The Dare- part 1(Loki)
I'm just going to create one of each (Loki x Reader and Tom x reader) for now, just to give a sample of my writing. This is my first time writing one shots, so don't kill me if this goes astray and feel free to make requests on plots in the comments!
xoxo Astra
1st person
"TONY!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, a battle cry and a warning to Mr. Stark.
Storming out of my room, my hair dripping wet and my body wrapped in a towel, I set off to kill Tony. I didn't care if I had lost the bet, I was DONE with his shenanigans and Tony was about to have a date with my fists. As I rushed through the halls of the Avengers' tower everyone made a path for me, fear bubbling in their eyes, making me laugh.
"Tony Stark!! You have officially gone too far with these pranks!!" I yelled at him when I entered his office.
"It looks like you lost, (l/n)" Tony smirked, his eyes wandering my almost naked body that was covered by a mere towel, like the pervert he was.
I clenched my jaw shut, so as I didn't make my suffering any worse than it already was. Oblivious to Steve and Clint standing in the corner snickering, I growled at Tony as he threw a school uniform(of sorts) at me.
He chuckled loudly at the anger bubbling off of me, "Meet me in the break room after you get changed, (Y/n)..."
I turned on my heel, my new outfit for the week clutched in my fist and with the other hand I flipped Tony the middle finger. As I stalked out of Stark's office, I headed back to my room, my hair completely dry already. Once I was in the room I stripped the towel off of my body, sliding the black leggings over my hips and buttoning a tight white shirt around my slim body. The next garment was a silver, green and black plaid skirt that unfortunately stopped about 1/2 a foot above my knees and was complete with a silver belt.
I can't believe that asshole...
I thought,
He's trying to get me flustered around the God of Mischief, Tony's trying to provoke Loki by using me...
The situation would have been so much better if Loki still had remained in his prison cell on Asgard, but nooo, Thor had to bring him to come stay in the Avengers' tower. That was my problem. Loki. I got hyper aware of every position of every single hair on my head my I was around him and I skirt this short was bound to get him looking. I mean everyone says that Loki admires me, he watches me when I'm not looking his way.
Creepy is what I say.
But still. I get really flustered around the God and I didn't know why. Finally, I was finished putting on my outfit, so I headed downstairs to the breakroom, where basically all the guys stood, watching me.
Thor, Steve, Tony, Clint, Dr. Banner....
3rd Person
Tony's mouth hung agape a little bit and (Y/n) smirked, winking teasingly,
"You like what you see...?" She giggled uncomfortably and Tony smirked,
"Hell, (Y/n), I wouldn't mind if you got in my bed right now..."
This earned a glare form (Y/n) and Tony walked back to his office laughing, Dr. Banner soon following along with Clint. Now it was only her Thor and Steve. Steve raised his eyebrows and chuckled, making himself some coffee.
1st person (again)
Suddenly, I could feel another pair of eyes on me, and not just Thor's. Spinning around, the edges of my skirt lifted upwards, making me thankful to have leggings on underneath. However, my heart stopped when I realized who was bearing a hole in my skull.
It was Loki.
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