actually planning on ending it off here and doing two parts of this but then I was like 'then it won't be a one-shot' so I continued for you guys :])
"Alright Maki time for you to give your gifts." Mirio smirked as he saw Tamaki gulp. Looks like Tamaki was nervous all over again.
Tamaki took out two wrapped boxes, a light blue one and an orange one.
"Here Rio, hope you like it." Tamaki said as he handed threw the box at Mirio.
Mirio quickly caught the box and opened it. Inside he saw a joke book. One with a dark green cover. It looked pretty simple but Mirio was still well-beyond pleased.
"Gee thanks bro, looks like you're supporting me on my dream to be a comedian." Mirio joked.
"Right, right, u-uh yeah N-Nejire here's the present." Tamaki said while handing the box over.
"Why are you stuttering so much, Tama-Kun?" Nejire asked while tilting her head.
Tamaki just shook his head and Nejire took it as a cue to start opening the gift.
'The dude is drowning in his own nerves, isn't he?'
The men watched as Nejire opened the gift, one more anxious than the other.
They then heard a loud gasp from Nejire.
"Oh my god. Tamaki, how much did this cost?!" Nejire asked in awe as she held up the gift.
"*sigh* 120,000 yen. (£841.92/$1,105.44)" Now both Nejire and Mirio gasped.
"T-That much...for me? No wonder it'~s so beautiful." Nejire commented, looking at the silver heart pendant with the words 'I Love You' on them.
"Open it, there's a picture inside." Tamaki said, glad that Nejire liked his present.
Inside was a picture of their first date.
Nejire's eyes started watering and she ran to hug Tamaki. Mirio had a serene smile on his face.
'Told you she would like it, and you two,
Have a Happy New Year.'
A/N Guys this took sooo long, honestly I've never written something so long before. This is 1,786 words long. I started writing this at 1pm and right now it's 6pm. Like damn! Anyway as I said in the one-shot, I'll be making another chapter tomorrow that will have all the pictures in it since I couldn't put the other ones in there. Anyway Happy New Year guys!
I also managed to get all the pictures in here so oop-
~EDITED~ by yeetmeetfeetdelete
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