Where am I? Ashley gazed around her surrounding, it was familiar. A picture frame of Ash when she was younger and her good friend sat on a desk; untouched.
I'm in Ren's office.
The air was fuzzy and grey except for the black outfit and red coat she was wearing, yet she had no recollection of owning it.
Ren stood at his empty desk with his regular suit and black coat, gazing out the window as fluffy snowflakes drizzled against the frosted glass. The aura around them was a cold and gloomy one; as if there was a draft coming in from a hidden crack in the window.
"Why?" Ren spoke, without turning his back to her.
A tiny whisper escaped Ashley's mouth. "What?"
"Why didn't you follow the rules?"
Knowing exactly what he meant by that she had no answer. It was as if her throat closed up and was unable to speak.
"You were supposed to protect them!" He yelled, finally snapping his head to her, showing his steely grey and angry eyes that were devoided of any warmth.
Ash dared to ask. "What...what happened to them?"
"Just wake up and do better." His voice came out in a muffled mumble she could not hear him properly it was as if a television playing static was screaming in her ears.
"What?" Her own voice coming out soft and distorted, as the space around her glitched.
"I said wake up!"
Ashley's eyes snapped open and found herself in the limo with the guys and her head resting on a shoulder.
The substance and low-pitched of Taehyung's voice laid her back to reality. "Have a good nap?"
"What happened?"
Namjoon carefully turned and held her face to examine it for any injury. "You tell us, we found you passed out in your seat,"
"I guess I was just really tired," She rubbed her dry eyes.
A wave of relief passed over her. Thank God they're alright.
"Does this mean you will be too tired to go clubbing with us now?"
She paused, her hand still covering her eye, her stomach dropped as the events of her dream came to the surface.
"Clubbing?" She simply inquired.
"Yep! we got invited to a club here in L.A!" Jhope cheered waving his arms in the air.
Why didn't you follow the rules?
Ju... wak... up a... d... better.
Something in her stomach churned at the thought, her gut told her this wasn't right.
"Who invited you to the club?"
"Minseo the sound producer."
Her eyes widen and she was fully awake now.
She had to stop them from going. "I don't think that's a good idea,"
They all turned in surprise. "Why?" RM asked. "It seems like a good idea to let out some steam."
Because I had a premonition of danger.
Please don't go! It's not safe...
"I just think it's late and a little sketchy..."
"Oh come on it will be fun! I haven't been to a club in so long I'm exciting to go!"
"But what will Daejung think? I would assume he will say no to you all going to a night club so late."
"Don't worry I already convinced him,"
What the hell Daejung! The one time I need you to be strict you pull this bullshit on me!!??
Exiting out of the car RM told the driver to pick them up in an hour. While Ashley was having a mental breakdown out about the idea.
Swallowing the lump in her throat she pulled Jimin's shirt, pausing him from unlocking their room door.
"I really don't think you guys should go,"
He spun around to face her. "Why is that?"
"I don't trust her,"
"Her? You mean Minseo?"
"Hmm," smirking he held her chin up with his thumb and index finger when his naughty eyes gleaming into hers.
"Are you perhaps..." He narrowed his eyes to the side than slyly back to her, his thumb rubbed slow circles on her lower lip, pulling it gently as he did it.
Ashley swallowed hard, his words and touch were making it difficult for her to breathe and think. She felt irritated that Jimin won't listen to her and even more annoyed that he thought she was jealous of Minseo.
In what universe?
Capturing the tip of his thumb, she swiftly bit down, not hard enough to leave a mark but rough enough to hurt. Jimin's proud face grimaced, he let her go.
"Do what you want!"
I can't believe he has the guts to do that out in the open.
"Ugghhh!!" Ashley stormed into her room and ripped the dress off her body, ran to the closet and pulled out the other outfit she bought with the dress. There was no way she was letting them go by themselves, so as the saying goes; if you can't beat em, join em.
For spite, Ashley was going to make Jimin forget about that girl and make his deep desirable thoughts be consumed with imagines of Ashley.
Ash slithered in the tight skirt and stockings, securing the thigh clip that hugged her exposed skin. And her white crop top. She pulled out the black ankle booties she had bought from home and looked in the mirror.
"W-wow," She inspected her body, with a gasp from her lips followed by an evil chuckle, she gave herself two thumbs up.
An hour had passed and right on time the driver showed up, the gang arrived about to get in the car. Still, no sign of Ashley coming, Hoseok looked around and asked.
"Is Ashley really not coming?"
"I don't know, she seemed really upset about us going,"
A muscle in Jimin's jaw tighten, the situation with him and Ashley was not on good terms. He disliked not having her around and he figured tonight would suck without her there.
"You guys getting in?" The driver called from his seat. Jimin was about to make a 180, he was worried about Ashley however he was grabbed by the arm and dragged into the limo by an excited Hobi.
"Yeah!" They all jumped in and with the last shot of the door, they were ready to leave when the door opened and a head popped in.
"Any room for one more?" Ash asked giving a half-smile.
"Ash! Yes, come on in!"
"Thanks," She slid in, carefully plopping down.
"What is God's name are you wearing?" Namjoon exclaimed peering up and down her exposed body. It wasn't dark since the light in the back seat was on, clearly exposing Ashley's outfit for criticism.
"What? It's called fashion,"
"Barely, there is hardly anything on you,"
"I know,"
"It's cute!" Taehyung grinned happily.
"Thank you, Tae, finally a man with taste," She teased.
"Hey, I think it looks great too!" Hoseok said. "Though I wouldn't be one hundred per cent on board if my girlfriend wore that out of the house." He scratched his neck nervously.
"And why did you decided to wear this number?"
"To prove a point,"
"This wouldn't have anything to do with Jimin, right?" Namjoon whispered.
While everyone was having their own separate conversations Jimin was having an internal conflict of his own. Not once. Not even for a second did Ashley gave Jimin the time of day. She didn't even look at him. But he looked at her. In fact, he found it hard to stop flicking his eyes to her entire form.
The way she wore that outfit was pure sin, especially the heart shape thigh clip embracing her creamy skin. Throwing his head back he sank his teeth into his lower lip in an attempt to discard the lascivious thoughts.
He traced the bruised skin on his neck hidden under the black choker as a ghost of a smirk appeared on his lips. A trivial thing as a hickey might be nothing to an ordinary person, however, he was anything but ordinary.
Indeed, he was an idol, a hugely successful one, if the media gets to find out about the kiss mark it would be a scandal. He may have to wear the choker for a few days and some turtlenecks, all thanks to this sly girl.
The idea of Ashley having the upper hand on him makes him want to add some colour to her skin in the centre of the heart shaped thigh clip.
"Ah I didn't get to tell you guys what an incredible performance you did tonight," She spoke.
"Thank you! Yah it was so surreal. What did you like about it?" Hobi asked.
Jimin studied her as she tilled her head and gazed out the window as she observed the moving scenery she smiled, shifting the weight she crossed her uncovered smooth legs.
"I liked the emotions in the song it really shined through in the performance. It was so..." She paused and traced her fingers along with the cool metal of the heart shape thigh clip.
The drop on her sweet voice rang in his ears, prickling his skin with goosebumps. Combing his fingers through his hair he sighed in concealed frustration.
This girl...
They arrived at club 'Sugar Water' it was more or less a standard club with a bar, a huge dance floor and a few lounge chairs at the upstairs and downstairs part. The whole room was lit with a pink-blue light that added to the sticky atmosphere of people riding out their highs to the booming electronic music.
Ash was extra vigilant taking in all her surroundings and people around her. They were all at the bar getting drinks when the one person she didn't want to see, popped up.
"Hey, you guys actually came!" Minseo grinned widely, side hugging Namjoon.
Joon, sweetie I'm so sorry.
"Of course, this place looks so fun,"
"Right?! We should..." Her words were cut short when she spotted Ash looking at her. Minseo's expression hardened at her and scanned her body. Ash rolled her eyes and focused her attention on the bar.
She gave a half-smile. "I see you brought the translator with you,"
Ashley's poker-faced was replaced by a hardened expression. "Yes wherever they go, I go."
Minseo flipped her hair showcasing her bright purple glittery neck and cleavage.
"Wow that must be stifling for you guys," She sneered as she rested her hand on Jimin's shoulder.
Snaking an arm around Minseo's waist, Jimin shot Ashley a dirty look. "Not really, Ashley is like a naughty kitten you have to watch at all times or else she can get herself into a lot of trouble,"
The corner of Ashley's mouth quirked up, she was about to revert but Minseo got there first.
"I love this song! Let's go dance!" She pulling Jimin away to the dance floor.
Ash gritted her teeth and slammed her fits against a high table, rattling the emptied martini glasses.
Well played, Park.
The two disappeared among the sea of dancing bodies and Ash needed a drink. Preferably an apple juice box.
"Listen, kid, no ID, no drinks, that's the rules," The mean-looking bartender said when wiping a whiskey glass.
"What's the problem here?" Ash asked the man who was having a staring competition with Jungkook.
"Your friend here doesn't have an ID so I can't give him alcoholic drinks,"
"Jungkook, he just wants to see your id for you to order something," Ash translated for him in case Kook didn't understand what the bartender asked.
"I know...I forgot it in the hotel!" He whined. "This sucks,"
"Oh don't worry i- Jungkook look!" Ash grabbed his arm and pointed at a menu displaying two yummy looking pictures of milkshakes.
"Chocolate- strawberry milkshake!" Ashley beamed excitingly while Jungkook laughed and nodded his head.
"Bartender, two milkshakes please!"
"That I can do," He smiled and pulled out two milkshake glasses and proceed to make them.
Jungkook and Ash were practically drooling over the chocolate and pink treat topped with a juicy strawberry that neatly sat in from of them.
"Ah who needs alcohol when you have milkshakes," Ashley happily indulged in her drink.
Jungkook popped the berry into his mouth, licking his whipped creamed stained finger. "You got a point there,"
Everything was going smoothly up until she had remembered the mission. Spinning around in the bar stool, she searched for the rest of the members. From her seat, she spotted all of them.
Jhope and V and Jin were on the dancefloor giving the people around them a run for their money, while RM and Suga sat at the lounge talking to a group of people. And beside them was Jimin and Minseo in the lounge area sitting on the couch talking while Minseo was so close to him; she was practically sitting on his lap.
Minseo was wearing an eye-catching purple pants and a white spaghetti strap top so Ash was a little at ease that she wasn't wearing a short dress or skirt like herself. Still, it pissed her off.
Ashley was fuming, but why though? Was all this rage just jealousy? He is a grown man he can choose to do whatever he pleases. Ashley's job was to assist in language translating. That was it.
If he wants to let a purple dinosaur sit on his lap, then that's his decision.
"Who comes to a club and drinks chocolate milkshakes?" A taunting voice whispered in her ear.
"What!?" Ash snapped her head to the voice and instantly recognized the person. Who could forget those tattooed sleeves, ocean-deep blue eyes, and chiselled jawline?
"Ah, it's you..."
"Sam," He smiled and once-over her body. "How lovely to see you too,"
Jimin, being the kind and polite man he is, couldn't refuse to dance with Minseo, but sitting on his lap was too much. It was getting to be a hassle to talk to Minseo, she clearly displayed signs she likes him, however, he didn't want to lead her on.
Bored of her conversations his eyes started to wander across the room, and to his pleasure found his roommate, yet that second of spark was gone and replaced with something else. She was preoccupied with a guy. Laughing, she tucked her hair behind her ears. Jimin gnashed his teeth when the mystery man's face shifted to Jimin's view.
His eyes bored holes as the man from the street casually placed his hand on her thigh, while smiling; Ash didn't seem to mind how he rubbed his tattooed finger inside the heart-shaped thigh clip teasing her smooth skin. With knitted eyebrows and clenched fits, he was about to confront them when Minseo launched herself on his arm.
"What a slut," she shrilled bitterly in his ear. "I mean what even is she wearing? I'm not surprised she would allow a stranger at a bar to do that to her,"
"I'm gonna kill her," Jimin hissed, standing up Minseo rushed to block his way. Minseo's scrunched up her face at her failed attempt to make Jimin forget all about Ash. Now it was time to get desperate.
"Wait! Calm down. Have a drink with me that will help you," She tugged on his arm to follow her.
Jimin's jaw tightened while had eyes grew sharper as the image of some guy touching Ashley in that manner. He didn't know why he was feeling the way he was. It was a mix of anger, annoyance and...hurt.
"Is he looking?" Ashley asked Sam as he glanced over to Jimin, he swore he could see a vein popping in his neck.
"Yep! Totally about to come over here and beat the living daylight out of me,"
"Really?" Ash arched her right brow in amusement. Shortly after Ashley got acquaintance with Sam she asked him for a sneaky favour which involved some touchy-feely situations to annoy a Mr. Park Jimin. Sure it was blatant and some might even say a shameless thing to let someone do to you but she trusted Sam. Let's just say Ashley has a great judge of character.
Plus she needed to return to favour to Jimin.
Resting his hand on his chin, he simpered. "Yeah, damn you are a wild girl, whatever he did to get you this mad; this outfit alone is absolute payback."
She gave a lopsided grin. "Well...thanks for the extra push anyway,"
"Ash help me out here!" Jungkook yelled beside her she turned to see two women touching his chest and shoulders trying to chat up a very terrified Jungkook.
"Sorry ladies, but he's off the market."
"Oh, that's no fun!" The one with blonde highlights protested.
While the other on in a short black dress insisted. "Come have a good time with us! We'll take care of you."
Ashley was about told them to leave the boy alone when Sam swang his arms around the girls' waists.
"How about i take care of you instead," He smiled and winked at Ash before leaving with the awestruck girls.
"He's so cool!"
"He is," Ashley waved and giggled following their back into the lounge section. Then her vision focused on Minseo struggling to hold Jimin's body, forcing him to a back room with a red curtain.
Her instincts kicked in and she jumped up from the barstool, knocking it over in the process.
"Jungkook!" She alarmed the boy to follow her as she sprinted to the lounge.
Bursting through the curtain, Ash and Jungkook were met in a red-lit with a rose petal covered bed and aside the decorative bed was an ice bucket with champagne.
Ash's face twisted. "What is this?"
"Ash! There!" Jungkook pointed to two struggling bodies existing door in the corner.
Ashley grabbed Minseo's shoulder roughly, causing her to halt and lose her balance.
"What the hell are you doing to him?" She snarled and took in the sight of Jimin. He looked ill, it may be from the poor lighting but he did not look himself. The colour was almost drained from his face as beats of sweat stuck to his forehead while his eyes were half shut.
"None of your business!" Minseo pushed Ash into Jungkook, catching her swiftly.
"Are you okay!?"
"Yeah, I'm good, come on we have to get Jimin out of here," she said, Jungkook nodded.
Minseo hurried to carry Jimin's limp form but was completely stopped when she was tugged right from under him and onto the hard tiled floor, while Jungkook caught Jimin's falling body.
"Fuck you it's not of my business!" Ashley yelled, a satisfied smirk formed on her lips when Minseo hit the floor.
Jungkook put Jimin's hand over his shoulder and called for Ashley. "Let's get out here!"
"Get Jimin out, I'll look for the members."
Adrenaline was pumping through her veins as she ran through the crowded dance floor in search of the guys. Her mind was overthinking every possible outcome and none of them was good.
She only hoped Jimin was okay.
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